Remove FBI Investigation Virus from Android Phone

My uncle’s phone has detected the FBI investigation virus and he is locked out of everything on his Samsung galaxy s6. I guessed he was trying to watch porn on some malicious websites the his mobile device was hit by the ransomware. I have tried many ways to get rid of it for my uncle, but it doesn’t work. Now my uncle’s mobile phone has been blocked for two days. He cannot do anything, no making a phone call and sending text messages. He is gonna be mad. How can I help my uncle remove it completely in the expired time? I think many people have the same problem like my uncle’s. Who can help me? Just give me a hand to remove it. Please help! Thanks a million!

Brief Description of Fake FBI Investigation on Android Devices

In my view, although FBI investigation is legal organization, but some criminals trade on this name to do illegal things. Such as trying to swindle your money and steal your personal information. This ransomware is named FBI investigation under the payment system it requires. It is a very strong virus because it uses alerts presented as given by an official institution. If you want to unlock your cell phone, you have to remove the virus. But when you finish the payment and you will find that it is not useful  because the FBI investigation virus is still on your android phone.

The fines are paid using a pre-paid system called Moneypack or iTunes gift card. But I think  none of official institutions ask any payments via systems like this. Therefore, next time if you see fake police virus on you android phone. One thing you should only confirm is that it is not a real warning, it is just a virus, and the virus is used by scammers.  FBI investigation virus is concerning various countries, mostly the USA and also other countries.

Processing manual removal should have a certain level of mobile phone. If you are not sure how to start or afraid of making any critical damage on the phone, please open a live chat with YooCare Expert now!

Why My Android Phone Gets this FBI Investigation Virus?

Well, one thing you should have to reflect is that whether you watch porn or install some spiteful apps sometimes or not. Maybe you click on some strange-looking links, these will make our phone pick up virus .  The scammer uses today’s high-speed development of science and technology to create  FBI investigation virus and trick you money to pay for it. As ransomware virus writers try to earn money for their bad deeds, also they continually look for new ways to get their malicious software installed on your devices, such as cyber criminals, FBI investigation, etc. The best suggestion is still to think twice before installing unknown software, clicking on strange-looking links or watching movies on line as well as entertainment and gaming apps.


What Can the FBI Virus do on my Android phone?

The majority of on stealing confidential information, such as device IDs from infected devices, which is apparently a considerable concern. Unfortunately, as we have mentioned before, FBI investigation virus writers are employing ever more complicated techniques to cheat you. These types of apps that clone legitimate apps to fool you into downloading them, but sometimes these viruses will be bundled with some apps.


How can I keep away from the FBI Investigation Virus?

Below you can read a few quick tips to help you keep your Android phone away from it.

  1. Please remember always to research the publisher of the app. What other apps does it offer? Do any of them look a bit weird? If so, you should probably keep away.
  2. Read online reviews carefully. Not all of the apps always be truthful in Android Market Store. Check around to see what reputable Websites are saying about the app before you download it.
  3. Always check app permissions. Whenever you download or update an app, you should get a list of permissions for it. Avoid directly installing some apps you do not know or clicking strange-looking links.
  4. If you watch films online or play games, make sure that you in the safe website, and do not click any weird links.
  5. You can install an antivirus on your phone. Although most of us still think that antivirus software on phones are useless. Maybe outbreaks such as FBI investigation virus we will change minds.


FBI investigation warning is a kind of ransomware. Sometimes it will appear on your phone, because you have already clicked some unknown links or watched porn films on line before or downloaded some free apps which are bundled with viruses. So when you do these things before, think deeply, and be care of your phone if it has any odd websites appear. Do not underestimate the FBI investigation virus. In recent years, the fake police virus spread ransomware to scam people rampantly. You must stay alert to avoid being scammed. One thing you have to understand that there is no law enforcement or police punish a crime without any evidences and demand a prepaid card for fine. Therefore when your android phone have been attacked by FBI virus, you should try some ways to remove the virus first, rather than clicking on the payment links.  Get rid of this virus before it do further damage to your android device and access your sensitive information. Please remember the tips, maybe it will help you one day.

Note: Still have trouble in removing this virus? If you don’t want to mess up your mobile phone, Please contact YooCare Experts for instant help now.

Published by on August 22, 2016 7:34 am, last updated on August 26, 2016 7:33 am

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