Remove Redirect

Is default home page replaced automatically to Redirect? Since then, your online activities have been stopped every once in a while. Internet connection is cut off frequently. You are not even allowed to log on to wanted sites when you are online. Being redirected is the most obvious behavior you’ve experienced so far. Do all these have something to do with this domain? How does one maintain an appropriate online searching?

What is Redirect Redirect is a URL that may hijack your browsers by  keeping redireting your webpage to its designated domain It will force you to use its fake search engine instead of legit search website and your search result will be recorded. It pretends to be a usual website that looks like as legal as other legitimate website so you may not aware of its large amount of adware and the fact that it may contains malicious free links behind. If you click there to search, you may not get 100% real results as many other hacked sites and links are included in the list. Clicking on any of them could lead to more infections on the computer. You will not be able to change previous home page back to replace this easily because it has changed some settings for its own good.

It is defined as a browser hijacker because it hijacks the target browser once it gets into your computer. It modifies itself as homepage and PC users will find out it is hard to change back to the original one or the one they really want to use. Computer users won’t easily notice its existence because they can still go online without any stop. Due to its new traits , this new released hijacker cannot be well detected in installed security program like many other new version viruses.

Please contact YooCare Online PC Expert if you don’t seem to be able to get rid of this unwanted site. It is better to surf online without this redirect thing.

What does Redirect look like: Hijacker

Step-by-step Manual Removal Guide

You may not be able to replace this domain by reset browser settings. Below are some steps on how to do that manually. In case other associated viruses have got through, registry entries are suggested to be checked on as well.

Step 1. Open Windows Task Manager to end suspicious processes related to Hijacker. To do that, hit Ctrl+Alt+Del keys at the same time to pull up Window Task Manager.

Step 2. Open Control Panel from Start menu and search for Folder Options. Go to Folder Options window, under View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

Step 3. Press Windows+R keys to pull up Run box and type in regedit to open Registry Editor; Delete all these associating files and registry entries in Registry Editor as below:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableRegedit” = “”.exe.dll

Step 4. Check extensions and remove unfamiliar add-ons or plugins; then change home page back to favorite from Tools tab on browser.

Similar video on how to remove Redirect:


Generally, Redirect is trying to mess up the browser setting and confuse computer users between other common web sites and itself. It modifies browser settings and sets itself as homepage once it’s settled down in your computer. From now on, it will try to redirect webpage to its domain instead of the one that users want to use before. It bundles with lots of annoying pop-ups. In those pop-ups, there are lots of adware or other free links which usually contains malicious files to disturb PC from working normally.

Friendly Reminder if you still have no idea on how to get rid of it. Please contact expert here to help you step by step.

Published by on June 6, 2013 4:42 am, last updated on June 6, 2013 4:42 am

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