White Screen Virus Locked Android Phone? Removal Guide

Why does a white screen keep coming up on android? How to fix a white screen virus to android phone? I have received one of those FBI money pack where it says I need to pay 300 dollars to unblock my cell phone. Watched porn and phone says I violated laws? Just wondering did you get my message as it said we were no longer chatting. As i previously said i opened up a porn site and got this block appear saying i had broken international law and that it would cost me $200 to remove it. It’s seems to be the same as the FBI scam. Do you know of any way to get rid of it? I just accidentally click something i got FBI warning then my cell phone went to white screen,what i am going to do i didn’t know i am so scarred. There is no jail right that’s not my fault, they pop up when i surge free dog adaptation. Also, my Samsung tablet has been locked by cyber police about some porn site which I have no clue saying I have to pay a 200 fine through an I tunes card how when I have no clue about this, do you know how by ant chance to get rid of it?

Android Phone (Samsung Galaxy) Has Been Blocked By White Screen Virus – How to Unlock?

The White Screen Virus refers to a version of a very popular Trojan Reveton malware that demands payment for the possession of illegal content and files on the computer. Now it has been spreading from computer to cell phone. This virus is customizable and displays different messages depending on the IP address that is detected on the infected phones. In the event that the virus cannot locate the IP address it will just display a white screen, hence the reason that this version of this attack got this name.

This virus locks the android phone and displays a localized message (when it can detect the IP address of the phone) and this message is adjusted to be the correct language and currency related to the IP address it picks up. Each version of this virus also pretends to be a different law enforcement agency depending on the location. For example, if the White Screen Virus is installed onto a cell phone in the United States then the message will appear to come from the FBI, and if it is a cell phone in Australia that has been infected it will display a notification from the Australian Federal Police. These messages look official with the correct logos and seals of the agencies, but it is important to realize that this is not real and it is a scam to extort money by scaring the users into thinking that they are in serious trouble, but they can avoid legal action if they quickly pay a small fine.

All of the versions of the White Screen Virus accuse the smart phone user of the same violations. These include sending spam email messages to unsolicited email addresses, downloading and sharing copyright files, distributing pornography involving children, and the use of software that is not properly licensed. There is a long list of violations along with possible fines as well as the criminal charges linked to each violation. Then, after all of that is listed off the message states that the user can avoid all of those pending charges and legal action if they pay a small one time fee. Depending on the version of the virus, this ranges anywhere from $100 up to $500. They let the phone user know that if they pay this within a certain time, usually between 24 and 72 hours, that everything else will be dropped.

Their goal with the White Screen Virus is to scare the users into thinking that they indeed did violate something listed here and that the best thing to do is pay the small fee and avoid all of the other potential trouble. The hackers are smart and they know that if they can make these warning messages look authentic they will trick many users into sending the money because they are aware that they may have illegally downloaded something in the past. Their conscious and fear work together to scare them into sending the money. The fact that the virus blocks the phone from all other functions also works well to scare them into paying the fraudulent fine.

The White Screen Virus only accepts payments through Ukash, Greendot MoneyPak, and Paysafecard, all of which are loadable pre paid cards that allow the sending of money electronically. It is essentially the same as using cash because it is available immediately and there isn’t a way to initiate a dispute if the transaction goes wrong. Many of the victims pay the money because they want the block to be removed from their phone and they realize that it isn’t going to go away on its own. Some will try to manually shut down the phone and restart it in hopes that the message will be gone. To their disappointment it pops up right away and it will not go away. Every version of the White Screen Virus states that the block that has been placed on the android phone will be removed once the payment has been verified. It states that this can take anywhere from one to 72 hours once the payment is confirmed.

The user will soon discover that they have been scammed when their android phone remains blocked, even after 72 hours has passed from sending the payment. The hackers leverage fear and basically extort money from the users that they trick into sending the payment. They often change the layout and message on this virus to keep it fresh in the event that they infect the same phone over and over.

Please Contact YooCare 24/7 Online PC Expert now if you don’t know how to start the removal on your phone.

Possible Danger Caused By White Screen Virus Scam:

It will take control of your mobile phone rapidly once it is downloaded.
It will pretend itself as a legit warning and then ask for a ransom.
It will not allow you to change your phone settings or open Google Play to download antivirus program.
It will not let you power off the phone or do anything else except for inputting the demand Moneypak code or Ukash code.
It may damage your computer data and the Android system.

Never Become The Victims & Stay away from Phone Police Scam Now.

Regardless of if the user is infected with a geo targeted version of this virus, or the white screen version, there is only one way to remove the block. Paying the money does not release it as we have previously stated, and the only way to remove it is to delete the virus from the android phone. There is more information explaining how to do this at the end of this article.

The White Screen Virus is spread through spam emailing and by including the virus download in other downloads. The hackers will place popular music, software, and video downloads on torrent sites and file sharing websites. Since they are highly searched items they will receive a lot of downloads every single day. When the users install the files that they were after they are also installing the White Screen Virus without any knowledge. The hackers are able to infect a large number of Phone’s by baiting the most popular file sharing websites with these downloads. Hence, users must get rid of Interpol virus page from the Android phone as soon as possible.

A Step-by-step Manual Removal Guide On Android Phone

1. Restart your phone to safe mode.

Note: “Safe Mode” on Phone starts up without loading any third-party add-ons and different devices have different ways to access safe mode.

For example:

For Samsung Galaxy S4: 1. Power down. 2. Turn on and repeatedly tap the soft-button for “Menu.”

For Samsung Galaxy S3 and others: 1. Power down. 2. Turn on, then press and hold Volume Down (Galaxy S3 and others), Volume Up (HTC One and others), or Volume Down and Volume Up together (various Motorola devices) when the vendor’s logo appears.

If you have managed to select Safe Mode, you will see the text “Safe Mode” at the bottom left corner of the screen.


2. Once you have put your phone in safe mode, contact an expert for further removal instruction.

As mentioned before, removing the block on the cell phone can only be accomplished by deleting all of the virus files from the phone. Most automated virus scanning programs will not eliminate all of the files since they are hidden deep within the files. Removing them manually will ensure that they are all deleted properly, and full details on how to do that are listed below. Once all of the White Screen Virus files are deleted the block will be removed and the phone will operate just as it did prior to becoming infected. Once the virus is removed it is a good idea to do a complete system scan to make sure there aren’t any other potential threats located on the phone.

Note: Manual removal is a skillful and risky job, if any mistakes are made in the process, you may damage your phone immediately. To save your cell phone, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help right now.

Published by on October 14, 2014 5:23 am, last updated on October 10, 2016 8:07 am

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