Remove Paysafecard Scam Virus On iPhone/iPad in 2017-2018

Told by a someone said:”Hi, I was a victim of ransomware where my iPhone was blocked due to illegal activity and I need to call apple support which is +61 1800 316 872.At first, I panicked and I called the number. The scammer asked me to install zoom meeting to my iPhone while on the conversation. His name was simon, and told me that my IP address was breached. He asked me to join a meeting or a conference call in zoom meeting probably to get a photo or video from me. Other than that, I also gave my full name and email address. However, when the time he is telling me that I need to pay for the service in removing this malware, I told him that I will think for a second. Upon ending the call, I have used my iPad in searching on how to deal with it and ways to remove this. Glad thing, I did not proceed for it. Now I am wondering, because I am afraid that these scammer will use my identity.” How to get rid of this malicious Paysafecard Scam Virus from your iPhone/iPad? What will you do if you got a notice stating the warning about watching pornography on iPhone or iPad? You even have no any clue on how this virus gets into your iPhone/iPad. You just visited some regular websites on your iPhone/iPad. As soon as the notice pops up, you can’t use or exit out your safari. A javascript alert is showing up on your iPhone and asking you to pay for a fine of £100 within 24 hours. It may threat you that if you don’t pay for the scam fine in the certain hours, it will send you to the court. If you google about this virus, you may find that ukash paysafecard is a virus malware which pretends to send the information from a legit government to hoax to pay for the fine. Will you be freaked out? Are you scared? Please take a look at this post. Hope it may do some help for you.

Description of Paysafecard Scam Virus on iPhone or iPad

Paysafecard Scam Virus is classified as a malicious ransomware family which is created by vicious cyber criminals to trick computers and android phone users’ money. At the beginning, this kinds of virus mainly attack computer users. But now, with rapid development of high technology, android phone/tablet users as well as iPhone/ iPad users are hit by this risky virus. Nowadays, more and more iPhone/iPad users are suffering from being attacked by this virus. This virus used to relate to the aggressive and nasty ransomwares such as Cheshire Police Authority Virus or PCeU, Australian Federal Police Ukash Virus or RCMP virus and Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police virus and so on. From its related ransomwares’ name, you may see that this virus mainly infects iPhone/iPad users from European countries especially UK, Canada and Australia. This virus used to disguise a legit government and then send you fake information which stating the illegal thing you did online (which you may not actually do it). It may accuse you about the illegal things you did and list them for you on the screen.

“I was on Twitter and the Cheshire voucher warning popped up telling me I was caught watching bad videos and stuff and that I have to pay a fine I have heard about the virus so didn’t pay attention and canceled the Pop up quickly so should I just ignore it? Will anything happen? I wasn’t doing anything bad or watching anything bad I don’t even know any sites like that I was just scrolling through my Twitter account like everyday! And it completely changed my web took me to a bad site.”

“This problem just happened a few hours ago. I was browsing the Internet on my Facebook reading the post sent by my friends. I clicked on a link on the post. Then I got this notice popping up on my screen with my ID address and the symbol of the government. It accused me for watching illegal sites on the Internet which were against the law. It asked me to pay for a fine of £100 through Ukash Paysafecard within 48 hours. I was really freaked out. Had no idea on how to get rid of this virus from my Ipad. Can you help me with this problem? ”

Paysafecard Scam Virus use to infect your iPhone/iPad’s browser by using javascript or malicious virus app, which is commonly bundled with spam email as well as its attachments, suspicious links and pop-ups, unsafe websites (such as porn web). As soon as it infected your iPhone/iPad, it may totally lock Internet on iPhone/iPad and then ask you to pay a fine through Ukash or Paysafecard. As a matter of fact, you should have a clear understanding that Paysafecard is a scam virus which has nothing really related to the government. This kind of ransomware used to pretend itself as the government department or authentic enforcement to send the scaring message titled with Cheshire Police Authority, PCeU, Australian Federal Police or Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and so on, once it gets into your iPhone/iPad. Most of this virus’s victims may trust the statement claimed by this virus, then they paid for the fine through Ukash so as to not being prosecuted a lawsuit or get into jail. Once infected, you should not pay for the scam fine, but to do a detail research about this scam, ignore what this virus states and remove this virus immediately. Paysafecard Scam Virus is a malicious and risky ransomware. You should not trust all the information sent by this scam. Once your iphone/ipad is infected, you must take immediate action to get rid of it in order to protect your android device from being damaged severely by it.

Please Contact YooCare 24/7 Online PC Expert now if you don’t know how to get rid of the fake Paysafecard notice on your iPhone or iPad.

A Screenshot Of Paysafecard Scam Virus On iPhone/iPad


How Do You Get Paysafecard Warning Pop up On iPhone/iPad?

We used to think that Apple iOS gadgets were pretty immune to viruses and malware. Sadly, over the past year hackers have turned their attention to our mobile gear. Usually, the installation of Paysafecard Scam Virus can be completed in a short time and then it pops up immediately to lock your iPhone or iPad without signs if you visit a phishing site, open a junk e-mail attachment, click on an unknown link or download an application from an unsafe source, especially after you jailbreak your device.

Main Traits of Paysafecard Scam On iPhone or iPad

1. It is designed to lock iPhone or iPad and asks you to pay for a fine from £100 to £500 to unlock your device. As a matter of fact, it is a big risky scam virus.
2. It locks your Apple device with a accused statement that you’ve violated the law of local office by watching illegal porn websites online.
3. As soon as this virus targets your Apple device, it totally blocks your access to the Internet and prevents you from doing anything there.
4. It allows remote cyber hackers to access your iPhone/iPad in order to pilfer your personal information and other sensitive information.

Important Things You Have To Know If Your iOS Device Has Been Blocked By Paysafecard Malware Scam:

1. Paysafecard Scam Virus can attack smartphones running with Android or Mac OS X system.
2. Don’t pay for anything or provide your personal information to this hoax. Even though you pay for the scam fine, it won’t help you lock out of the fake Paysafecard Scam Virus warning but just wastes your money.
3. So far, no antivirus app can detect or remove this malware, even for preventing your iPhone/iPad from being attacked again.

Paysafecard Hoax Removal On Mac OS X System:

As we all know that, Paysafecard Scam Virus is sorted be dangerous ransomware family which may hack your device and stop you from browsing the Internet. This virus is commonly associated with a third party program, such as spam email and its attachments, suspicious links and websites, freeware downloads and so on. Once your iPhone/iPad is infected by Paysafecard Malware Scam, you must remove this malicious virus from your Apple device immediately. Once this virus hacked your Android device, it may run automatically on your system and then block your Internet access and keep you from going online normally. You may notice that no matter how many times you restart your device, when you reopen your Safari, you may see this virus warning popping up on your screen. You can’t exit it out of your safari. Once this virus infects your iPhone/iPad, it will not go away by itself unless you remove all its components step by step. Even in some cases it may disappear itself for a while to let you get Internet access back, however your device is still unsafe. How to get rid of the Paysafecard Scam Virus warning from your android device completely? If you have no idea on how to do this by yourself, you are welcome to contact YooCare 24 hours online experts for further assistance.

Note: If you don’t know how to get rid of this kind of scam virus warning from your iPhone/iPad? Please contact YooCare experts 24/7 online for help right now.

Published by on September 15, 2015 5:07 am, last updated on December 11, 2017 7:34 am

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