Feb 16, 2016

Remove Backdoor.Adwind!g1 Virus

My son installed a game on my computer last night. This morning, as soon as I booted my computer, I got warnings from my antivirus tool, Norton. The report said that Backdoor.Adwind!g1 and other threats were detected on my system. WHAT IS THAT? Norton seems to remove this Trojan completely. But when I restarted my computer, it came back again. Any ideas?

Description Of Backdoor.Adwind!g1 Trojan:

Backdoor.Adwind!g1 is known as a malicious backdoor Trojan which can be changed into different variants and circulated for a long time. This Trojan will become a great threat to all computers running windows system, such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Vista, XP and Windows 10 and so on. This Trojan is created by the malicious computer hackers in order to hacker computer users who is innocent on computer security. Once your computer got infected by this malicious Trojan, which will be a big disaster for you. Once installed, this Trojan has the ability to run itself at your background as soon as you boot your computer and then bring lots of unwanted stuff into your desktop. It can drop its copies and vicious codes like adware parasites, worms, malware and spyware to the system, in order to dig into your computer deeply. Due to this Trojan, your computer may work so weirdly and slowly. Backdoor.Adwind!g1 is a definitely unwanted program which brings you destructive damages. If you detect it on your computer, you should take immediate action to get rid of it as soon as you can.

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Published by on February 16, 2016 6:15 am

Feb 15, 2016

How to unlock your mac if it says your mac has been locked for security reasons call this number

Yesterday, I was browsing for New Year gift for my younger sister on Safari. What a hell! After I clicked on a link, I got a pop-up window saying that “your mac has been locked for security reasons”. What is that? I was asking to call the listed number for tech support so as to unblock my browser. Should I call that number? I couldn’t exit out that page. No matter what I was doing on that page, the page was remained without any change. What should I do? How do I get rid of this page? Please help!

More Information About “Your mac has been locked for security reasons call this number” Pop-up On Safari:

With the rapid development of high technology, cyber criminals find their ways to hack computer system around the world. Recently, more and more people have reported that they kept receiving pop-up notifications saying that ‘your mac has been locked for security reasons’. Once you got this notification appeared on your safari screen, you will be asked to call their free toll. It said that if you want to get rid of this malicious scam virus and then fix your mac computer, you have to call that number and then pay for a fine they asked. It may tell you that this fine is asked by the “real” police. If you don’t pay for it, the “real” police will come to your house and then get you to the jail. Is that true? Of cause not! This is a JavaScript scam virus which only hacked your Safari, the default web browser for iOS devices. This pop-up is a malicious scam virus. You should know that even through you call that number for tech support, it does nothing help to remove this virus. But it will cause you to lose your money just in a sec. Anyway, once you see this pop-up virus on your Safari, do not call that number, but take immediate action to get rid of it as early as possible.

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Published by on February 15, 2016 6:31 am

Feb 14, 2016

Usawindowsrepair.info Virus Removal Guide

Need help. Usawindowsrepair.info says my computer has been damaged by the trojan virus. I don’t agree with that because I didn’t do anything wrong, like downloading trojan or installing malicious program. It tells that I can remove the virus by calling 1-800-378-XXXXX. I don’t believe the alerts because it seems fake. Help me get rid of it please.

What is Usawindowsrepair.info?

Usawindowsrepair.info is a certain website. And it also is a kind of virus which is supported by the adware. It can infect Internet Explorer, Firefox,Chrome and other browsers.It will keep displaying some alerts after the users install the malicious software fortuitously. It says that you need to take action to fix the problem, like calling the phone number or clicking on the links provided by the virus. For further evil purpose, it pretends to act as a security program and tricks you into purchasing something. Actually, it’s a rogue computer program. It reports non-existing computer virus threats and does not allow you to get rid of it completely. That will put the user into a panic surely and make them purchase its fake security product by using the credit card or other online payment tools. As a matter of fact, Usawindowsrepair.info will definitely ruin your PC instead of protecting it. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on February 14, 2016 2:50 am

Feb 13, 2016

Fake Global-support-assistant.com Pop-up Alert Removal

Does “Global-support-assistant.com” pop-up appear on your web browser frequently and freeze your Internet? Is this alert real or fake? Are there tons of pop-ups on your PC that keep interrupting your online activities? Is your homepage suddenly changed to a weird website without your permission? If you are wondering why you are suffering these issues, this article will give you an answer and provide you an effective way to fix it completely.

