Trojan horse TDSS.CA Virus Manual Removal

Help!!! I can’t remove Trojan horse TDSS.CA virus from AVG Internet Security. It is driving me nuts. AVG Resident shield window keeps popping up from time to time saying that this virus found. But it won’t let me remove it. AVG only gives 2 options “Protect me” and “Ignore threat.” I click the “protect me” option, but then AVG says, “Removing of threat has failed” and it doesn’t let me ignore it because AVG prevents me from accessing the infected file. How do I get rid of this threat permanently?

Trojan horse TDSS.CA Virus Description:

Trojan horse TDSS.CA is the new member of TDSS Trojan virus discovered and found by AVG recently. It can exploit operating system vulnerability to open security holes on your computer so that it has the ability to download and run other malware like Trojan horse Dropper.Generic8.AXHI Virus in the background. The virus will root itself deeply into your system and prevent your antivirus program from removing. Thus, even AVG is able to detect this type of virus, it won’t allow you to remove it. The Trojan contains a rootkit function. With this advanced method, it can conceal itself and prevent itself from being detected or removed. Thus, it is not surprised that other anti-malware program detects nothing related to this malware.

Generally speaking, your carelessness may be the reason why your computer is infected with such stubborn virus. Users always acquire this Trojan by visiting infected websites, downloading free programs that contain malicious code, clicking on the unknown pop-up ads and opening the spam emails. Once installed, it will drop harmful files and make several changes on computer settings. You may get constant pop-up of advertisements whenever your computer is online and you will be redirected to random pages from time to time. And the most noticeable symptom on the presence of this Trojan is extreme reduction on performance of the PC. As similar as other Trojan viruses, it can capture and send all personal information, such as credit card details, login number/password to a remote hacker for illicit purposes. Do not hesitate to remove Trojan horse TDSS.CA virus before a complete mess to your computer.

Virus Screenshot:

Trojan horse TDSS.CA

Infected Symptoms Are Listed Below:

It can bypass the legit security tools and destroy your computer secretly.
It prevents you from opening some application because the files are corrupted.
It can make your browser redirected to all kinds of malicious websites.
It is able to allow remote hacker access the compromised system for illicit purpose.

Note: Trojan horse TDSS.CA is a highly dangerous Trojan created by the internet hackers and infects your computer through vulnerability or security program exploits. Once found, an immediate removal is needed. You can chat with an expert now to further know about this virus.

How Do You Get Trojan horse TDSS.CA Virus?

From malicious drive-by-download scripts from corrupted porn and shareware / freeware websites.
Through spam email attachments, media downloads and social networks.
When clicking suspicious pop-ups or malicious links.
Open unknown email or download media files that contain the activation code of the virus.

Note: No matter how does the virus access your PC, users should know that there are no tools can remove this pesky Trojan automatically at this moment, it is suggested users not spend much time in downloading or paying any security software which claims can delete this stubborn virus. It is totally useless. To completely get rid of Trojan horse TDSS.CA virus, professional manual guide is needed.

About Trojan Horse Virus Removal:

This is a tricky virus and it is able to disable antivirus programs so that it cannot even be detected or removed by antivirus programs, you need to manually remove it out of the computer. And in case that any mistake might occur and cause unpredictable damages, please spend some time in making a backup beforehand. Then follow these steps given as below:

1. Show hidden files and folders.

Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options.

Click the View tab.

Under Advanced settings, click Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

2. Open Registry entries. Find out the malicious files and entries related to PUP.Optional.SearchProtect.A Virus and then delete all.

Attention: Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

a. Press the “Start” button and then choose the option “Run”. In the “Open” field, type “regedit” and click the “OK” button.

b. All malicious files and registry entries that should be deleted:
%AllUsersProfile% random.exe
%Temp% random.exe
Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\tdssdata

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random characters]”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random characters]”

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:

Trojan horse TDSS.CA is a backdoor virus that allows hackers access to your PC and will download malicious files to the computer without permission. You should get rid of it manually without any hesitation. Once the virus is removed, you must do something to avoid getting infected again such as never download blindly from people or sites which you aren’t 100% sure about until you understand that is a trusting website. Now many trojans will automatically try to spread themselves to friends in an email address book or on an IRC channel. So you have to be more careful when you attempt to download an attachment or click a link from the unknown email. It may lead others virus inside your computer immediately without your permission. Last but not least, never click on any ads or pop-ups showing on your computer or you may give viruses a chance to infect your PC. In a word, Trojan horse TDSS.CA virus must be removed manually as soon as possible.

Note: If you are not knowledgeable enough to be able to distinguish the location of this virus, or you are afraid of making mistake during the manual removal, please contact experts from Yoocare Online Tech Support for further help.

Published by on September 7, 2013 10:22 am, last updated on November 6, 2013 4:47 am

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