Remove Redirect

Got a pop up site on browser which you are not familiar with? Is this domain automatically changing the home page address on the browser as well as the default search engines and other settings? Can you not get online properly like before because of the constant pop up of this page? Wonder browser has been hacked? How can one make sure browser is back to normal and safe to use again? Redirect – How to Remove? can be categorized as a browser hijacker or browser redirect issue which will pretend to be a regular web site and hijack the browser(s) on your computer. This computer issue is known for affecting browsing applications from working normally and helping cyber criminals collect valuable info out of the compromised computers. Hence, it’s not safe to use the hacked browser(s) to get online when you’ve found this redirect on your computer. And since antivirus protection programs seem not to be able to catch this browser hijacker, manual removal process should be taken to get rid of this hijacker completely.

Similar to most browser hijackers, this redirect pretends itself as a common web page which contains a simple search engine. It can get itself installed on the targeted browser(s) without consent from PC owners and reset some default structures for its own convenience. Browsing applications installed on Windows OS including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox can all be targeted by this browser hijacker.

Once installed successfully, redirect will become the new start up page on the browser(s) and will keep popping up whenever you try to surf the Internet. It’s actually trying to interrupt you from accessing the Internet and getting you to start online activities from its domain which also provides a search engine. We believe that the results provided by this search engine can be sponsored by cyber criminals and more viruses including Trojans and malware could be hidden among them waiting for their chances to hack into your PC. Besides from the reset of home page and replacement of search engine, redirect can also display annoying pop ups during your online activities to prompt some malware or even scam you by using the technique of pay-per-click. Private info is the ultimate target of this browser hijacker as it can use cookie to trace down your browsing histories. These records could be sold to cyber criminals to help them benefit.

The following removal instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to delete this redirect virus, please live chat with YooCare experts now.

A Screen Shot of Hijacker


Impacts of This Browser Redirect Infection

# redirect can affect more than one browser at a time and disable all the browsers on the computer
# Default structures of the targeted browser(s) will be reset including home page(s) and search engine(s)
# Users will be interrupted whenever trying to get online by constant pop ups and redirect actions
# Other viruses like Trojans and malware can be prompted by this hijacker to attack your PC
# Privacy security will be threatened by this hijacker
# Performance of the browser(s) will be affected as well

Instructions to Remove Browser Hijacker Completely

Notice: Manual removal process is suggested here since antivirus can’t help you catch this redirect. Expertise will be required during the process as the virus files can be changeable and named differently. Please consider backing up important files and programs before making any changes to the system:

1. Open the Windows Task Manager
You can press Ctrl + Shift + ESC together or Ctrl + Alt + Delete together.

If it does not work, Click the Start button, click the run option, type taskmgr and press OK. The Windows Task Manager should open.

2. In the Windows Task Manager, find out the process of redirect by name random.exe. Then scroll the list to find required process. Select it with your mouse or keyboard and click on the End Process button. This will end the process.

3. Delete malicious registry entries related to this browser redirect.

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\random
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run |Regedit32

4. Remove malicious files of this redirect infection.


Video Shows You How to Modify Windows Registry Editor:

In Summary: redirect, as a browser hijacker, can be very dangerous especially to your privacy. It can help cyber criminals benefit by using the technique of pay-per-click or cookie to trace down your online activities. So when you have this unknown pop up site on your browser(s), try to avoid using it for online surfing. It isn’t difficult to distinguish a browser hijacker from regular sites because this browser redirect acts differently then common webs. For instance, it will automatically change the home page as well as the default search engine to its own. It will also keep popping up to get in the way of you surfing the Internet. You may also experience constant pop up ads on the sites you log on to. All of this chaos can be related to this redirect virus. Once you’ve realized the fact, removing redirect should be achieved as soon as possible to prevent all the further consequences from damaging the system.

Note: If you delete the redirect virus with no success, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online to get help on removing this redirect from your computer completely.

Published by on July 30, 2013 11:40 am, last updated on July 30, 2013 11:40 am

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