Aug 12, 2016

Win32/Herz.B Trojan Removal Tips

Hi, there. My Norton detected Win32/Herz.B on my computer this morning. And I was told the virus was cleaned by Norton. However, few hours later, warning message and threats report about this virus came onto my screen again. It was so weird! Why did Norton tell me that no virus was on my computer before? And now it is there again! What should I do? How do I get rid of this virus from my computer? Please help!

More Information About Win32/Herz.B Virus

Win32/Herz.B is a new Trojan virus creating to hack Windows computer users. This virus is made by cyber criminals, who can hide in the background by remote and then take control of your computer by using the virus. It aims to infect Windows XP, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 and so on. Once your computer gets infected by this Trojan, it will take effect on your system immediately. Once installed, it may monitor your computer and then stop you from browsing the Internet normally. It may change your important system files such as DNS settings, browser settings, registry as well as other crucial program files. Thus, you may set into lots of computer trouble after the installation of this Trojan. You may be readdressed to visit some unknown and unfamiliar website automatically while you are browsing the Internet normally. Nothing is working normal on the infected computer once virus installed. So, you should remove this from your compromised computer once it is detected on your system.

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Published by on August 12, 2016 7:11 am

Aug 11, 2016

Why did I get a screen pop up on my phone about a police threat for porn?

Hi there. I need your assistance. Why did I get a screen pop up on my phone about a threat for porn? I was simply browsing the Internet when suddenly a pop-up comes on my screen. The pop-up was a police threat with legal-sounding text saying that it’s from the FBI and my phone is blocked. It basically said I was accused of viewing child porn and I owed a fine of “500$” (that’s how it was written). It said if I didn’t comply I’d be arrested and all data on phone would be deleted. Is it a scam? I don’t have so much money to spend it, but I don’t want to go to jail. What should I do? Please help me. Thank you in advance.

Brief Description of Fake Police Threat for Porn on Mobile Devices

After visiting some malicious websites or downloading porn, you may get a pop-up police threat for porn on your mobile devices. You may ask, “Why did I get a screen pop up on my phone about a threat for porn?” It is because your device has been attacked by a scam virus. The fake police threat takes over your screen saying that your device is blocked for safety reason. You are accused of viewing child porn or other illegal activities. To unblock your device, you must pay a fine which ranges from $100 to $500. For this reason, people also name it ransomware. This kind of scam virus is spread all over the world. In the names of law enforcements and polices, it made many victims lose a large amount of money. The scam virus pretends to be different departments in different countries and regions. In United State, it may claim that it is FBI, NSA, U.S. Marshals, U.S. Cyber Security Cyber Police. In United Kingdom, it pretends to be United Kingdom police/Cyber police, PCEU, ICSPA or Cheshire Police Authority. In addition, the scam virus also steals the names of AFP, CSIS, RCMP, Abu Dhabi Police GHQ and so on. Though the above scam viruses have different names, they share the same characters. They are aggressive powerful enough to attack all mobile devices with Android, Windows or ios systems. As we said, the scam virus with police threat on your phone/tablet is only a tool that helps cyber criminals swindle money out of innocent users. If you get the police threat asking for a fine, do not pay fine. Just remove the virus so as to get rid of the fake police threat. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on August 11, 2016 5:57 am and last modified on August 26, 2016 9:25 am.

Aug 10, 2016

How to Get Rid of Manually?

Hi there. Do you know about browser hijacker? My computer is infected. It ruined my Microsoft Edge, but I can’t remove or stop it. Now my search engine is changed and I am not able to change anything on my browser. Under my Favorite, there are lots of unknown links. I didn’t hear about them or add them to my Favorite. Edge loads too slow and I have been redirected all the time. Is there a way to get rid of it? Can I remove it manually? Can you help me?

Brief Description about Browser Hijacker is a dangerous website that hosts malware. It has been promoted by the third party program via the Internet. Do not be tricked by its appearance and think that it is only a search engine like Google or Yahoo. It will not help you search for information or improve your browsing experience. Once installed, it performs many corrupted actions on the infected computer. Somehow, your browser settings are changed and it is very difficult to change back. Like other browser hijacker, it redirects you to related websites to help its developer generate revenue. You will get endless ads supported by Unknown programs are installed which makes your browser load slow. It makes much more times to open a new tab on the browser. Later, your computer runs slow and may crash down randomly. If you see those symptoms on your computer, you ought to fix the problem right now. Remove out of your system immediately. It is harmful to your computer. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on August 10, 2016 6:20 am and last modified on August 26, 2016 9:19 am.

