Jun 16, 2016

Trojan.Bayrob!gen9 Removal Help Tips

Hey, there. I was there on my Dell computer on the Internet. I found a movie which I love best. So, I searched for it on YouTube. I watched it while I was surfing for something else. Things changed totally after I clicked on a ads which is telling me that I can watch the movie I want more fluently. It asked me to download a media player of that website. I did what it asked me to do. However, after I installed the media player, I still couldn’t load the movie on that website. What I downloaded was something else which was totally strange for me. I tried to uninstall that media. But I couldn’t do that. Along with the coming thing, Trojan.Bayrob!gen9 was detected on my computer, which I didn’t get the warning report before. Antivirus couldn’t clean this malicious infection from my computer completely. Please help!

What Is Trojan.Bayrob!gen9?

Trojan.Bayrob!gen9 is sorted to be the member of malicious Trojan family which is created by vicious cyber criminals. This Trojan can attack all kinds of Windows computer users around the world, including Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 8.1, as well as Windows 10 and so on. Since this new infection has the ability to escape from the scanning of the general antivirus programs. So, it can hide deeply into your computer once it installed. Even though you can detect it by using the high-IT antivirus applications, you still can’t remove this virus completely from your infected computer. Only manual removal methods can get rid of this threat clearly from your compromised computer. This computer threat used to be installed (and reinstalled as necessary) by rootkits that include backdoor Trojan capabilities. How does this infection get into your computer without your attention? Commonly, this virus may get into your compromised computer by downloading freeware, visiting suspicious websites or links, reading or responding spam emails as well as its attachments and installing unsafe programs on your computer.

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Published by on June 16, 2016 5:57 am

Jun 15, 2016

How to Remove Search.searchlen.com Hijacker from IE/Firefox/Chrome?

Hi there. I haven’t used my laptop for some weeks and today when I turn it on, I notice that my homepage is changed to Search.searchlen.com. Also whenever I am online, I received a message on my browser that says my computer is infected and i need to call Microsoft for help, there is a number provided. I call the number but no one answers. I search online and people say it is a browser hijacker virus. But AVG says my PC is clean. I do not know what to do now. Is my computer infected? Please help.

Search.searchlen.com Description:

Search.searchlen.com is a questionable website posing as a helpful search engine that helps for enhancing the user’s browsing quality, but in fact it belongs to browser hijacker or adware that created by hackers solely to direct Web surfers to pages hosting malware and increase website traffic. If your homepage has been replaced to Search.searchlen.com without your permission, do not rush to explore or use any functions it provides because this is a dubious engine that can generate misleading search results and redirect you to malicious websites. If you make an online search through this webpage, you will find it only displays fake search results, sponsored links and various ads about deals, coupons and commercial offers. You hardly get any reliable search results when you try searching for something through this website since it only causes dangerous redirects and never-ending ads. Many computer users find it annoying but they do not know how to stop the constant redirection and pop-up ads on their browser. Being as a new online fraud, browser hijacker cannot be detected or removed by any security tools. We suggest users remove it manually instead.
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Published by on June 15, 2016 2:26 am

Jun 14, 2016

Cheetasearch.com Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hi. There. I have Cheetasearch.com browser hijacker on my Google Chrome which is my favorite browser. I used it to visit various websites, watch videos and download software and game package all the time. It worked great! However, it has been out of control since I saw this Cheetasearch.com thing on it. It took the place of my original home page and changed the settings without my approval. I have been forced to visit unknown websites that are full of ads frequently. When I view goods on online shop, irrelevant ads keep popping up on my screen which is very annoying. I tried to reset my browser, but it didn’t work. How can I get rid of it? Anyone can help?

