FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Virus Removal On MacBook

FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Virus Targeting On Apple Mac? The mac book pro user said:”My web browser has been locked by FBI thing, is this FBI thing real?” If it is a virus, how do I unlock my Mac book from FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Virus and stop the following waring: All Activities of this computer have been recorded. All your files are encrypted. Don’t try to unlock your computer! Your browser has been blocked due to at least one of the reasons specified below? Each time I launch safari or Firefox, it gives a website asking me to pay a fine through Moneypak from $300 to $500. I notice the URL begins with fbi.gov.id something, do I need to pay the fine in time? Can FBI really lock your browser on Macbook or PC? How to remove your computer is locked virus for a mac? Mac book pro hit by http://gov.fbidepartment.net/ how to unblock? I was wondering how I can remove the FBI virus from my Mac book. It says that I can not my browser, it has been blocked by FBI please pay 500 dollar. Any help will be appreciated.

PC or Macbook Hijacked By FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Virus – How to Remove?

Now a new version of FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Virus has been detected to annoy lots of innocent computer users. Victims of this variant are also tricked by the pop up into paying a certain amount of fine to unlock this FBI block page. By taking advantages of the frame of FBI, the virus has managed to scam thousands of PC users including both Windows and Mac book owners. This virus was detected back in 2012 and it did really threaten computer users and rip them off badly. As time goes by, FBI virus keeps updating itself and this FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked scam can not only attack Windows system but Mac OS X. With the same goal, they are disguised as FBI in an effort to trick victims and ask them to pay a non-existent fine through Moneypak so that cyber criminals can easily extort their money. This new FBI browser locked scam utilizes java script to hijack internet browsers such as Safari and Chrome on Mac OS X. Thus, computer users are unable to surf Internet anymore because fake FBI virus locks down the browser completely. It won’t give you any options to close or minimize the FBI virus page. Instead of giving access to your browser, it just displays a fake warning taking over your web browser and claiming all activities of this computer have been recorded or all your files are encrypted. Afterwards, it demands a fine of 100-300 dollars or 200 pounds through GreenDot Moneypak or Ukash within 48 to 72 hours in order to get the browser unlocked. Please notice that paying the fine won’t help to remove FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked online scam from browser because it is a scam. Even though you reset your browser, the virus still resides in your computer and creates multiple malicious files to eat out your system resources.

FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked virus scam is mainly used to fool unwary users into thinking they are really blocked by the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. This virus makes fraudulent claims in order to get the victims to pay unnecessary fines. It blames victims for being involved in illegal activities including downloading copyrighted material and viewing pornography so that a large amount of victims are scared to death because no one wants to be arrested by FBI and they will be more willing to pay the fine to unlock this FBI virus page. Furthermore, this tricky FBI scam displays jail time for the victims in case the fine is not paid in time. Each time they attempt to exit the browser, FBI virus will give another fbi.gov lock up screen asking if you are sure to leave the page, also it warns users that “YOUR BROWSER HAS BEEN LOCKED. ALL PC DATA WILL BE DETAINED AND CRIMINAL PROCEDURES WILL BE INITIATED AGAINST YOU IF THE FINE WILL NOT BE PAID.” Apparently, this FBI browser scam is just another Apple Ransomware with an aim to steal your money. It may collect and lock your browser information until you pay a fine to get it unlocked. Users should ignore this fake FBI scam message and get rid of FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked virus on Mac as soon as possible.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to get rid of FBI scam browser virus, please live chat with YooCare experts now.

New FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Virus Can Block Your Browser On Mac OS X Like This Picture (All Activities of this computer have been recorded.):

Now many computer users from USA have been scared with this FBI Browser Locked Virus. Once it hijacks your browser, it takes control of your web browser rapidly and blocks you from surfing online. As similar as other Ransomware, it escapes from antivirus programs and pretends itself as a legit warning from FBI in order to ask victims for a ransom. Users should ignore this fake FBI warning and understand this is a scam displayed via JavaScript in an attempt to fool people into paying.


Fbi.gov Locked Browser Scam Hijacks Mac Book

If you pay attention at the address bar, you will see different URLs with fbi.gov at the top such as: fbi.gov.id657546456-3999456674.k8381. com or others. This virus won’t let you to exit the browser. Every time you try to do that, it shows another popup window giving you two options ” leave page” or ” stay on page.” If you choose leave page, it just does the same thing.

fbi.gov locked scam

Therefore, don’t pay anything for FBI scam because this virus alert showing on your browser is not associated with Cyber Department of the Federal Bureau of Investigation at all. Please follow the manual guide to get browser unlocked immediately.