Aug 9, 2016

How to Remove 1-866-933-5430 Popup Saying “Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer”

Early this morning, as soon as I booted my computer, I got a pop-up saying that “Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer” on a blue screen with lots of message displaying on it. Along with the message, there was a number writing 1-866-933-5430 which stated to call this number for tech support for computer maintenance. I got this pop-up every time I started to browse the Internet as well as while I was starting to get into my computer. My computer had been completely repaired for a few days. I believed that it was good to use. But why did I keep getting this pop-up? Is 1-866-933-5430 Popup real? Should I call this number and ask for help? What should I do? Please help!

More Information About 1-866-933-5430 Popup Saying “Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer”

If you have gotten 1-866-933-5430 Popup alert on your computer telling you that “Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer”, and then recommend you to call 1-866-933-5430 for tech support. It is obviously that your computer must be infected by a malicious adware or malware or a potential unwanted program. This fake pop-up alert was designed by malicious cyber criminals with the purpose of tricking the innocent computer users into call that fake tech support number as so to cheat users to pay for the tech support. This pop-up will show everywhere on your computer especially while you are browsing the Internet. It can hijack all your browsers (including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome and so on) once it gets installed on your computer. In order to make itself looks like real, it will show lots of information description on your computer problems on the screen. Among all the information, some of them maybe meet the running format of your computer recently days. So, you may set into the trap of the scam virus due to the scare information about your computer in details. As a matter of fact, 1-866-933-5430 Popup is a fake alert which should be removed in time as soon as you see it appearing on your computer.

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Published by on August 9, 2016 1:06 pm

Aug 7, 2016 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hi there. I need help of removing browser hijacker. Though it acts as a normal website, I know it isn’t. It hijacks my Google Chrome and changes many things on it. I can’t change it back. I tried to reset my browser, but it didn’t work. Now my computer runs very slow. It takes more time to react when I am about to run an application. When I type, it delays. How can I get rid of it to fix my computer? Is there a way to remove it manually? Please guide me. I don’t know what I should do. Thank you.

Brief Information of Browser Hijacker is identified as a browser hijacker that alters your default browser settings without your permission. From its appearance, you may think it is only a search engine like Google and Yahoo. When you open this website, you will see pictures about the Olympic Games which keep pace with the times. In fact, it is totally different from them. It will not help you access the information you want or perfect your browsing experience. Instead, it will mess up your online activities. You will be redirected to many unknown websites when searching the Internet. Numberless ads appear on your computer which is very annoying. Many unknown programs will be added to your browser and desktop. Therefore, your computer runs very slow. You hardly can use it to work. We suggest you delete browser hijacker out of your system to fix the problem. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on August 7, 2016 4:47 pm and last modified on August 26, 2016 9:18 am.

Aug 6, 2016

How to Get Rid of Fake Norton Security Scan Tech Support Scam?

I need help of removing computer viruses. There is a window named Norton Security Scan saying that there are lots of viruses and my computer is at considerable risk. I purchased Norton and installed one on the computer. The first thing I thought of Norton. I wanted it to fix the problems. However, it said Norton has been infected and it would not run. I was so worried, then I called the given number for help. I didn’t expect that they would ask me to purchase another version of Norton. I already have one. Why should I buy another one to fix the problem? The money I spent on it would be meaningless if I bought another one, so I refused them. However, to be honest, I don’t have any idea to fix the problem. Can you help me out? Any assistant will be appreciated.

Brief Information of Fake Norton Security Scan Tech Support Scam

Fake Norton Security Scan tech support scam is a fake antivirus program supported by the cyber criminals. If you see a Norton Security Scan window on your computer asking you to call tech support, your computer is infected. It pretends to be a product of Norton and displays fake alerts to make you believe that your computer is infected or has serious problems. By providing a phone number of fake tech support, it is trying to make you believe that it is helpful and will help you fix the problem for your good. Do not be tricked by it. It is only a nasty tool used by the criminal to extort money from you. None of the security alerts, various warnings, messages, pop-ups, etc. supported by this fake Norton Security Scan tech support window can be trusted. There is no need to worry about the non-existed risk made up by cyber criminals. At the same time, it is necessary to know how dangerous and harmful of this fake antivirus program is. You should not ignore it and leave it alone. To fix the problem on your computer, you ought to get rid of this fake Norton Security Scan tech support scam. The sooner, the better. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on August 6, 2016 12:53 pm and last modified on August 26, 2016 9:17 am.

Aug 6, 2016 Virus Removal Guide

Hello, there. What will you do if your computer gets infected by virus? Can AVG remove this virus from the infected computer clearly? No? Why? Manual removal can help you remove this virus from your infected computer completely. Believe that? Take a look at the bellowing post on how to remove this virus by manual. Hope that may do you some favor!

