VirLock Ransomware Removal Guide

Hi there. I need help to unlock my computer! An awful virus named VirLock Ransomware keeps displaying on my computer and asking me to pay a fine. I don’t know how I got this thing. And I don’t think I did anything wrong. But I can’t figure out a way to kick off the virus completely and get my computer to work normally. Could anyone help me kindly? I will be so grateful if any recommendation is provided.

More detail about VirLock Ransomware

VirLock Ransomware is categorized as a harmful ransomware threat which has been distributed furiously on the internet nowadays. So nasty this virus is, it can get itself installed on your computer without getting your permission. Once installed, it keeps showing warning message stating “Your computer is automatically blocked ” and “Pirated software found on this computer”. It pretends to come from national security bureau, asking you to pay a fine amount in between $230 to $250 USD if you want to regain access the computer and restore the files. On the message, the computer user will be informed that crucial files were blocked and if users don’t pay the fine, these files will be deleted for good. As a matter of fact, the virus is one of the malicious ransom software created by cyber attackers to gain profit by tricking computer users into paying money for them. This ransomware is total fake from beginning to end. It is not associated with the police or the local government at all. This scam warning aims to help cyber criminals who sit remotely accumulate wealth from users through BitCoin.

VirLock Ransomware comes up with all the skills to trick you to pay the money. You should not pay for the non-existent fine stated by it as it won’t help unlock your computer at all and the trouble is still there. Keep in mind that the law authority won’t punish a person by locking computer, alleging you have violated the law and ask you to enter the payment. Once it is loaded, it blocks you from doing anything, not to mention open a program in your computer. You will experience the degraded performance on the computer. For instance, the speed of your computer goes on decreasing, and it takes a long time while executing any program, system not responding and etc. And it can disable registry editor, and you can’t even open task manager and others. It will display annoying pop ups and unrelated ads when you use the browser. What is worse, this virus program is able to bundle with other infection together, in this way they can mess up your computer easily. No doubt that you should take effective method to remove the virus completely. Now you can follow the guide.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to get rid of this Virus, please live chat with YooCare experts now.

VirLock Ransomware Screenshot:


Once the NVirLock Ransomware is installed on the PC, it automatically modifies the system settings to immediately display the warning and disable every other function of the computer. It states that the computer will remain locked until the fee is paid, and after the payment is submitted the computer will be unlocked. The start menu is locked and there is no way to even open another Internet browser either. This is done to attempt to trick the user into thinking that this is a real serious problem and attempt to quickly extort the “ransom” before the user finds out that it is the fraudulent Virus behind this but not the actual police. The warning screen presents itself as an authentic notice by showing the real logos and seals of the authorities. The user’s computer IP address is displayed within the message as well along with the operating system that is being used.

How To Remove VirLock Ransomware Manually?

Some may become victims to this scam and pay the requested fine to benefit the criminals, but they will soon learn that it was fraudulent when the computer screen remains locked even after submitting the payment. At this point there is no way to get the payment back, so all that can be done is to remove the VirLock Ransomware from the computer. Using the manual removal instructions found below will ensure that all of the files are removed from the computer, allowing normal operation to resume.

Please do a system backup before you start to delete the virus manually.

1. Restart your PC before windows launches, tap “F8” constantly. Choose“Safe Mode with Networking” option, and then press Enter key.

safe mode with networking for Windows XP Vista and Win 7

2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together and stop the VirLock Ransomware processes in the Windows Task Manager.

Windows Task Manager

Random.exe (The name of the virus process may be different all the time)

(If you can’t figure out the process of the National Security Agency virus, you can end the process called explorer.exe first so that virus won’t come up)

3. Delete associated files of the virus from your PC completely as follows:


4. Search for all related registry entries infected by this dangerous virus and wipe them out:

Run+Registry Editor

5. Reboot the computer to normal mode when the above steps are done.

The virus can even access the computer’s webcam and will display a live feed in the message, making users believe that the police are able to watch them. Seeing this along with knowing that the warning message will not go away tends to convince many consumers that this is real and they will pay the $300 fine out of fear, as the message warns that if it is not paid right away there will be additional fees and possible jail time imposed for violating copyright laws related to downloading illegal files on websites. Please make sure if it is gone after following the guide above, otherwise, you are recommended to contact YooCare/YooSecurity experts for help.

Manual Removal of VirLock Ransomware Video Guide:

In conclusion:

VirLock Ransomware is known as a big threat that is rampant on the internet. Computer users were scared to find their computers have been locked by the virus. Though the name relates to some legal authorities, don’t be freak out. This is only an internet fraud which is created by hackers. Those cyber criminals pursue their purpose by scamming as much as money from the innocent users. It is able to threaten your computer security and your private data. What is more, this Ransomware can make the computer encounter many issues like unresponsive applications, booting problems and etc. Thus, if you run into this terrible situation unfortunately, you can use the above guide to unlock computer.

Note: If you are having trouble to remove this pesky virus, to avoid damaging your computer, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online in time for help to save your computer.

Published by on December 14, 2014 4:38 am, last updated on December 14, 2014 5:11 am

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