How to Access Line in China?

Hi. Is it possible to access Line in China? I heard that Line is blocked in China. However, I would like to use Line in China to contact friends. Is there a way to unlock it? If there is, please tell me how. Thanks a lot.

What is Line?

The line is a free application for messaging and interactions. This app is available for smartphones, tablets, and PCs. The line is a platform that has features like texting, multimedia exchange i.e. photos and videos. Voice calling (VoIP) and video conference features are also available in Line along with a huge collection of stickers. The line is a very popular choice for the users.

Why can’t I Access Line in China?

Just like Facebook, Google and YouTube, Line is blocked in China. Due to the serious censorship with Great Firewall of China on the country’s access to foreign websites, the availability of Line in China is a questionable matter. China’s GFW controls the access, viewing and publishing of data on the internet restrict access to a lot of websites and news portals. Though Line is a Japanese application, it is still facing restriction in China.

How to Access Line in China?

Is it possible to access Line in China? Yes, it is possible. A VPN will you to do that. The use of VPN to bypass the restriction is the best solution. The encrypted VPN codes provide the user privacy and anonymity by changing the IP address and help to unblock the restrictions of GFW. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure network which enables the users to go incognito and access any website easily. It has strong abilities to overcome geo-restrictions. With a proper VPN, you can bypass the censorship and use Line freely. Besides, your network connection will be more secure and stable.

Steps to Use Line in China?

It is possible to make a VPN tunnel on your devices to access the websites and application while protecting your identity. If you can register for a good VPN server, you can access Line with ease along with a lot of other websites. Using VPN is the best way to use Line from China. It also protects your phone’s identity over public Wi-Fi.

How to use Line in China on iOS?

Using VPN on any iOS device is an easy job; follow the simple steps to create a VPN tunnel:
• Click on Settings > General > VPN
• Tap on ‘Add VPN Configuration.’
• Enter your VPN login details in PPTP VPN. You will get the login details via email.
• Enter the server address as it is, without any text transfer protocol (HTTP ://)
• Save the VPN configuration.
• After the process is over, you can access the VPN setting in settings option.
• Download the Line app; you’ll be able to access it with active VPN.

How to use Line in China on Android?

Just like in iOS platform, you need to set a VPN connection between your android device and the VPN server. These are the simple steps to set up a VPN:
• Select ‘Settings.’
• Go to ‘Wireless & Networks’ and select ‘VPN.’
• Add the VPN network.
• Name your VPN and put the VPN’s IP address out any signs and symbols and click on ‘Save.’
• Use your login details to log in to the VPN service.
• Once connected, try opening the Line application, it should work properly.
Connecting the VPN server
• Select Home > Menu > Settings
• Go to Wireless & networks
• Select VPN settings
• Your VPN connections will be available.
• Choose the VPN you want to connect with
• A dialog box asking your authorization will appear, fill it and click on ‘Connect.’

If you have any questions about VPNs, please live chat with YooCare Expert now.

Important things you need to keep in mind about a VPN service

How VPN works while you are trying to access a website?
In order to let you know the functions of VPN, let’s talk about how it works in detail. You run VPN and click on link you want to visit. The browser sends encrypted your account & password and request to your VPN service first. Then, VPN service decrypts the communication and sends it to the targeted website. After the website receives data, it generates session cookie and send it to your VPN service. VPN encrypts the session data it received and then sends it back to your device. In this way, you can view the website you like after your browser received the session cookie. You may think that the process is too complicated and it will take a long time before you can access the targeted website. In fact, everything we mentioned above happens at an amazing and unbelievable speed. In the blink of an eye your request will be sent and everything will respond. Your Internet connection is secure, encrypted and extremely fast with VPN service.

Problems that you may meet while using VPN service

Problem 1: I can connection VPN service via 4G mobile data on my phone, but I can’t connect it via WiFi hotspot? I saw WIFi signal bar there while it still used my mobile data.
The problem may be that WiFi hotspot sets limits on VPN connection. NAT of VPN, namely PPTP/L2TP has been limited. WiFi hotspot refuses to transfer your data to the VPN service.
Problem 2: I failed to visit some regular websites after I turned off VPN. I could access those websites before I first used VPN. I am a Chinese user and I use VPN service to access Dropbox, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitter and watch Youtube. Now, I can’t visit my favorite Chinese websites in a normal way. I have to run VPN so that I can access them.
Firstly, there may be something wrong with your routing tables. Check your default route and VPN gateway.
Secondly, your DNS may have been hijacked. Check your DNS and scan your computer for malicious programs
Thirdly, it may be the mechanism network problem or Internet proxy. Check your Internet settings.
Fourthly, it may be caused by non-normal exit. Next time, remember quit it in a normal way.
Problem 3: I can’t access local area network after I connect to VPN.
It may be caused by IP address conflict. Check your network line and correct the settings. Find your original gateway address via command.
Problems 4: Why I have blue screen after I run VPN?
Probably, your drive is not compatible with the VPN service you use. Besides, some anti-virus programs, game protection drive and bank security controls will bring blue screen when you use VPN.