“Global-support-assistant.com” Pop-up Description:

“Global-support-assistant.com” pop up is a misleading message that can be added on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome without any permission. It is associated with adware, browser hijacker or potentially unwanted programs which usually install packaged with other software – especially free programs and downloads such as TV shows, music or movies. This pop up disguises as a legitimate system alert warning you that suspicious activities of intrusions detected which are trying to redirect you to an attack site, and then it misleads you into calling their support engineers to fix the issue. But in reality those so called ‘support engineers’ only want to take control of your PC, steal information that stored on the hard drive, sell you various PC protection products at a high subscription rate, and even install other malware to your system in order to gain as much money as possible. You should ignore the fake message shown on Global-support-assistant.com and don’t call the support team number in any cases.
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Published by on February 13, 2016 2:41 am

Feb 12, 2016

Remove Malware.Win32.Gen.1F4A.sm!ff Virus

Malwarebytes told me I had Malware.Win32.Gen.1F4A.sm!ff on my computer, so I removed it but I found the virus came back after several days when I scanned my computer. Why is it so stubborn? I have never seen that before. My antivirus software always protects me from virus. Why does it fail to protect me computer this time? My computer runs slow and I hardly can use my computer to work. Please help. I really need this virus gone! Thanks in advance.

What is Malware.Win32.Gen.1F4A.sm!ff?

Malware.Win32.Gen.1F4A.sm!ff is a kind of malicious software. It’s categorized as Trojan Horse. This program contains malicious and harmful code which is bundled with apparently harmless programming or data. Therefore, it can gain access to the computer system easily and get control of the computer. It will do lots of damages, like ruining the file allocation table on your hard disk. The cyber criminals create this virus in order to break into users’ computer system and do harmful things to the computer. It is made to pop up a balloon alert at the desktop toolbar which will put the users into a panic. In this way, they will get illegal money from the victims easily. Therefore, if you see any warning about Malware.Win32.Gen.1F4A.sm!ff, you need to calm down and remove it manually out of your computer.
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Published by on February 12, 2016 7:28 am and last modified on February 15, 2016 2:00 am.

Feb 10, 2016

How to Remove PUP.Optional.ASK Completely?

Malwarebytes came up with 2 “objects” as soon as I restarted the computer, they are called “PUP.Optional.ASK” and are in the C drive users. What is it exactly? And how to get rid of it? I’m scared of using my credit card stuff online now. I use mainly google chrome browser but now it is super slow on this Windows 10 computer. Please help!!!

Learn More About PUP.Optional.ASK Virus:

PUP.Optional.ASK is a specific detection used by Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to indicate and detect a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP). This program usually contains adware, unwanted toolbars and other unclear objectives, therefore your PC will be fully messed up. PUP.Optional.ASK used to slip into target computers through a series of channels, like freeware downloads, spam email attachments, hacked websites, etc. As soon as it is installed it changes your PC settings and browser settings automatically, also creates new corrupt entries to make itself start every time you log in windows. This threat is nasty and very dangerous. It is strongly recommended to remove it manually in order to avoid further damage on the system.
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Published by on February 10, 2016 1:41 pm

Feb 9, 2016

Search.searchmwio.com Hijacker Removal Guide

Hi, there. I don’t know why I get this virus. I feel pretty weird. I just found it when I start to browser something online. I start my Mozilla Firefox. Just with a sudden, I am directed to Search.searchmwio.com immediately. Why does it do that on my computer? My younger sister downloaded somethings online by clicked on the pop-up while she was searching for a video last night. Would that be a problem? Anyway, what should I do? I found the information on this webpage on Google. On Google, it said that this webpage is a browser hijacker. Really? Another symptom is that I keep getting ads and pop-ups while I am browsing. How can I make my computer back normal? Please advise!

