504 New Threats Populated in Cyber Space Every Minute

According to a report from McAfee, a network security company, in the first quarter of 2019, there were 504 new cyber threats per minute globally, and the number of ransomware samples increased by 118% year-on-year.

The reports show that, as hackers continue to take advantage of new strategies and innovate code, ransomware attacks are increasingly targeting exposed remote access points, such as Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). In the first quarter of 2019, hackers hacked more than 2 billion account credentials worldwide, which could be cracked by brute force attacks or purchased on underground websites. RDP credentials can be used to gain administrator privileges and grant the right to distribute and execute malware on the corporate network.

Raj Samani, McAfee fellow and chief scientist said, “The impact of these threats is very real. It’s important to recognise that the numbers, highlighting increases or decreases of certain types of attacks, only tell a fraction of the story. Every infection is another business dealing with outages, or a consumer facing major fraud. We must not forget for every cyber attack, there is a human cost. ”

He also mentioned that it is important to recognize the enormous impact that cyber threats will have, rather than just focusing on the increase or decrease in the number of types of attacks.

Published by on September 2, 2019 2:43 am, last updated on September 2, 2019 2:43 am

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