New Screenshot of FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Virus $450 Scam On Mac Book Pro


Q: I Have Anti-Virus Program On My Computer, Am I Safe To Avoid FBI Browser Scam?

A: Anti-virus can prevent most of viruses, but not including some very smart ones. And FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Virus is the one that can’t be stopped by any anti-virus. New viruses will be created every day and it takes time for anti-virus to work out plans to deal with them. And that’s why some people’s computers are still infected with the protection of anti-virus. Because anti-virus soft ware needs to be updated. Before an anti-virus can take effect, new kinds of viruses can infect your computer.

Victims Describe FBI Mac OS X Virus On Safari:

– I am running a MacBook Pro and got the same FBI locked page in my Safari browser last night. It won’t let me close Safari, nor open another website. What should I do to get my browser unlocked?

– I get the FBI virus again on my computer. This time it is not on my desktop ( I got this virus 2 months ago on my Win7 desktop), it shows on my Mac machine. As soon as I open Safari, it comes up with a link associated with fbi.gov at the beginning and asks a fine of $300 to unlock my browser.I can do nothing on it. Is that true? Should I really need to pay the ransom?

– Safari came up with a FBI locked page. I guess it must be a virus because I don’t think real FBI will punish one by just locking his browser and asking for money. But I concern what might have been happening in the background once I get this virus. And how do I get rid of FBI virus from Safari?

-There is a lot of info about the FBI moneypak malware on PC’s, but can’t find anything on mac’s. How do I remove it? I reset Safari and cleared all flash data and Safari seems to be working. Did that really fix it or is the malware just hiding?

– My browser is hijacked by fbi.gov scam. According to the FBI warning on my screen, it says I have violated laws and thus browser is locked up as a punishment. A fine of $300 is requested in the page in order to unlock my browser and get me out of any further troubles. Please help to get rid of it. Thanks in advance.

How To Get Rid Of FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Hoax From Apple Computer?

Since this new FBI virus can block your antivirus programs to stop them from running even lock your PC entirely, under such circumstance, manual removal is required to handle with the virus. This manual removal guide is for advanced computer users to follow. If you are not 100% confident of what you will have to do, it’s suggested to get help from experts.

Please do a system backup before you start to delete FBI locked computer scam manually

1. Since your browser is already blocked by FBI locked computer scam, it is impossible for you to exit out the virus page. If your Safari browser is hijacked by any Apple Ransomware,  you can click the Search button in the top right corner like the picture shows. And the type in: Safari and hit Enter key to reopen a browser without virus page first.

Removal guide on Safari

2. If the FBI page still appears, please try to reset your browser. Once you gain access on your browser, please contact YooCare experts online for the FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Virus files removal.

Follow FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Scam Removal Video To Unlock Your Browser Manually Now:

Here is the FBI virus removal for Windows OS:

In conclusion:

Are you a victim of the FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked fake message? Have you already paid the fine hoping to get your Mac book unlocked from FBI lock notice? Now many computer users may still think viruses will not target Mac OS X computers. This is an erroneous view for cyber criminals now have kept an eye on the growing market of Apple products by making different kinds of viruses to attack Apple computers. Just like this FBI Your Browser Has Been Locked Virus, it is mainly used to hijack Safari browser on Mac machines. Users always acquire this Mac locked virus by visiting infected websites. Once it is downloaded, users must have a hard time to surf online. This virus embeds in your computer and won’t let you to clean it easily. Even if you “force quit” your browser, the FBI locked page will come back the next time you reboot Safari. As mentioned above, we know that this Apple Ransomware is used to a scare tactic in an effort to extort money as much as possible from its victims. It has been infecting users for a few days and mainly attack Mac users by disabling and locking their browsers. All it wants is to let you pay a ransom to release your computer. This is not from the real FBI or any other actual agency. It just uses its trick to make the particular browser that you were using such as Safari or Chrome at the time unusable until you pay the unnecessary fine. The FBI locked browser virus has recently infected several Mac users, if you are one of the victims, please take an immediate measure to unlock browser immediately.

Note: Manual removal is a skillful and risky job, if any mistakes are made in the process, you may damage your computer/Mac immediately. If you are not sure how to unlock your Browser or recover the encrypted data, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help right now.

Published by on July 21, 2013 10:49 am, last updated on April 4, 2015 8:04 am

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