Best VPNs to allow you to access Line in China

Nowadays, there is a large number of VPN services from different countries and regions on the market. In order to figure out the best VPNs to allow you to use Line in China on iPhone, our experts spend several years in China and tested many VPNs. Here are the best VPNs to let use Line in China.

NO.1: ExpressVPN

ExpressVPN offers a world-leading service for mobile devices and computers. It has been voted as the best VPN for Windows due to its impressive speed and excellent encryption. Though it is powerful, it is pretty simple to use. You can follow easy guides to set up ExpressVPN on your devices no matter it is a computer, tablet or phone. Once you use ExpressVPN, it encrypts your network connection, protecting your real IP address and data you share with your partners. Besides, you can access FB and watch videos on Youtube or other videos from anywhere at an amazing speed. It definitely is worth the money.

NO.2: VyprVPN.

VyprVPN connection is one of the fastest VPN service with its outstanding infrastructure. It unlocks your favorite websites, such as FB, Twitter or google websites and bypasses the Great Firewall easily. You can enjoy your browsing activities without restriction. Wall-escaping is its most obvious character. It will protect you against China’s cybersecurity laws. However, please keep in mind that it is illegal to post or watch child porn on the Internet in many countries. You may violate the international laws with improper actions. Do not use it to do illegal things. In addition, VyprVPN works for Windows, Mac, Android and your router. One of its disadvantages is that it does not accept Bitcoin.

NO.3: NordVPN.

It helps you get instant access to FB, Hulu, Netflix, BBC, ITV, Sky, RaiTV and other websites that are not available for users in China. NordVPN also unlock some social websites and share legit resources freely and securely. You can enjoy amazing videos on Vimeo, Youtube, post interesting things on Facebook and Twitter and store important files on Google or Dropbox. Besides, you can check your bank accounts or other confidential information without worrying about information leak and cyber hack at public hotspots when using NordVPN. No one can spy on your meetings with your trade partners. Your communications are highly encrypted.

Video Guide Show You How to Access Line in China

Another incredible function that includes a VPN service is the extra security function that permits private and confidential web practices. All VPNs use a file encryption system that to keep all lines of interactions impenetrable by third-parties.

Top 10+ Best VPN Services In The World

Servers Country # of Connections Price(USD) Official Website
3000+ servers in 94 countries. British Virgin Islands 5 $6.67/Month (Save 49%) Best Choice
5570+ servers in 60+ countries. Panama 6 $3.49/Month (Save 80%) View Deals
200+ servers in 70 countries. Bulgaria 6 $4.18/Month (Save 50%) View Deals
Servers over 34 countries & Still work in China. Czechia 5 $4.88/Month (Save 20%) View Deals

Click Here to Read More Top 10 Best VPN Services »


All in all, you can access Line in China with a VPN. On one hand, it is very important to select the right one. We have to tell you that not all VPNs are good at bypassing the Great Firewall. You may see lots of VPN out there in the market. Some of them are cheap. Some of them even are free. However, we do not suggest you use cheap or free VPNs. Experiments proved that they are not strong enough to fight against the Great Firewall. Though they work in the beginning, they will be detected and blocked soon. To make sure that you will have the perfect experience when using Line, we suggest you think twice before selecting a VPN for your device. The right VPN will create a secure tunnel within the public network and encrypt your connection. It works steadily which makes sure that no one knows what you are doing online or will block your connection to Line in China. On the other hand, it is necessary to know how to set up VPN on your device as some of the VPN do not provide guides to do that. You have to connect your device to the VPN by yourself. It will be a big problem if you know little about computer. In this case, you can contact a computer expert for help. Do not hesitate any more. Get a VPN and access Line in China right now. You will know how amazing it is once you use it.

Published by on March 28, 2017 12:55 pm, last updated on January 15, 2020 8:18 am

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