More Information About Hijacker: is a potential unwanted program which is created by cyber criminals to attack the famous browsers on victims’ computer, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari etc. This infection not only can infect Windows computer likes Windows 8, but also can attack IOS mac computer as well. This fake search engine is preparing for the Olympic Games in Rio. Cyber criminals made this virus to appear with sport symbols, symbolizing five Olympic rings. As usual, just like other browser hijacker virus (such as virus), it displays a couple of shortcuts (this time these links lead to recipe centers) and a search box, powered by In order to make itself to be “real”, it uses the name of the famous search engine: Yahoo. However, it is nothing related to Yahoo or other good search engine: Google or Bing, but completely a bad search engine, a malicious browser hijacker virus.

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Published by on August 6, 2016 3:35 am

Aug 4, 2016

How to Get Rid Of Backdoor.Remsec Virus

Hey, there. Can Norton get rid of Backdoor.Remsec Virus completely and permanently from the infected computer? My computer got infected by this virus last night due to a pop-up. I tried every possible antivirus program on my computer to get rid of this virus. But I failed! Then I started to know how stubborn this virus is! Now I have on any clue what kind of virus removal method I should take to remove this pesky virus from my computer. Any suggestion?

What Is Backdoor.Remsec Virus?

Backdoor.Remsec Virus has been classified as a kind of malicious computer infection which belongs to the family of Trojan horse virus. This virus is created by cyber criminals in order to sneak into the aimed computer and mess up its system. Trojan virus mainly produced to attack windows computer, such as Windows 7, Windows 8, Vista, XP and other Windows computers. This virus may become a great threat to all the windows computer users around the world. With the widely use of Internet, people get to use computer to do their daily works and do some entertainment on it. So, it will become a big market for the cyber criminals who may create the virus and spread it through Internet.

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Published by on August 4, 2016 12:56 pm

Aug 3, 2016

How to Remove 1-855-337-0031 Defender Virus?

Has anyone seen a pop up message saying that Windows detected suspicious activity on your Computer? It asks me to contact Microsoft Technical support for immediate help. The message has a white background and it is front of a screen with a blue background. The part of the background message I can read references more than one error codes; but the complete message has the white pop up message in front. So I’m not able to read all of it. Close to the beginning of the message on the blue screen says Windows Defender Error Code: 0x ….then I can’t read the remaining numbers as they are behind the white screen. I haven’t shut down my computer. The message is still there. Should I call the number? Is it the real Microsoft Technical support? Is there a way to remove it manually?

Brief Information about 1-855-337-0031 Defender Virus

If you see 1-855-337-0031 pop-up on your browser, your computer has been infected with 1-855-337-0031 Defender virus. It is created by the cyber criminals to swindle money out of unexpected computer users. Once installed, it is rigged with a unique JavaScript to display fake alerts to trick people. The alerts may be about computer condition, detected viruses, system error and other vital computer threat. This pop-up may appear on browsers like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox. The pop-up message makes up problems and provides a free toll number to fix the non-existed problems. Some of you may call the number for help as you see Microsoft Technical support there. Do not be fooled by it. It is not Microsoft Technical support behind this message. It is only a scam tech support which do no the capability to remove virus or fix computer issues. To get rid of the fake pop-up, you should remove the fake defender virus completely. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on August 3, 2016 12:14 pm and last modified on August 26, 2016 9:16 am.

Aug 2, 2016

Fake Police Scam Viruses on Android Phone/Tablet: How to Get Rid of them?

Hi there. I’m a bit scared. This fake police scam virus happened to me today. I was casually watching video on youtube when all of a sudden I got redirected to a porn website and a POLICE ATTENTION pop up came on my screen. It said it was from the Cyber Police. I was accused of watching child porn which I do not and it said pay 100 dollars or face 5-8 years in prison. It also gave me my real location and IP address. It looks so real. I am afraid that the police will come to my house and take me to court. Please tell me that it is a scam. I am fine, right? By the way, please help me remove this virus. I don’t know how to get rid of it. Thanks in advance.

Brief Information about Fake Police Scam Viruses on Android Phone/Tablet

Fake police scam viruses belong to the ransomware family. In those years, numberless Android devices have been hacked by those nasty viruses. They are very tricky and aggressive. By stealing the names of law enforcement departments and other authority departments, they grab money from innocent users every day. In order to scare you, they may claim that they are Cyber Police, FBI, AFP, NSA, ICSPA, CSIS, and PCEU. The fake warning says that your device has been blocked for safety reason. You may be accused of doing lots of illegal things that you haven’t done. To terminate your crime and have your device back, you are demanded to pay a ransom. This is the reason why we call it ransomware. Many people thought that they did have trouble with the police and sent money away. We do not suggest you pay them ransom. You are dealing with a virus. The only thing you need to do is removing the virus. You don’t have to pay ransom or go to jail. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on August 2, 2016 2:06 pm and last modified on August 26, 2016 9:15 am.

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