How to Remove FBI Child Porn Scam from iPhone/iPad

Do you know FBI Child Porn Scam? I was on my iPhone on safari, and a pop up came up and it took me to a pornography site, I accidentally clicked it! But then another pop up came up and said “ATTENTION! Your apple id and your mobile device have been blocked for safety reasons. If you let 24 hours pass without payment, all photos movies games documents will be deleted and you will become the subject of criminal prosecution without the right to pay the fine and the possibility of unlocking your Apple ID express and then it says 5 to 11 years of jail “, it claims I’m on a criminal list, and to get rid of this I have a 500$ fee and I have to pay it within 24 hours!? I’m scared I’m 19 years old and about to go into the military. I don’t have 500$ and I don’t know what to do!!!

Description of FBI Child Porn Scam on iPhone/iPad

FBI Child Porn Scam usually displays a big fake warning message on mobile device especially on iPhone/iPad claiming you watch child pornographic material and break some lists of laws and you will be fined about 500 dollars. This FBI Child Porn alert message also notice you need to pay the fine within limited time via Paypal or Moneypak or you will be prosecuted or serve in jail. In fact, this message is not real from FBI department as it mentioned on the message screen. FBI Child Porn warning notice virus is associated with those cyber criminals who create this virus. cyber criminals have distributed this virus for a long time since 2013, but at that time this kind of virus mainly targets windows computer even Mac computer, but in order to make more illegal profit and money, cyber criminals update this FBI virus to have a strong ability to compromise more and more mobile device including android device and iOS device like iPhone/iPad/iPad and so on. when this FBI Child Porn virus gets on your iPhone/iPad device, it will pop up the Child porn warning message again and again to interrupt your online activities even blocks you access the Internet, so that you have no way to continue browsing on Safari, Chrome or Firefox. If you click on Cancel or X, it will pop up in the next few seconds. Even though you have restarted your iPhone/iPad, but when you open Safari, it will pop up again, which usually drive you to be crazy.

When you see FBI Child Porn Scam popping up on web browser like Safari on iPhone/iPad, you should figure out an effective way to remove and stop this scam bug from your iPhone or iPad device, or this FBI scam virus will do harm to your device. However, many victims just scare and worry that they will be prosecuted or serve in jail about 5 to 11 years, so innocent victims send $500 expecting their iPhone/iPad can be unlocked soon. Although this FBI warning message titled with FBI badge blames that your iphone or ipad has been blocked due to the reason that you have been violating Copyright and related laws, viewing or distributing prohibited pornography and others similar crimes, even you don’t do anything about what it mentioned, it is not from authentic law enforcement or government department. That scaring FBI Chile Porn Scam warning message is a trick tactic for cyber criminals to scare people and extort people’s money. You will not get into jail or prosecuted even though you don’t pay that fine of $500 within 24 hours. FBI Child Porn Scam virus will not go away by itself but pop up on Safari browser to disturb you, and will not allow you to exit out the page by clicking on X or Cancel, so that it can totally block you to access Safari and the Internet on your iPhone/iPad. Anyway, see FBI Child Porn virus must be removed as soon as possible to keep your iPhone/iPad safe.

Please Contact YooCare 24/7 Online PC Expert now if you don’t know how to start FBI Child Porn Scam Virus removal on your iphone or ipad.

Similar Screenshot of FBI Child Porn Scam on Mobile Device

FBI Child Porn Scam

How do You Get FBI Child Porn malware on iPhone/iPad?

We used to think that Apple iOS gadgets were pretty immune to viruses and malware. Sadly, over the past year hackers have turned their attention to our mobile gear. Usually, the installation of FBI Child Porn Scam virus can be completed in a short time and then it pops up immediately to lock your iphone or ipad without signs if you visit a phishing site, open a junk e-mail attachment, click on an unknown link or download an application from an unsafe source. You will be easily get infected by this virus after you jailbreak your device.

Possible Danger Caused By FBI Child Porn Spam:

It will take control of your mobile phone rapidly once it is downloaded.
It will pretend itself as a legit warning and then ask for a ransom.
It will not allow you to change your phone settings or open Apple Store to download antivirus program.
It will not let you close Safari or Chrome except for inputting the demand Greendot Moneypak code.

Important Things You Have To Know If Your iOS Device Has Been Blocked by FBI Child Porn Scam Virus:

1. FBI Child Porn Scam virus can attack smartphones running with Android or Mac OS X system.
2. Don’t pay for anything or provide your personal information to this hoax, it won’t help lock out of the fake FBI warning  notice message screen but just waste your money.
3. Currently antivirus app is not able to detect or remove this malware, and there is not an app can prevent the virus from attacking the mobile device again.

FBI Child Porn Virus Removal on Mac OS X System:

Don’t be scared by this FBI Child Porn Scam warning message, instead you need to think logically and don’t be taken in to give them money. This kind of ransomware just aims at stealing people’s money via illegal method. This FBI warning notification malware takes over the whole screen of your web browser and blames you with a threatening tone that you were being accused of activities against copyright laws, such as viewing or distributing pornography, spam distribution etc. And that it was running facial recognition and you have to pay a fine of $500 within the next 24 hours or it would lock up Apple ID, your entire Phone and you will be prosecuted even serve 5to 11 years of jail. What mentioned above is just the scare tactics to threaten iPhone/iPad users and defraud money from people. You should ignore any message on this fake FBI notice and immediately clean up your iPhone/iPad device.

Kindly Note: To completely get this FBI Child Porn Scam virus off iPhone or iPad, you can contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help right now.

Published by on October 13, 2015 9:35 am, last updated on June 6, 2016 8:13 am

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