Remove MoreFunGames Virus

Is MoreFunGames virus installed on your machine without your permission? Are you annoyed that page keeps popping up while you are surfing online? Why your antivirus program cannot catch this virus? Now please follow the manual removal steps below to get rid of this nasty hijacker immediately.

MoreFunGames Virus Description:

MoreFunGames Virus (as known as redirect, MoreFunGames toolbar virus) is categorized as an adware which can completely annoy you and disturb your working because it will cause frequent advertisements from affiliated websites popping up on your screen. This virus is programmed to damage targeted PC and compromise users protection aggressively, it is also used by virus creators to force victims to its website again and again so that they can the artificial traffic to boost affiliate payments. In most cases, MoreFunGames Virus comes and shows up on computer after downloading PDF Creators, video players, and other freeware and it is known to attack Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer.

MoreFunGames Virus has the ability to modify your browser settings and make victims redirected while they are browsing. It may constantly use your internet connection to send your private information to remote servers, as well as receive ads and pop-ups from third party servers, which causes much slower internet connection speed and overall connection instability. In addition, it hijacks your default search engine and home page, changing it to its web site against your will and will not allow you to reset it back. It displays unwanted pop-ups advertisements to keep interrupt your browsing activities. And you may notice that those ads are commonly associated with something you searched before. That means this hijacker can control your keyword search and collect user information which may include sensitive financial data such as logins, usernames, accounts in the background. Therefore, for the safety of computer, it is strongly recommended to remove MoreFunGames Virus immediately.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure and are afraid to make any critical mistakes during the process, please live chat with YooCare Expert now.

Infected Symptoms:

1. It can redirect you to malicious websites with numerous pop up ads to interrupt and stop you from doing anything on your computer;
2. It can turn your computer to run slowly and pose sudden death;
3. It can introduce more unwanted viruses and ransomware to do further harms;
4. It can help cyber criminals track your online activities and capture significant personal data to cause you a loss of value.
5. It can change your default DNS configuration and block you accessing your favorite sites.
6. It forcibly customizes the default homepage, search engine and bookmarks of your computer.

Malicious Browser Hijacker Manual Removal Guides:

Considering MoreFunGames hijacker cannot be removed by any security tools, uses can use the manual guide below to fix this issue.

1. Clear all the cookies of your affected browsers.

Since tricky hijacker virus has the ability to use cookies for tracing and tracking the internet activity of users, it is suggested users to delete all the cookies before a complete removal.

Google Chrome:

Click on the “Tools” menu and select “Options”.
Click the “Under the Bonnet” tab, locate the “Privacy” section and click the “Clear browsing data” button.
Select “Delete cookies and other site data” to delete all cookies from the list.

Internet Explorer:
Open Internet explorer window
Click the “Tools” button
Point to “safety” and then click “delete browsing history”
Tick the “cookies” box, then click “delete”

Mozilla Firefox:

Click on Tools, then Options, select Privacy
Click “Remove individual cookies”
In the Cookies panel, click on “Show Cookies”
To remove a single cookie click on the entry in the list and click on the “Remove Cookie button”
To remove all cookies click on the “Remove All Cookies button”

2. End the malicious process from Task Manager.

Once MoreFunGames redirect virus is installed, computer user may notice that CPU usage randomly jumps to 100 percent, slowing down the computer. If your system’s CPU spike is constant, users should check from Task Manager and see if there is a suspicious process occupying the system resources and then end it immediately.

(The name of the virus process can be random.)

Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc at the same time and it will open up task manager directly. Then change to “Processes” tab.

task manager

3. Show hidden files and folders.

Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options.

Click the View tab.

Under Advanced settings, click Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

4. Remove all the malicious files manually.

%AllUsersProfile% random.exe
%Temp% random.exe

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\internet explorer\toolbar\
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “.exe”

Similar Browser Hijacker Removal Video To Help You Clean Your Computer Manually:

MoreFunGames virus is another browser redirect adware that intends to replace your current home page and default search engine. It will install additional programs on your computer system, such as unwanted toolbars, add-ons or some start-up processes, which could lead to annoying website diversions. This hijacker can modify settings of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome which can cause many inconveniences for the users eventually. It changes the HOSTS file as well as other settings on your computer so that your infected computer will become more vulnerable to further infections. Since this threat can affect all web browsers that are installed on the system, so you will have to remove it from Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox separately if you want to get rid of MoreFunGames Virus for good.

Note: If you are not a computer expert and have no idea how to perform the removal, please contact experts from YooCare Online Tech Support for further help.

Published by on October 28, 2013 1:46 am, last updated on November 6, 2013 4:33 am

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