Brief Description of Cheetasearch.com Browser Hijacker

Cheetasearch.com is a malicious website which hijacks your browser and performs various evil activities on your computer. It is capable of doing browser modifications like creating shortcuts on your toolbar, adding links, and redirecting search results. You may not notice it as a harmful program to your computer because it looks like a normal search engine. In fact, it is an unwanted ad-supported program. To help its developer generate revenue, it installs many useless programs to damage your system and access the precious information it needs on your computer. The cyber criminals can use your personal information to do illegal thing for money. Therefore, we do not suggest you ignore this Cheetasearch.com browser hijacker. If you see it on your browser, delete it right now.
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Published by on June 14, 2016 1:04 pm and last modified on August 26, 2016 8:47 am.

Jun 14, 2016

How to remove usmarshals service scam from iPad/iPhone?

My iPad was infected with usmarshals service scam which locked my Safari browser and I really need help to get rid of it. Yesterday I was browsing on the web and suddenly a message came up saying that my phone has been blocked for viewing child pornography contents and violating copyright and related right laws and it asked me to pay $300 through myvanilla card or something like that which i can buy at a local cvs store to unlock my phone. It said if I did not pay the fine it would contact all of my contacts in the address book about the situation and start an investigation immediately. I didn’t do anything wrong though but this message really freaked me out. I searched online and found many people had the same problem, they said it was a scam. So i won’t get any trouble? The virus now crashed my safari app so I cannot access to the Internet. What should I do?

Usmarshals Service Scam Description:

Usmarshals Service Scam (as known as U.S. Marshals Warning or usmarshals.gov popup virus) is a form of malware and we usually call it “Ransomware” infection because it works by either holding your entire photo hostage or by blocking access to the Internet and stopping users from going online. It usually installs on Apple devices (including ipad, ipod, iphone) by clicking pop-up ads, opening malicious links or visiting porno sites. Even when you connect your device to untrusted Wi-Fi hotspots in places like coffee shops, public libraries, airports, you can be the victim of this scam. Once the US marshal virus is installed, it attempts to lock the web browser. It poses as an official notice from a law enforcement agency, and then claims that the victim’s device has been detected to visit illegal websites. Also it listed fines and penalties for each and directed infected users to pay a fine through MyVanilla Prepaid Card. It says if a fine is not paid in 72 hours, it will delete everything on the device, block Apple ID forever and contacts your friends and even start an investigation immediately.
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Published by on June 14, 2016 5:04 am and last modified on August 21, 2016 3:27 pm.

Jun 13, 2016

How to Remove United Kingdom Police Scam Virus from Android Device?

Need help removing this United Kingdom Police scam virus. I was using the Internet on my Samsung phone earlier this morning then suddenly a pop up came up saying that I had been viewing illegal pornography? It asked for 100 pounds & claimed to be the United Kingdom Police. I started to have a mental breakdown, thinking that I was gonna get in trouble and gonna go to jail. Luckily, I found it is a scam virus on the Internet. They said I only needed to remove the virus. The problem is I have no idea how to remove it. Is there anyone can help me out? Thank you in advance.

What is United Kingdom Police Scam Virus?

United Kingdom Police scam virus is a member of the nasty Urausy ransomware family which is trying to grab money from innocent mobile device users. It has been created to attack unprotected mobile devices and block them for illegal money. It pretends to be from the United Kingdom Police, Police Central e-Crime Center, Metropolitan Police and states that the device is blocked due to child pornography and other similar illegal activities. In order to unblock the device, it demands a fine in the amount of £100 via Ukash or PaysafeCard payment. Though it displays the logo and seal of United Kingdom Police on the lock screen and looks authentic, it is a bogus message from the cyber criminals but not the police. Our users must be alerted that it is just a scam virus. Dot not follow its guide to pay the non-existed fine. It will not help your blocked device. To access and use the infected device safely, we suggest you remove this United Kingdom Police scam virus completely right now.
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Published by on June 13, 2016 12:16 pm and last modified on August 26, 2016 8:51 am.

