How to get rid of “Your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” Warning manually?

I believe that my phone is infected with a virus. Lately, a warning popped up frequently when I was browsing. It says “Your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” and is 46.4% corrupt. It’s happened twice before and it was 3 viruses then. What should I do now? How can I remove the virus completely? I hardly can use the browser. It loads slow and redirects me to websites I don’t recognize all the time. Please help me out. Thank you.

What is “Your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” Warning?

“Your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” warning is brought by malicious programs off the Internet. Do not trust the warning because it is the virus itself. This virus is spread by cyber criminals all over the world. It is different from the ransomware which demands a fine to end non-existed criminal case. It does not ask for money directly. When you browse or connect your device to network, the virus warning just pops up randomly, telling that you have virus on the device. You need to download a piece of certain software to remove the virus. Sometimes, it requires money to download the software. Sometimes, the software is free to install. However, you must be careful. This software can be harmful to your device. You may download virus if clicking on the given link.

Once the virus is installed, the warning pops up frequently. When you open browser app, weird popup takes over the screen, saying that your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses and you need to download software to remove virus. In fact, there are no 6 viruses. Only one virus exists. The real threat is the virus behind this fake warning. You may notice that you have been redirected to unknown websites frequently without reason. We have to tell you some of the websites can be dangerous. Many people were attacked by viruses when they were redirected suddenly. Viruses were downloaded immediately while redirecting. Soon enough, the virus occupied the whole screen, trying to steal precious information and money from innocent users. It is very necessary to be cautious with browser redirects. In order to remove the “Your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” warning, you have to remove the real virus.
Most of people would worry when seeing warning about viruses. Especially for those who know little about computer and virus, they might think that it is the only way to remove virus. Hence, they would download the so-called anti-virus software. Many users spent a large amount of money on this fake alert. Some of the victims said that they spent $ 200 to purchase the software. We were sorry to hear that case. In order to avoid being scammed, locate the malware that displays misleading warning and remove it completely if you see “Your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses”. Please keep in mind that “Your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” warning is harmful to your device and you need to get it off your device to prevent it from installing more dangerous malware.
Once the malware sneaks into your device, it alters settings without your approval to protect itself. It uses Java-Script codes to inject malicious ads and display false notification on your browser. Sometimes, it does not allow you close the alert page and occupies the screen. It tells that your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses or your files are corrupted. Beside it, there is a “Remove” or “OK” button. Sometimes, the “Your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” warning does not go away though you tap the button. Several days later, you may find that it runs out of battery soon and takes longer time to charge. The browser fails to run normally. Though you can run it, it takes a long time to load a common website and ads just pop up all the time. You may start to believe that there are 6 viruses that are corrupting your browser. However, we have to tell you that the “6 viruses” do not exist. In fact, the real malware that writes malicious code to create chaos on your device to make the alert authentic. Besides, this “your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” warning can be more aggressive. It is strong enough to block the whole browser temporarily and you will not be able to access Internet. It lies that you can download app in google app store to fix the problem, providing a link. Do not click on the link casually as it can redirect you to malicious websites. Sometimes, it asks you to pay after tapping “Remove”. Do not fall for it because that will not help. It only wants to grab money from you.

How “your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses”Virus Spread?
“your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” is spread via the Internet with the third party programs. It may sneak in to your iPhone/iPad when you click on the infected ad pop-ups. This kind of ad pop-ups is designed to be very attractive in order to make you click on it effectively. Do not click on ads supported by unknown parties as we don’t know whether they are safe or not. If you download illegal stuff like children porn or music has been hacked, virus can be downloaded along with them. At the same time, this scam virus can access your device via email. The criminals place the virus program in an attachment and dispatch it to thousands of email users every day. If you click and open the attachment, the virus has your permission to access your device. Hence, it is a wise idea to ignore email from unknown people. In addition, many people’s iPhones/iPads have been infected with scam virus when visiting malicious websites or legit websites that have been corrupted. It is important for you to know that links on those websites usually redirect you to unsafe website to download virus programs. Do not visit unsafe websites to pick up virus. It does not worth it.

Since downloading the so-called software won’t help you remove this scam virus, manual removal is an effective solution for this. Processing manual removal is supposed to have a certain level of tech skill. If you are not sure how to start and are afraid of making any critical mistakes damaging the cellphone, please live chat with YooCare Expert now.


There is no doubt that “your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” warning is fake. Apart from the malware which supports this fake alert, there are no other viruses corrupting the browser. The real malware installs plug-in, add-ons and other helpers to slow down the browser and displays phony alert to scare you. That will create an illusion that it is reporting the dangerous viruses and it is trying to help. Do not be fooled by this trick. Do not try to fix the problem by following the guide of warning. It is not helping but misleading you. You need to figure out which one is the real malware that brights “your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” fake warning and get rid of it soon. Though there are 6 viruses on your device, the malicious codes and helper will really affect your browser and the whole device if it keeps upgrading itself at such a speed. Other malware can be installed to ruin your system further. Therefore, take actions right now. Get rid of “your browser is heavily damaged due to 6 viruses” warning once for all.

Suggestion: Manual removal is a skillful and risky job, if any mistakes are made during the removal process, you may damage your phone immediately. If you are not sure how to start, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help right now.

Published by on March 26, 2017 6:17 am, last updated on March 26, 2017 6:17 am

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