Need help of removing Onevanilla FBI warning. I didn’t do anything disgusting like it said. I have been wronged. I was checking my email and it just popped up. Now it is asking for 500 USD. What can I do to fix FBI lock? I was using my phone to watch videos through chrome, and then this thing pops up on my screen locking me out of my phone, and not letting me use it at all saying to me that i owe a 500 dollar fine, and i need to get a “Myvanilla” giftcard from a retailer store, and pay the 500 dollar fine, or else the FBI will put up a file on my record saying that i had supposedly downloaded child pornography onto my phone, but i had not even been close to that, i never even wanted to download that onto my phone, nor will i ever download it onto anything. please, i went onto my phones files, tried to delete every suspicious file, and in general every file, so when i turn off the “safe mode” it wont have that virus showing me the “FBI pop up virus” and so i can use my phone without any problems in the future. Please help me guide me through each step so i can get that horrible virus off of my phone.
Device is locked by FBI for illegal porn? Does the FBI monitor users on porn? Is it real? How to get rid of false accusation? We can tell you that Onevanilla FBI warning is not real. Why is it able to block your device since it is fake? Behind this warning, a malicious virus is installed which is spread by the cyber criminals to swindle money out of innocent users. It locks device and demands a fine to unlock. Hence, it has another name, the ransomware. This virus is similar to the Cyber police, DOJ scam virus and other members of the ransomware family.
You didn’t do anything wrong, but why did they block your device? The virus takes mobile device hostage even though you didn’t conduct any illegal activities. Onevanilla FBI malware sneaks into your device and installs itself without your permission and notice. When the warning popped up, you might be browsing for birthday gift or holiday present, watching a funny video, reading e-book or checking email. Everything happened so fast. You got no time to react while it accused you of illegal activities.
Onevanilla FBI virus is very tricky. It steals the name of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and makes up bogus alert so as to scare you into paying a fraudulent penalty. On the warning, the “FBI” says your device is locked due to involving illegal activities, such as downloading copyrighted material and viewing pornography. As a consequence, a fine of 500 USD needs to be paid to end criminal case. It usually gives you 24 to 72 hours to prepare money and pay the penalty via prepaid card. Why do they require prepaid card? It is because it is hard to trace money after they are paid via prepaid card just like you pay via cash. They commonly use Vanilla card, Wal-Mart gift card, Ukash, iTune gift card and more. A countdown is placed on the screen, telling you how much time left to send fine. That makes victims feel anxiety. Many users were afraid that they would miss the time to get rid of trouble with the FBI, thus paying the fine right away. Actually, it is wrong to send them fine. They are not the FBI.
To ensure you will pay the 500 USD fine, more tricks have been used. The Onevanilla FBI virus has the capability to block your Internet and locks the whole system. It is able to block Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari etc. Every time you open browser app, the scary FBI threat hijacks browser immediately before you type any web address or click on anything. It does not allow you access the Internet. Not like a normal popup notification, it does not disappear though you quit browser and restart the device for many times.
This virus can be more aggressive. Fake FBI malware blocks the whole screen. You are not able to use any app or access the home screen. Though you installed anti-virus software, it would be the first one that the virus would like to block to prevent being removed. As the virus is installed, it always is there like your Facebook and Google app no matter you turn the device on or off. The difference is this malware is able to take over the whole. Most importantly, it is harmful to your device and personal data. Sometimes, it even disables the power button temporarily to prevent you from shutting down the device. No matter what you do, the Onevanilla FBI keeps popping up on the screen, telling that you got trouble.
To make the warning authentic, it grabs your name, location, device system, contact, threatening that you will be taken to court. Your friends will know what you did and be interrogated too. After the virus controls the device, it takes a picture of your face and displays on the screen without consent, saying that your profile has been uploaded on the FBI criminal center database. A lawsuit will be issued against you and you will have to spend years in jail if you don’t pay the fine in time. You probably believe that you did violate the law, thus the FBI collects those information to arrest you. It seems to be real, but it is a scam virus. We understand that no one want to get arrested and go to jail, but do not try to get rid of this false accusation by paying the fine as it demands. That will not help. You should note that the real police will not inform you of a criminal case via a popup on mobile. They also don’t wrong people and force them to pay a fine.
When seeing this FBI alert or other similar warning in the name of other law enforcement agencies, ignore the warning temporally and contact a computer expert to remove the virus completely. Some users can’t calm down as they were precisely watching porn. That doesn’t mean they are the real police, spying on you. The hackers embed virus in pornography content on malicious websites and trick you into downloading virus. Hence, don’t be panic. Contact an expert to help you delete the virus in time. As the FBI ransomware is developed to steal valuable information, it must be removed soon.
Manual removal process, which requires advanced computer knowledge and abilities as well to deal with the virus manually, is suggested here as the most efficient way of unlocking android mobile from ransomware Virus. Due to the changeable characters of virus files and associated settings, we suggest you contact computer experts for help.
Step 1: Please try to put the infected android device into Safe Mode at first to unlock the screen temporarily from the powerful scam virus
(1). For various android phones: hold down the power button to bring out the menu with Power Off and Reboot option—-hold down the Power Off option (If nothing happens, please tap and hold the Reboot option instead)—-click OK on the pop-up box asking if you want to access safe mode.
(2). For Samsung Galaxy S4 and Samsung Galaxy S5: power off the device first. Press power button to power it on and tab the soft-touch Menu button repeatedly
(3). For Samsung Galaxy S3 and other phones with similar customized android system: power off the device—-turn on and hold down the Volume Down button (try Volume Up or Volume Down and Volume Up together if Volume Down does not work) when the brand logo shows up
You will see “Safe mode” at the lower left corner of the screen if you access safe mode successfully
Step 2: Search and remove suspicious files which are related to the virus
Step 3: Reboot the device to get out of safe mode.
Onevanilla FBI warning is brought by a scam virus. Its purports to the FBI and accuses you of viewing and spreading illegal porn. It is well-known that the malware is able collect personal information once it is installed. Therefore, the information and picture of your face are not collected by the police. The fake police scam virus also is capable of disabling your Android system and other applications. With the help of the remote hackers, it spares no effort to ruin your device and steal information for illegal money. We don’t know if it will install more threat to encrypt data and get credit card information. It is a big threat to the security of both your device and personal finance. If you see a FBI warning which demands a fine on your mobile, don’t trust any word shown on the page. None of its statements is real. Don’t pay the penalty. According to victims, they saw “your request will be proceed in 24 hours.” after they paid the fine. Unfortunately, their devices were still locked after days. They had to contact tech support to fix the problem. As your security program has been disabled, you have to locate and remove Onevanilla FBI virus manually to unblock your device from fake police lock. Get rid of the harmful malware once you see the warning to avoid loss of money and identify information.
Suggestion: How to unblock mobile from Onevanilla FBI warning? Manual removal is a skillful and risky job, if any mistakes are made during the removal process, you may damage your device immediately. If you are not sure how to start, please contact YooCare PC experts online for help right now.
Published by on March 2, 2018 7:25 am, last updated on December 30, 2019 6:23 am
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