Jun 13, 2016

How to Remove Trojan.cryptolocker.m Completely

So I was just on my computer and searching up random stuff because I was bored. Then, after leaving my computer for like 30 minutes I went back to it, I got a warning that said I had 3 days to pay a fine because I was doing illegal things, like view pornography. It really freaked me out because it had my IP address, city and my name. I immediately turned off the computer and next morning when I turned on the computer the warning message was not there anymore. I was still worried. I searched online and found many people had the same problem before and they said it was a virus. So I downloaded Malwarebytes and scanned my PC, then it detected Trojan.cryptolocker.m and removed it. But after I restarted the PC to take effect, the virus came back again. How do I fix it?

Trojan.cryptolocker.m Virus Description:

Today, hackers and cyber theft are making a numbers of malware and viruses to steal all your private data as well as slow down your system. Trojan.cryptolocker.m is one of them. Unlike other Trojan viruses, this virus is able to block your access to the computer, encrypt files on the compromised computer and demand that the user pays a ransom in order to decrypt the files. It can infiltrate your computer as an “important” email attachment that claims to be a warning from police, FBI or other authorities. Typically, this malicious program hides inside the email attachment and after being downloaded to the system, the Trojan can run automatically and perform many evils activities to destroy the PC. Also in some cases this Trojan can be downloaded once the victim is tricked into clicking a malicious link on hacked websites.
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Published by on June 13, 2016 11:59 am

Jun 12, 2016

Homepage is hijacked by Search.yourtelevisioncenter.com – How to remove?

Good morning. I have a problem on my PC and I really need some help now. Whenever I open Firefox and try to go online, Search.yourtelevisioncenter.com pops up right away even though www.google.com should be my default homepage. Sometimes my IE browser will load itself and open a small window with ads. I do not know what’s going on and I have tried to reset the browser a couple times but still no luck. Is there a way I can fix the problem permanently?

Search.yourtelevisioncenter.com Description:

Search.yourtelevisioncenter.com is a fake search engine used to promote a strange video streaming program called “Your Television Center”. This program claims it allows you to watch TV programs right on your browser but actually it is something unwanted. This page is associated with browser hijacker, adware or potential unwanted program so what it can do on your PC is to display crazy ads and install other malware or spyware. Today cyber criminals are creating more and more fake search sites designed solely to direct Web surfers to pages hosting malware, and this one is just one of the fake search engines that alters browser settings, changes default homepage and redirects users to malicious websites against their wills. It usually installs bundled with other freeware and can destroy your browsing experience terribly once downloaded. So, an immediate removal is needed once you notice your homepage has suddenly been changed to Search.yourtelevisioncenter.com.
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Published by on June 12, 2016 4:54 am and last modified on June 12, 2016 4:55 am.

Jun 11, 2016

Home.searchreveal.com Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hey, there, I was browsing the Internet searching a travel hotel on New York. Just with a sudden, an ads window about hotel popped up on my computer screen. Without thinking twice, I clicked on that ad link. However, things were out of your attention. Home.searchreveal.com browser hijacker got into your computer. The most obvious thing is that as soon as you add a new tab, you will be redirected to this virus’s domain automatically. My homepage was changed by this virus secretly. I got lots of computer troubles on my computer. This virus drove me mad. I want to remove it as soon as I can. But none of my antivirus programs works. What should I do now? Please help!

A Detailed Introduction Of Home.searchreveal.com Virus

Home.searchreveal.com virus is a newly created computer infection which has the ability to change all your browser settings and default home webpage. This malicious virus can get into your computer acts as a new plug-in to infect your browser more easily. This virus is capable of infecting all your browsers on your computer once it gets into your compromised computer. In one word, once this virus gets into your computer, it will not do anything good for you, but only harmful activities. Let’s see how this virus gets into your computer without your attention. Commonly, this virus will be spread on the widely used Internet through third applications. This infection may get into your computer while you are browsing the malicious website/ads/links/pop-up; while you are reading the junk email as well as its attachments; while you are downloading the unsafe “free” applications. Now you can see that, how cunning these vicious cyber criminals are! These evil hackers may manage every means to trick you to add this fake webpage plug-in onto your browser. So, you have to think twice before you add anything new to your computer, especially for the thing which you are not familiar with!

