Need your help please. I got problem. When there was a porn ad showing up, I tried to get out of it but it was installed on my phone. And then the fbi bureau of investigation blocked my screen asking for a pin. The screen is black, and the only other options I can do is turn off or restart my phone. It says, “To start up your device, enter your PIN”. Below that box there’s emergency call. Is it the real police who lock my screen? Please help, I can’t figure out how to get rid of it.
The police or FBI lock screen is a piece of ransomware that blocks the aimed desktops and mobile devices, trying to swindle money out of innocent users. At the beginning, this virus aims to attack the PC users, locking the PC screen and displaying fake police warning. In those years, the hackers turned to mobile devices because mobile devices have been used by the majority people and become a necessary part of daily life. The ransomware is able to attack tablets and smart phones with various brands like Apple, Samsung, HTC, LG, ZTE, Kindle and RCA etc. Also, it is an international virus which has been distributed all over the world. It has different names in different countries. For example, it can be FBI virus, cyber police virus, US marshal virus, and DOJ virus etc. in the US. Besides, it can be Royal Canadian Mounted Police virus in Canada and Metropolitan Police virus in the UK. No matter what its name is, do not trust it. The police or FBI lock screen is a dangerous scam virus. You must get rid of it once you see it.
The ransomware takes your device hostage for ransom. After it accesses your system, it disables your security program and takes over the phone immediately, displaying fake police warning. In order to scare you, it pretends to be the cyber police, FBI and or other law enforcement agencies. It may look like the real police who accuse you of performing illegal activities and require an amount of penalty to unblock your device. In order to make it look authentic, it shows you the logo of FBI and copy of related laws. It lists punishment you will receive for what you have done, like viewing, storing & distributing illegal pornography or violating copyright etc. You are required to pay a $ 500 fine. Besides, it takes a picture of your face and displays it with your basic profile on the warning screen, saying that all your online activities are recorded and your profile has been unloaded to cybercrime data center. It threatens that the police will take you to the court and you will have to spend years in jails if you try to unlock the device without paying the fine. This warning is horrible for victims who know little about tech and computer. However, the fact is none of them is real. The owner of this warning is not the FBI or other legit agencies. Behind this FBI lock screen, it is the hackers who are trying to steal money from you in the name of the police. They use virus to attack your device for illegal money. In order to get rid of the police or FBI lock screen, you have to get the harmful virus off your device.
What’s The Best Way to Remove Police or FBI Lock Screen?
The FBI virus is believed to be from the Internet, spreading for illegal purpose. It is a ransomware created and controlled by cyber criminals who are qualified with certain levels of tech knowledge and skills. Since almost every single android device like Kyocera has an authentic virus protector, cyber criminals must make this virus quite smart in order to escape from the detection and auto removal by legitimate antivirus programs. That’s why smart device with antivirus protections still get infected by this FBI Vanilla virus. As the virus block the anti-virus programs, virus manual is the most effective way so far. That will make sure that the FBI virus will not come back again.
Manual removal process, which requires advanced computer knowledge and abilities as well to deal with the virus manually, is suggested here as the most efficient way of unlocking android mobile from FBI Vanilla Virus. Due to the changeable characters of virus files and associated settings, we suggest you contact computer experts for help.
Screenshot of similar fake police Warning Virus
The criminals spread scam virus via various ways. Your device will be infected easily before you can react. Let’s talk some of the situations.
Situation 1: Viewing suspicious sites. Virus on malicious sites and legal sites that have been compromised can catch you and block the device immediately when you visit them.
Situation 2: Opening corrupted attachment or click on malicious links in a spam. The cyber criminals dispatch tons of spams with virus to worldwide users every day. Sometimes, virus is embedded in attachment. Sometimes, it hides on site that the malicious link redirects you to. Once you click on them, virus sneaks into your device quickly.
Situation 3: Downloading unknown software that includes malware. Sometimes, you may be convinced that a piece of certain software is useful and meet your needs very much. After you see description of the software, you may think that you will not lose anything after you install it even if it is not as useful as it says. You are totally wrong. Once you download software with virus, your device will be blocked. You are putting your device at risk.
Step 1: Please try to put the infected android device into Safe Mode at first to unlock the screen temporarily from the powerful scam virus
(1). For various android phones: hold down the power button to bring out the menu with Power Off and Reboot option—-hold down the Power Off option (If nothing happens, please tap and hold the Reboot option instead)—-click OK on the pop-up box asking if you want to access safe mode.
(2). For Samsung Galaxy S4 and Samsung Galaxy S5: power off the device first. Press power button to power it on and tab the soft-touch Menu button repeatedly
(3). For Samsung Galaxy S3 and other phones with similar customized android system: power off the device—-turn on and hold down the Volume Down button (try Volume Up or Volume Down and Volume Up together if Volume Down does not work) when the brand logo shows up
You will see “Safe mode” at the lower left corner of the screen if you access safe mode successfully
Step 2: Search and remove suspicious files which are related to the virus
Step 3: Reboot the device to get out of safe mode.
The scam virus disguises as the real police to block your device for money. Sometimes, the FBI virus may block the whole device, preventing you from accessing the apps or doing anything on it. What’s worse, it even does not allow you turn off the phone make the scary warning disappear for few minutes. Sometimes it only blocks you from browsing the Internet. Every time, you open the browser app, the police or FBI virus shows up and does not go away. It hijacks the browser with fake warning. Anyway, once you see this police or FBI lock screen on your device, please remove it immediately. There is one thing you should bear in mind that if you did violate the Law, the real police would come to your house directly. They will not block your device and demand a fine via a popup. The lock screen is a scam virus which is a threat to your device. According to the victims, they paid the fine as it demanded and waited for two days. Unfortunately, their device was still locked until they removed the virus manually. Some of them said that the virus set a PIN code to their device as they didn’t remove the virus in time while no one knows the code. Most importantly, the virus may spare no effort to get your precious information and money with the help of the remote hackers. You must remove the police or FBI lock screen right now!
Suggestion: How to remove The police or FBI lock screen on Samsung Galaxy? Manual removal is a skillful and risky job, if any mistakes are made during the removal process, you may damage your phone immediately. If you are not sure how to start, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help right now.
Published by on November 3, 2017 12:50 pm, last updated on December 23, 2017 5:05 am
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