How to Access Hulu on iPhone 8 in China?

Can you use Hulu on your iPhone 8? Is there any error when you try to access Hulu in your city? Many of you may not be able to watch videos on this platform because it is only available in the US and Japan.

Why can’t You Access Hulu in China?

Hulu is a famous American video website which offers free access to legitimate TV shows. It provides video resources to users via authorized point seeding mode. Now Hulu has developed a video player, My Media Player, based on Adobe AIR applications that allows users to watch various TV shows in Hulu without browser. The video program of Hulu can be released simultaneously on aol, MSN,, MySpace and yahoo. Its rich TV content, high quality video and fresh interface make it be on a par with the great local TV stations. You can watch the Live TV, Hulu originals, Exclusive past seasons, Current-season TV, Movies and Kids etc. on the platform. It has apps for iOS, Android, Roku, Fire TV, Apple TV, Chromecast, and Xbox. You can enjoy the video library conveniently, but there is limit. You have to be located in US or Japan because it is only open to these two countries.

Besides, Hulu also comes in the list of the online live streaming website that may show the content that is not suitable for the viewing of the Chinese people. They believe that the content may not only provoke the people, but also can corrupt the mind of the young generation. Hence, the Chinese government has stopped Hulu with the Great Firewall of China.

How to get Access to the Hulu in China?

Just like another blocked website, Hulu is not available for users in China. You are not able to watch the videos on that platform with the help of the local server. You need a tool to overcome the national firewall and bypass the geo-restriction to access Hulu in China. This tool is VPN. It takes care of the firewall and geo-restriction for you.
Before understanding the working of the VPN, let’s tell you how the blocking is done. It is quite simple. All they have to do is target the particular IPs who may or may to access the specified websites. For example, if any IP address from China is trying to get the access to Hulu then either the great firewall or the Hulu server itself will decline the request and give the error as a result. That mean if we can get the IP that is permitted to the access for the Hulu website then we can easily enjoy the Live streaming while staying at any place in the world.

What is a VPN? VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It creates an encrypted and secure connection between you and the website you are visiting. The VPN server plays the role of a middleman between you and the website that you are visiting. Given that the network traffic between you and websites is encrypted like a tunnel, the ISP will have no idea of your traffic emerges without signs of who you are or where you’re connecting from. The VPN server provides IPs from other country to replace your real IP. With the help of VPN, you will be able to access Hulu any time when traveling in China.
Some of you may not choose VPN because it not free of charge. What we want to tell you is you get what you pay for. Though other tools are free, they can’t give what you want. With a lack of access or reliability, many tools simply aren’t an option for you. As we know, the Great Firewall of China is the most powerful and advanced one in the world. How come it allows you to defeat so easily? The free tools can cause a number of problems, such as unreliable collaboration and document sharing. That will be too bad.

If you have any questions about how to access Hulu in China on iPhone 8, please live chat with YooCare Expert now.

Before you read the steps, let us tell you something important. There VPN websites are filtered by the Chinese government almost every day, and hence there may be a possibility that some of these websites are not working anymore. So make sure that you have seen the updated VPN list before choosing one.

Here are some steps:
·First of all, you will need to go to the website of the particular VPN and register yourself there.
·Then you will need to buy the subscription package because no VPN in China is free of cost.
·Once you have purchased the package that will allow you with the different types of features, bandwidth, and data usage and so on, you must download the application for the desired device. You can select the desired sever either before downloading the application or after it a server that is allocated outside China but in the country near China should be chosen.

How to set up VPN on iOS like iPhone 8?
Below you can see simple instructions.
1. Click Settings > General > VPN
2. Tap Add VPN Configuration
3. Select L2TP VPN and enter you VPN account data. You will receive your VPN server, username and password in the e-mail
Server address must be exactly as in your account data (without http://, www or any other symbols).
4. Save your VPN configuration. Once you have created VPN connection you can switch it ON and OFF on the main settings screen
When you are connected to VPN you can access Hulu without any restrictions.
How to set up VPN on Android like Samsung S8
To use Hulu on your Android device you need to make a VPN connection between you and VPN server. You do not need any additional software or applications. All you need is make a few simple steps:
1. Tap Settings
2. Select Wireless & Networks and tap on VPN
3. Add VPN Network
4. Input connection name, select the type of your VPN connection – PPTP VPN, input VPN server address from your account data.
Please be carefully – don’t use any additional symbols like spaces, http://, www, / …etc in the server address.
5. Input your Username and password that you received from VPN account service in e-mail.
Save it and tap Connect
For connection to vpn server:
1. Select Home > Menu > Settings
2. Tap Wireless & networks
3. Tap VPN settings
4. The VPN connections you have added are present in the list
5. Tap the VPN you wish to connect to
6. A dialog box will open asking for your credentials, enter them and click connect

When you are connected to VPN, you will see an ongoing notification in the Status bar on your Android device. If you are disconnected, you will receive a notification and an option to go back to the VPN settings section.


1. Always choose the server that is near China so that one can get the fastest possible results.
2. These VPNs are not free of cost hence ready to pay some affordable price to get the access to the Telegram and other blocked websites.
3. If you use VPN in China, make sure to get the updated list of the VPNs because most of the old VPNs have been banned by China.
4. Moreover, never search or do something that can be offensive to Chinese authorities something traceable by GFW.

Top 10+ Best VPN Services In The World

Servers Country # of Connections Price(USD) Official Website
3000+ servers in 94 countries. British Virgin Islands 3 $6.67/Month (Save 49%) Best Choice
5159+ servers in 60+ countries. Panama 6 $2.99/Month (Save 75%) View Deals
3,307+ servers in 32+ countries. USA 10 $3.49/Month (Save 65%) View Deals
800+ online servers in 50 countries. British Virgin Islands Unlimited $1.99/Month (Save 83%) View Deals
1,300+ servers in 60+ countries. USA 10 $6.49/Month (Save 46%) View Deals

Click Here to Read More Top 10 Best VPN Services »

Video shows how to use Hulu in China on iPhone

Conclusion(how to use Hulu in China)

You will not be able to get the access to Hulu very easily due to the geo-restriction no matter you are located in China or other countries that are outside of US and Japan. You need a new IP that shows others that you are in US and Japan. This is what VPN does for You. This network will map the original IP address with the IP address of the server that has been selected by yourself. Thus, the server thinks that you are permitted to get the access to Hulu and hence deliver the result. In this way, you will be able to get the access to Hulu and other blocked websites. Get a VPN to unblock Hulu in China. The library of amazing videos will be available for you.

Kindly Reminder: If you have any question regarding how to use Hulu in China and how to Set up VPN on your device, please live chat with YooCare online expert for help.

Published by on October 17, 2017 8:08 pm, last updated on May 30, 2019 8:10 am

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