Trojan horse Generic28.CBQW Removal

I scanned with AVG and it found Trojan horse Generic28.CBQW but when I tried to remove it, it seemed to fail. This Trojan keeps coming back after restart. My computer is running Windows 7. What should I do to remove this virus completely without coming back?

Trojan horse Generic28.CBQW Virus Description:

Trojan horse Generic28.CBQW is a Trojan horse developed by cyber criminals in order to mess up your computer and steal your personal information. Most computers get infected with this Trojan because the user downloads something from the internet. They are either bundled with useful applications or users are tricked into downloading them. Trojans are most likely to be installed alongside freeware applications, that is why it’s so important to be careful whenever installing anything. Once this virus is downloaded, it will create a secret backdoor into your computer. This allows hackers to easily access your computer. It also gives the hackers a great way to put additional viruses or software onto your computer.

It also can carry out many other harmful actions on the computer without user’s knowledge. Now it is proved that this virus is able to attack computers running Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Only if you have AVG installed, you are able to detect its presence. However, this type of virus coming from Trojan horse Generic28 family is so tricky, it disables all the functions of your security tool so that no antivirus program can get rid of it automatically and completely. As long as it stays in your computer, it may monitor web-browsing activity of the user and redirect users to all kinds of ad sites against their wills. Furthermore, it allows an attacker to steal sensitive information including user name and passwords that are stored on the PC so that removing Trojan horse Generic28.CBQW virus manually is the first thing you have to do once you detect this nasty Trojan.

Dangerous Potential Threats by This Trojan Virus:

1. It can compromise your system and may introduce additional infections like rogue software.
2. It forces you to visit websites and advertisements which are not trusted and may lead you to pay money wrongly for worthless products.
3. It takes up high resources and strikingly slows down your computer speed and even causes your computer stuck frequently.
4. It may allow cyber criminals to track your computer and steal your personal information.

About Trojan Horse Virus Removal:

Trojan horse Generic28.CBQW is a tricky virus that is able to disable antivirus programs so that it cannot even be detected or removed by antivirus programs, you need to manually remove it out of the computer. And in case that any mistake might occur and cause unpredictable damages, please spend some time on making a backup beforehand. Then follow these steps given as below:

1. Show hidden files and folders.

Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, and then clicking Folder Options.

Click the View tab.

Under Advanced settings, click Show hidden files and folders, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

2. Open Registry entries. Find out the malicious files and entries and then delete all.

Attention: Always be sure to back up your PC before making any changes.

a. Press the “Start” button and then choose the option “Run”. In the “Open” field, type “regedit” and click the “OK” button.

b. All malicious files and registry entries that should be deleted:

%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.dll
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.exe(random)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableTaskMgr” = ’1′
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system “DisableTaskMgr” = ’1′

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:

Trojan horse Generic28.CBQW virus can conceal its presence of the compromised computer by only showing legitimate process running on the system so that it will be difficult for users to remove this virus by using antivirus program. Once it is inside, remote hackers will be allowed to enter your computer and follow all your activities in order to collect personal valuable information out of them. You will also notice some instant changes on the computer like performance of the machine reduces to a half as well as your Internet connection, maybe you will be redirected to malicious links as soon as you go online. To avoid a complete mess on your PC, you should get rid of Trojan horse Generic28.CBQW virus without any doubt.

Note: If you are not knowledgeable enough to be able to distinguish the location of this virus, or you are afraid of making mistake during the manual removal, please contact experts from Yoocare Online Tech Support for further help.

Published by on August 2, 2013 12:55 pm, last updated on November 6, 2013 4:58 am

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