Cybercrime Politie Nederland Virus Removal

Hi, I just moved to Netherlands a few days ago and yesterday my computer was blocked by Cybercrime Politie Nederland Virus. It took over my screen and I cannot do anything on it. When the PC started up, the warning was displayed immediately, the screen was saying something like  “POLITIE” and asking me to pay a fine in order to unlock the computer.  I did not remember exactly. It even did use my webcam to make it appear as if it was recording my face!! I have downloaded several malware removal tools but none of them worked. How do I get rid of this malware and get computer unlocked?

Computer Has Been Blocked By Cybercrime Politie Nederland Virus/ Ransomware? – An Overall Description

Cybercrime Politie Nederland Virus is a Ransomware infection targets computer systems with an IP address located in Netherlands and it can take over computers completely in an effect to collect money from victims. There are many possibilities for PC users to get infected by this horrible virus. This type of virus may have been planted in an email or Internet session. Whenever your computer is connected to the Internet or without installing an antivirus program on it, it is vulnerable to be attacked.

This Ransomware starts its malicious activities by displaying the Dutch police badges and a large notice that indicates your computer has been locked by Cybercrime Politie Nederland or other similar organization because it has been involved in an illegal action like watching porn and you have to pay a fine within 48 hours. The virus screen might even include your picture, IP address and the remaining time you have to pay the fine. For the virus page, it did really scare many people because no one want to be in trouble or go to jail. Few of them choose to pay the fine as if it seems to be the only way to unlock the computer and gain access to the computer. However, the only result you can get is your computer is still locked after the payment is transferred via Ukash or Paysafecard as required and your money is gone without any way to trace it and get them back. Cybercrime Politie Nederland Virus is a hoax that designed to trick you and extort your hard-earned cash. 

You need to take action to resolve the issue instead of giving your money to the hackers who produce this virus. The virus is not going to go away by itself even if after 48 hours. If you turn your tower off then turn it on back, it is still useless. Your screen is still frozen. There is no magic cure for all viruses. Don’t believe all the nonsense advertisements for resolving computer problems such as using a power anti-virus program. Even if you have the chance to disable the virus page and get removal tools running, you still get nothing related to the virus after spending a few hours in scanning the PC. The virus is tricky and it is designed to bypass the detection of any security tool. Please remember Cybercrime Politie Nederland  Ransomware is not associated with the government. Since this virus has been corrupting computers of unsuspecting victims for a few days, it is recommended users to unlock the computer from the manual way step by step.

Please Contact YooCare 24/7 Online PC Expert now if you are not familiar with any manual removal process or afraid of making mistake during the removal process. It will require expertise to remove this virus manually.

Screen Shot of Cybercrime Politie Nederland Virus/ Ransomware

Cybercrime Politie Nederland Virus

Notice: This virus will ask users to pay a fine of €100 in 48 hours to cover all the violations mentioned above. However, even if you have paid the fine, computer will still be locked and this virus will still be there making chaos as well. You will find no code is available to unlock your computer because the real law institutions would never contact you to make any payments like this way.

Cybercrime Politie Nederland Scam Infected Symptoms Are Listed As Follow:

It will take control of your computer rapidly once it is downloaded.
It will pretend itself as a legit warning and then ask for a ransom.
It can disable your task manager and even pop up in safe mode.
It can connect to a remote IRC server and forward the data to cyber criminals without a computer user’s awareness.
It can’t be simply uninstalled or removed in control panel.

How To Unlock Your Computer Quickly And Remove This Scam?

Since Cybercrime Politie Nederland Ransomware has completely locked up your computer making you difficult to gain access, you will need to manually remove it instead of using antivirus programs to do so. Also, antivirus programs cannot completely catch this virus. Otherwise, it would have caught it at the beginning when this malware tries to sneak inside. Below are some basic steps on how to get rid of this virus manually. However, due to the changeable characters of this virus, you may not find the exact same files or entries to delete. That’s also why the manual removal requires expertise to do it. You will need to go through files and entries under different locations to define and delete. Any mistake could lead to unpredictable problems during the process. Thus, a backup of important files and programs is suggested before Cybercrime Politie Nederland virus removal. A flash drive or external hard drive will be needed.

1. Since you cannot gain access to the infected computer under regular mode because of Cybercrime Politie Nederland lock screen, please restart the computer and put it in Safe mode with Networking first. Here’s the guide: Restart the computer upon the locking screen and start hitting F8 key repeatedly when PC is booting up again; if successfully, Safe mode options will show up on the screen for you to select. Please use arrow keys to highlight Safe mode with Networking option and hit enter key. System will be loading files into this mode afterward.

2. Open Control Panel from Start menu and search for Folder Options. Go to Folder Options window, under View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

3. Under Safe mode with Networking, please hit Ctrl+Shift+Esc (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) keys together to pull up Windows Task Manager; go to Processes tab on top and scroll down the list to find processes associated with Cybercrime Politie Nederland scam and click End process.

4. Open Registry Editor by pressing Windows+R keys and pull up Run box and searching for regedit.

5. Find out and delete files and registry entries associating with Cybercrime Politie Nederland  virus as below:

C:\Documents and Settings\<Current User>
C:\Users\<Current User>\AppData\

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableTaskMgr” = 0

6. Restart computer back to Regular mode and check out if the warning page still shows up again.

Similar Video Shows You How to Remove Fake Police Warning


Computer is being blocked by Cybercrime Politie Nederland Virus is a frustrating thing for computer users. One of the victims says: “I had my screen pop up with a notice saying my illegal activities are detected by Cybercrime Politie Nederland ( I have never done anything related to the screen says). And to lock my computer, I had 48 hours to pay €100 via Ukash or or I would be arrested. I realized this was a scam. I restarted and attempted to run some free scan programs that I have but the message locked me out again. I unplugged my wireless receiver and restarted again. This time I was able to run a scan but nothing was found. How can I get rid of it??” It is believed many users have the same problem and it confuses them and have no luck in removing this threat. If your computer is infected by this scam, you should ignore what the virus page says. Then you must take immediate action to follow the manual guide above to remove it from your computer for good.

Note: Manual removal is a skillful and risky job, if any mistakes are made in the process, you may damage your computer immediately. If you are not sure how to do, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help right now.

Published by on August 9, 2013 4:50 am, last updated on August 9, 2013 5:12 am

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