Search.searchmwio.com Virus Description:

Search.searchmwio.com will change your browser settings and other important system setting on your computer once it gets into your system. In most cases, this virus may get into the aimed computer through the third application on the Internet. To be specific, you may get this infection at the time when you downloaded some free files or application online, such as porn videos, fake PDF files, affected apps, and fake antivirus downloaded. Otherwise, some automatic pop-ups and ads pop on your screen in a sec. You may click on any of them without any concern on the safety of your computer. In addition, this virus may be associated with the spam emails and its attachments. Once you read them and download its files, you may give the chance for the virus. It is obvious that you may not be cautious enough while you are browsing the Internet.

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Published by on February 9, 2016 2:44 am

Feb 8, 2016

Remove Malware.MPL.Heur.vb Virus Step By Step

Hi there. I believe my computer has been infected with Malware.MPL.Heur.vb virus and malwarebytes doesn’t seem to be enough. The virus keeps coming back. I am currently on Windows 10. Any advice?

Learn More About Malware.MPL.Heur.vb Virus:

Malware.MPL.Heur.vb is a malicious program categorized as Trojan Horse. This virus is released by cyber criminals who aims to do a lot of evil activities on affected PC, especially for stealing user’s personal information and installing other types of malware and spyware. Generally speaking, this virus can sneak into your machine when you download freeware program, or when you click on misleading pop-up ads like a fake update pop-up message which reminds you to update your system web browsers. It also can get into your PC by opening any attachment from spam emails. This Trojan can open backdoor and fetch other malware to system. It runs high risk and has illegal purposes so you have to delete it as soon as it is detected.
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Published by on February 8, 2016 3:54 am

Feb 7, 2016

Remove Search.searchlma.com Hijacker Manually

Is your default homepage changed to Search.searchotva.com without your permission? Cannot use your browser normally since it keeps redirecting you to irrelevant and unwanted websites? What does this annoying redirection happen? By following the manual guide below, you will find an effective way to delete this redirect virus completely.

Search.searchlma.com Description:

Search.searchlma.com is a question website that offers a bogus search engine to trick users and it is closely linked to browser hijacker, adware or potentially unwanted program. Although it can be used to search information, its results are always misleading. Each click on resulting webpage will (potentially) make some money to malware makers or even get your system infected with other malware. This hijacker aims to take over Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari browser and it is mostly distributed via corrupted software installers. Please note that this site Search.searchlma.com doesn’t have any real search engine features. It is designed by hackers who use the artificial traffic to boost affiliate payments.
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Published by on February 7, 2016 8:03 am

Feb 6, 2016

TrojanDownloader:O97M/Daoyap.C Removal Guide

Hey, there. I don’t know what is going on now? My computer kept telling me that a big threat was on my computer. TrojanDownloader:O97M/Daoyap.C was found by my Norton. I was redirecting to some unfamiliar websites. On Google, it is said that this virus can only be cleaned by manual removal. Can anyone help me remove this virus step by step? Thank you very much!

Computer Be Infected By TrojanDownloader:O97M/Daoyap.C—How to Remove?

TrojanDownloader:O97M/Daoyap.C has been sorted as a dangerous Trojan horse to attack windows computermainly, expecially the one who uses windows 7, XP, 8, Vista and 10. Once this malicious Trojan gets into your computer, it will conduct harmful activities to damage your system. This virus has the ability to disable your important system files so as to mess up your computer by a large extend, such as DNS settings, browser settings, registry etc. Once installed, this virus may take control your whole computer and then install unwanted stuff on your desktop which you can’t remove unless you get rid of this Trojan completely. It may run itself as well as its related stuff on your computer at your background. As longer time you run the computer, you may find that your computer gets stuck and white screen so frequently. A large part of your system CPU will be occupied by some unknown programs on your task manager. So, if you want to make your computer ran normally as usual, you are suggested to remove this malicious infection from your computer as soon as you can.

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Published by on February 6, 2016 6:46 am

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