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Published by on June 11, 2016 12:08 am

Jun 10, 2016

Remove Cheshire Constabulary Scam from Android Mobile Device

Earlier today I was on a “normal” porn website when suddenly my phone screen turned black and subsequently I got a message from supposedly Cheshire Constabulary. It asked me to pay £100 to unblock the phone because I was doing illegal things, like view pornography. I duly did pay the fine and then it said “YOUR PAYMENT WILL BE PROCESSED IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS”. After 24 hours when I turned on my phone, it was still blocked. I don’t know what to do now. I am worried that the authorities might prosecute me. So is this message real or fake? And if this is a scam how do I get my money back? I need my phone urgently, please help!

Cheshire Constabulary Scam on Android Device – How to Unlock?

Cheshire Constabulary Scam is a form of malware, similarly to Cheshire Police Authority virus that can hold your entire phone/tablet hostage or block access to Internet browser. It tricks users into paying £100 through Ukash or Paysafecard in order to gain access to the infected device. This malware is widely distributed on hacked websites or spam emails and it can be installed on android devices without any permission, therefore the number of the victims keeps increasing every day. People usually get infected by downloading and installing a so-called “video player” apps. When they believe that they have downloaded a good software, in fact the threat is approaching their phone stealthily because Cheshire Constabulary Virus is bundled with the software. Now Android users in United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are the main target of this scam.
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Published by on June 10, 2016 4:00 am

Jun 9, 2016

Remove 72 Hours Phone Virus Scam

Hey, there. I was watching a video on YouTube on my Samsung android phone. All of a sudden, I got a pop up of “Cyber Police American National Security Agency” malware. This is a 72 Hours Phone Virus Scam. This scam virus said that if I didn’t pay for the fine within 72 hours, I will be sent to the court and my phone will be blocked forever. Now I can’t use my phone any more. I can’t do anything on the infected phone. Is this 72 hours phone virus real? Do I really need to pay for the fine? I am screw up by all this information now. What should I do now? Please help!

How to Remove 72 Hours Phone Virus Scam—If Phone Gets Infected?

72 Hours Phone Virus Scam is classified as a malicious ransomware virus. Nowadays, this scam not only aims its eyes to the computer system market, but also turns its eyes towards android phone or tablet markets in order to collect much more fake fines from unwary users. With the rapid development of IT, people tend to use android phone to do their daily enjoyment, such as listen to music, download apps, browse the Internet, watch videos online, do online shopping, etc. Lots of activities you could do on the computer before. But now, you can do them 0n your android phone as well. You may think that android phone is free of virus hacking. However, cyber criminals may try every means to destroy the security system on your android phone and then dive into your phone out of your attention. When you notice this scam virus, it indicates that it dives into your phone successfully. Cyber scammers may attach the scam with a third party application, such as spam email as well as its attachments, suspicious links/websites/ads/pop-ups, freeware downloads and so on. Once 72 Hours Phone Virus Scam gets into your android phone, it will block your whole phone immediately.

“Yeah, this is a kind of awkward thing in my life. But anyways, I was at a porn site earlier called xnxx and I saw a video on there on my LG phone. All of a sudden, I got two pop ups saying the Cyber Police American National Security Agency is audio and video recording me and that I was on an illegal site with child pornography which is INSANE! I did a research on it. It is a 72 Hours Phone Virus Scam. Hence, I am sure I’m not a creep. But this 72 Hours Phone Virus Scam said if I don’t pay a fine, I will be screwed. What can I do to prevent these people from looking in my personal information? How do I get rid of this scam virus from my infected android phone completely? Please help!”

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Published by on June 9, 2016 5:05 pm

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