My phone is now entirely locked. After watching porn on the internet, something was installed on my phone saying that I have illegal content. I have searched around and it is pretty clear that its a virus. My phone is completely locked now, all it does is stay on the pop up screen. It says it wants me to pay £200 or they will send something to all of my contacts, and they took a picture with my camera! They had my IP, device, OS, Facebook account. I have tried to reboot my phone and all it does is give me a few seconds before it pops back up. Can they really do these things? I don’t know what to do! How do I get rid of this Penalty Notices Scam? All help needed please, get this damn thing off my phone.
Received Penalty Notices on Android phone/tablet for viewing porn? Is your phone/tablet locked by the scary police penalty notices suddenly when you are browsing as usual? If it is “Yes”, that means your device is infected with a piece of malicious software. It has been developed by the cyber criminals to swindle money out of innocent users. They spread it all over the world. No matter where you are, there is a chance you can be attacked by it once you browse incautiously on the Internet. Once the virus is installed on your device, it displays fake penalty notices and locks the screen immediately so as to scare you into paying a non-existed fine. The penalty notices prevent you accessing the home screen. It says that your device will be unlocked after you pay the penalty. In fact, this notice is not from the police or any other law enforcement agency. It is useless to pay the penalty. According to the victims, their devices still were locked after they paid as it demanded. The criminals took the money and just ran away. We have to tell you that the penalty notices are fake. They are brought by the malware. You have to remove the malware to get rid of the Penalty Notices Scam unblock your device.
Once the malware is installed on your device, it spares no effort to grab your precious information and money. The Penalty Notices Scam imitates the real police notice. At the top of screen, it writes Penalty Notices. It pretends to be one of the law enforcements. The date of issue, barcode, reference number, fine detail, your Facebook account, location, IP, brand of device and OS etc. are listed on the notice. It just looks like a real penalty notice. It locks down the device and does not allow you close it. Sometimes, it blocks everything on the device. You can’t call, text, browse or access any app on the device. If the malware is powerful enough, you even can’t turn off the device by pressing the power button. Sometimes, it only blocks your Internet. The fake Penalty Notices scam hijacks your browser and shows you fake message. You can use other apps normally except your browser app. Many people had been frightened and chose to pay the fake penalty. In this way, the criminals could make lots of money from it. Therefore, you must calm down and figure out how to remove the virus instead of paying the fine and get nothing.
The criminals spread scam virus via various ways. Your device will be infected easily before you can react. Let’s talk some of the situations.
Situation 1: Viewing suspicious sites. Virus on malicious sites and legal sites that have been compromised can catch you and block the device immediately when you visit them.
Situation 2: Opening corrupted attachment or click on malicious links in a spam. The cyber criminals dispatch tons of spams with virus to worldwide users every day. Sometimes, virus is embedded in attachment. Sometimes, it hides on site that the malicious link redirects you to. Once you click on them, virus sneaks into your device quickly.
Situation 3: Downloading unknown software that includes malware. Sometimes, you may be convinced that a piece of certain software is useful and meet your needs very much. After you see description of the software, you may think that you will not lose anything after you install it even if it is not as useful as it says. You are totally wrong. Once you download software with virus, your device will be blocked. You are putting your device at risk.
How to Remove Penalty Notices Scam from Android Phone/Tablet Manually?
Step 1: Please try to put the infected android phone into Safe Mode at first to unlock the screen temporarily from the powerful scam virus
(1). For various android phones: hold down the power button to bring out the menu with Power Off and Reboot option—-hold down the Power Off option (If nothing happens, please tap and hold the Reboot option instead)—-click OK on the pop-up box asking if you want to access safe mode
(2). For Samsung Galaxy S4 and Samsung Galaxy S5: power off the device first. Press power button to power it on and tab the soft-touch Menu button repeatedly
(3). For Samsung Galaxy S3 and other phones with similar customized android system: power off the device—-turn on and hold down the Volume Down button (try Volume Up or Volume Down and Volume Up together if Volume Down does not work) when the brand logo shows up
You will see “Safe mode” at the lower left corner of the screen if you access safe mode successfully
Step 2: Search and remove suspicious files which are related to the virus
Step 3: Reboot the device to get out of safe mode.
There is no doubt that the Penalty Notices on your phone/tablet are fake. Though it really looks authentic, it is not sent from the law enforcement. It is a trick of the hackers. Do not fall for it. The police will not inform you of a penalty by locking your mobile device. If you did offend the laws, you would receive an official document with real seal, or the police would come to your house and demand a penalty in person. They would not collect penalty via your phone/tablet. Besides, your device would not be unlocked if you paid the penalty. Some people would be scared after they viewed porn and other adult content. They were trying to pay the fine to end the trouble. In fact, it would not end the trouble. The scam virus would not go away though you did as it required. It would stay in your device. No one knows if it will install more viruses to steal all of your money. To fix the problem, you need to find the malware behind this Penalty Notices scam and get it off your device immediately. Do not give it any chance to damage your phone/tablet or steal your money. Take action right now. Remove Penalty Notices Scam once for all.
Suggestion: Manual removal is a skillful and risky job, if any mistakes are made during the removal process, you may damage your phone immediately. If you are not sure how to start, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help right now.
Published by on March 8, 2017 1:15 pm, last updated on March 8, 2017 1:17 pm
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