Windscribe: Port Forwarding + Static IPs – Now Available

Sweet New Feature for A Sweet Price

We’ll keep this short and sweet. We’re happy to tell our readers here that Windscribe have announced that they’ve launched port forwarding along with Static IPs.

They are available in 10 locations, as well as 2 new locations where Windscribe support team offer residential static IPs, which make it look like you’re not using a VPN at all. If you need more info about how awesome it is, you can learn more here.

You may ask yourself, why would I want this? Well, it will make for a much less annoying browsing experience as you will see fewer CAPTCHAs, less blocking and more cowbell. You can also share a single Static IP with your ScribeForce. You’re also gonna need a static IP to do port forwarding. What good is it? Well, you can do things like:

  • Run a Plex server over the VPN
  • Access your home NAS over the VPN
  • Spy on your cat via your IP cam (if you made a silly of choice of getting one)
  • Seed Linux ISOs over the VPN

There are more use cases, but we ain’t got all day. So, what are you worried about? Come get Static IPs! Get in here quick, get out quicker, with a whole bunch of Static IPs in your arms.

Published by on February 6, 2019 2:58 am, last updated on February 13, 2019 1:41 am

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