Remove FBI Fraudulent Malware On iPhone/iPad

Is it real? I got a FBI Warning Message on your ipad while I was browsing on the Internet looking for airplane ticket to London. I clicked on the pop-up on the screen by mistake then I got that message. It was so ridiculous that it accused me about doing illegal things on the Internet (which I didn’t do). I was thinking that the message would disappear after I rebooted my ipad. However, thing didn’t go well as I thought. When I turned the ipad on again, I saw the warning was still there which was so scared me. I had no idea about what to do next. Please help me get rid of this FBI Fraudulent Malware! Thank you so much!

Ipad Be Infected by FBI Fraudulent Malware—Is It True?

FBI Fraudulent Malware has been classified as a vicious ransomware family which is created by malicious cyber criminals. This fake virus has been detected to trick lots of innocent computer users. Lots of victims if this virus are hoaxed by pop-up into paying a certain amount of fine such 250$ or 500$. Nowadays, this virus will not only infect Windows computers users, but also infected Android phone user including iphone and ipad. This virus did really threaten lots of victims to pay for the fine. However, this infection is not the real police from the FBI, but is a malicious scam virus. Once this virus infected your iphone, it may tell you that your browser has been hacked and will be blocked within 24 hours if you don’t pay for the fine it asked.

“I was on Twitter and the FBI warning popped up telling me I was caught watching bad videos and stuff and that I have to pay a fine I have heard about the virus so didn’t pay attention and canceled the Pop up quickly so should I just ignore it? Will anything happen? I am so scared! What do I do?”

“It says ATTENTION! Your apple id and your mobile device has been blocked for safety reasons. If you let 24 hours pass without payment, all photos movies games documents will be deleted and you will become the subject of criminal prosecution without the right to pay the fine and the possibility of unlocking your apple id express. Will I being recorded and sent to the court? Please, help!”

FBI Fraudulent Malware is mainly used to trick unwary users into thinking they are really blocked by the police of the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. This virus creates and sends fake claims so as to hoax you into paying the scam fines. Due to the warnings stating that you are doing illegal activities including downloading copyrighted material and viewing pornography, as a result, you must be felt to death. We all know that no one wants to be arrested by FBI so you will be more willing to pay the fine to unlock this FBI virus page. If you don’t pay for the fine in time, it will continue to displays jail time for you to remind you of the scam fine. What’s more, you can’t exit out your browser. Even though you restart the device, and then go online again, you will see the virus displaying on your screen again. You must be so scared to see it again, do you? Remove this virus immediately as soon you see the warning on your phone! Step by step manual removal is the most effective way to eliminate this virus completely. You should neglect this fake FBI scam message and get rid of FBI Fraudulent Malware on your iphone or ipad as soon as possible.

Please Contact YooCare 24/7 Online PC Expert now if you don’t know how to get rid of the fake FBI Fraudulent Malware on your iPhone or iPad.

How Do You Get FBI Fraudulent Malware Pop up On iPhone/iPad?

We used to think that Apple iOS gadgets were pretty immune to viruses and malware. Sadly, over the past year hackers have turned their attention to our mobile gear. Usually, the installation of FBI Fraudulent Malware can be completed in a short time and then it pops up immediately to lock your iPhone or iPad without signs if you visit a phishing site, open a junk e-mail attachment, click on an unknown link or download an application from an unsafe source, especially after you jailbreak your device.

Main Traits of FBI Malware On iPhone or iPad

1. It is designed to lock iPhone or iPad and asks you to pay for a fine from £100 to £500 to unlock your device. As a matter of fact, it is a big risky scam virus.
2. It locks your Apple device with a accused statement that you’ve violated the law of local office by watching illegal porn websites online.
3. As soon as this virus targets your Apple device, it totally blocks your access to the Internet and prevents you from doing anything there.
4. It allows remote cyber hackers to access your iPhone/iPad in order to pilfer your personal information and other sensitive information.

Important Things You Have To Know If Your iOS Device Has Been Blocked By FBI Warning Scam:

1. This virus can attack smartphones running with Android or Mac OS X system.
2. Don’t pay for anything or provide your personal information to this hoax. Even though you pay for the scam fine, it won’t help you lock out of the fake FBI Fraudulent Malware warning but just wastes your money.
3. So far, no antivirus app can detect or remove this malware, even for preventing your iPhone/iPad from being attacked again.

FBI Fraudulent Malware Removal On Mac OS X System:

Once your iphone/ipad is infected by FBI Fraudulent Malware, you must remove this malicious virus from your Apple device immediately. This virus used to get into your iphone with the help of the third party application. Commonly, this fake infection is spread through the suspicious web sites, unsafe links, pop-ups and ads, freeware downloads, as well as spam email attachments. Once this virus hacked your iphone/ipad, it may run automatically on your system and then block your Internet access and keep you from going online normally. You can’t exit it out of your safari. Otherwise, it will not go away by itself unless you remove all its components step by step. Even in some cases it may disappear itself for a while to let you get Internet access back, however your device is still unsafe. How to make sure if FBI Fraudulent Malware is still on your iphone/ipad or gone completely? The only way to make sure is to get rid of this virus step by step. If you don’t know how to eliminate it by yourself, you are welcome to contact YOOCARE ONLINE EXPERT for further help.

Note: If you don’t know how to get rid of this kind of scam virus warning from your iPhone/iPad? Please contact YooCare experts 24/7 online for help right now.

Published by on September 30, 2015 1:14 am, last updated on December 27, 2015 1:13 pm

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