How to Remove pop-up ads

Infected by pop-up ads hijacker? My computer performed very slowly and weirdly, and it got stuck frequently. The browser hijacker hijacked my Firefox and it displayed many random pop-up ads on the screen, annoying me a lot. How can I delete the browser hijacker from the computer safely? Manual removal instructions below will offer you some clues to deal with the hijacker infection effectively.

Description of pop-up ads Redirect pop-up ads is a risky browser hijacker that hijacks Internet browsers of target computers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer etc. It turns out to be a great risk to worldwide computers. Usually, the hijacker infection is released through network, including spam email attachments, porn websites and free software downloads. It also used by cyber hackers to deliver additional computer threats which can be adware parasites, worms, rootkits and malware and so on. The redirect infection targets the computer and it may drop malicious codes to the contaminated system without any notice, trying to invade the computer deeply. Obviously, the redirect affects the computer badly and it triggers constant network disconnection and slow computer performance. Tricky as the redirect is, it may take use of your system vulnerabilities to install some pesky plug-ins, extensions and toolbar in the computer secretly. Once users ignore or leave the hijacker infection in the computer for a long time, you will come across destructive computer damages like constant freezes and computer crash. Thus, it is necessary for PC users to get rid of the harmful browser hijacker as early as possible.

Soon as the browser hijacker attacks the computer, it adds to the Internet browsers and makes chaos to the computer. To more specific, the browser redirect changes your browser homepage and other default settings casually. Besides, it keeps redirecting users’ web search results to other hazardous web pages which are associated with browser hijacker and other third parties online. The random redirection of the target browser occurs to computer users during their visits to URL and other online resources. During surfing the net, it just displays many annoying ads on your screen, asking you to download some unwanted freeware and purchase unnecessary things. To make it worse, the hijacker infection is used by cyber hackers to steal precious information from unknown users so as to gain illegal profits. In such a case, the pop-up ads redirect must be removed from the computer immediately.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to delete this redirect virus, please live chat with YooCare experts now.

Screenshot of Browser Hijacker pop-up ads

Why Does My Antivirus Fail? How to Remove This Redirect Virus?

As it is discussed, the hijacker comes bundled with potential threats and it may take chance to install some unwanted freeware in the computer without any consent. It is capable to trigger malfunction of your antivirus. That is why the advanced antivirus can’t seem to pick up the browser hijacker entirely. Also, the hijacker infection is changeable, which becomes an obstacle for antivirus to figure out a latest version to deal with the computer infection. Actually, many computer users may have tried different anti-virus programs and reinstalled the target browser, but they just find it impossible to sort out this redirect issue. However, manual removal of this hijacker infection will enable you to save your computer promptly.

Instructions on Removing pop-up ads Redirect Manually

Manual removal is initially suggested for advanced users, as it is quite complicated and difficult. PC users need to know better about how to reset browser settings, find out all additional ads-on, plug-ins and toolbar related to this hijacker infection to wipe them out and deal with system files and registry entries etc. Do not delete anything that you doubt whether it is a normal computer file or an infected one. To make it easier, please follow removal guide given here to deal with the hijacker virus effectively:

1. Open the Windows Task Manager
You can press Ctrl + Shift + ESC together or Ctrl + Alt + Delete together.

If it does not work, Click the Start button, click the run option, type taskmgr and press OK. The Windows Task Manager should open.

2. In the Windows Task Manager, find out the process of THE Redirect by name random.exe. Then scroll the list to find required process. Select it with your mouse or keyboard and click on the End Process button. This will end the process.

3. Press Windows+ R keys to pull up the Run box, and then search for regedit in Run. (Type regedit in the Open filed of Run, and click Ok)

Registry Editor

*Note: Remember to back up beforehand.

4. Search for malicious system files and registry entries related to this pop-up ads redirect and wipe them out entirely.

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\random
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run |Regedit32

Video Shows You How to Successfully Modify Windows Registry Editor

In Summary pop-up ads is a malicious computer infection which makes changes to default settings of Internet browsers like Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox etc. It hijacks the affected web browser and redirects users’ websites to other unwanted web pages. Meanwhile, constant pop-up ads will appear on the screen, making users very annoyed. With this browser hijacker, the computer just results in slow computer performance and poor network connection. It is easy to suffer from system stuck and constant freezes. Since antivirus won’t take effective to clean out this redirect, manual removal is greatly required. If you don’t know what to do, please contact YooCare: PC experts 24/7 online will assist you to save the computer promptly.

Note: If you find that the manual removal process is difficult, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online will help you remove pop-up ads redirect completely.

Published by on March 8, 2014 5:59 am, last updated on March 8, 2014 5:59 am

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