Websearch.searchdwebs.info Redirect Removal

My web browser has been taken over by Websearch.searchdwebs.info! It just performs the same way as licensed search engines like Google and Firefox supposedly offering functions for users to do web browsing tasks. is it useful to keep it as my default search engine? If not, then how to entirely remove it from my computer? By reading this post, you can learn manual ways to deal with the stubborn browser hijacker safely.

Description of Websearch.searchdwebs.info redirect?

The Websearch.searchdwebs.info toolbar is an add on that is packed together with popular free downloads, and once it is installed on the computer it changes the default search engine to the Websearch.searchdwebs.info page, which displays a large amount of advertisements and pop ups within the search results that it populates. These are sponsored listings and pay per click ads that compensate the owners of the search engine every time one of the ads is clicked on. the tricky tactics this redirect obtains is just similar to another hijacker Datasrvrs.com. So, the goal is to get as many consumers to use this site as possible and hope that they click on the offerings. The more traffic that they can send through this search page, the more clicks will occur.

This Websearch.searchdwebs.info redirect toolbar is installed onto computers with the owners consent, but in reality they are not aware of what they are installing onto their computer. So, unlike many computer viruses and redirect scripts that are forced onto PC’s without the users permission, the user is actually agreeing to install the Websearch.searchdwebs.info toolbar onto his or her computer. When a user installs software (freeware) onto his or her computer the installation instructions will ask if they want to do the recommended installation or a custom installation. Since many individuals are not computer savvy they select the recommended installation thinking that it is the best option. While this is logical, it is not always the correct choice.

If a user were to read all of the fine print and terms of the installation they would realize that they are actually agreeing to install the software or program, along with the additional components, often referred to as the add on additional installations. Now, if the custom installation is selected there is an option to install all accompanying programs, or only the intended installation. This is always the best option because the user never knows what the add on programs contain. They could be malicious attacks designed to ruin the computer system. In this case the Websearch.searchdwebs.info toolbar is only an inconvenience and will not destroy the computer, but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to delete this redirect virus, please live chat with YooCare experts now.

Screenshot of Websearch.searchdwebs.info hijacker:


Impact of this redirect infection:

#The malicious browser hijacker is distributed by cyber criminals to invade your computer for your privacy and security on purpose.
#It displays lots of dangerous pop ups and spam email attachments on your screen.
#It redirects your specified websites to unsafe ones and changes your browser settings and homepage.
#The harmful redirect virus causes poor Internet connection and system frequent crash.

Best way to remove the tricky browser hijacker completely

The Websearch.searchdwebs.info toolbar will continue to direct users to its search page and then present advertisements and sponsored ads to the traffic until the settings are changed back. It has the ability to alter all browsers on Windows based computers, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and the most popular one, Google Chrome. While it is possible to go into the browser settings and manually remove the Websearch.searchdwebs.info destination and change it back to Google, Yahoo, or Bing, this will not remove the toolbar. To do that, all files must be deleted from the system and there are complete instructions below outlining how to do this.

1. Open the Windows Task Manager

You can press Ctrl + Shift + ESC together or Ctrl + Alt + Delete together.

If it dose not work, Click the Start button, click the run option, type taskmgr and press OK. The Windows Task Manager should open.

2. In the Windows Task Manager, find out the process of THE Redirect by name random.exe. Then scroll the list to find required process. Select it with your mouse or keyboard and click on the End Process button. This will end the process.

3. Delete malicious registry entries related to this Websearch.searchdwebs.info redirect.

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\random
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run |Regedit32

4. Remove malicious files of this redirect infection.


Video shows you how to Successfully modify Windows Registry Editor:

In summary:

Now that you know how to remove the toolbar, let us discuss some tips on how to avoid these types of add on redirects, as some are not as “friendly” as the Websearch.searchdwebs.info and are designed to steal information from the computer and cause harm. The best defense is to have a solid anti-virus program running constantly on the computer. It is important to keep it updated so it can detect the newest threats. These programs can be set to run every time the computer is turned on, alerting the user of any possible problems. This, along with always being aware of what is being installed on the computer can help keep toolbars like the Websearch.searchdwebs.info from causing headaches. If you find no clues to remove the redirect, please contact YooCare: PC experts 24/7 online will assist you to remove hijacker virus entirely. YooCare will offer you the most effective tech help to effectively remove this malicious redirect effectively.

Note: If you delete the redirect with no success, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online will help you remove Websearch.searchdwebs.info redirect from your computer completely.

Published by on June 23, 2013 12:51 pm, last updated on June 23, 2013 12:52 pm

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