Redirect – How To Remove

Does internet explorer not work properly in the recent few days? Is the home page on IE always replaced to this unfamiliar site Redirect automatically? It even locks me from accessing other web sites. Has my browser been hacked? How do I get this unwanted site off my computer successfully? Redirect Description Redirect is a browser hijacker that aims at the existing browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome in the target PC. It kidnaps target browsers without the permission of PC owner or the user of the computer. It contains large amounts of malicious link and contains numerous malware behind the links. It is capable of downloading other malicious programs, creating a backdoor in your PC security. It is creating advertisements that pops up everywhere once it takes over the target browsers.  Intentionally or not, once the adware is installed, it carries out certain changes on the browser to execute the hijacker thing.

After a browser hijacker like this one has control of the browser, it can direct the victim to spoof pages that trick or intimidate the computer user into giving personal information, passwords and logins. It is constantly using your internet connection to send your private information to remote servers, as well as receiving ads and pop-ups from third party servers. It causes slower PC performance, decelerates network speed and disable network connection all the time. It keeps tracking of your internet browsing habits and sending your browsing history data to remote servers. It’s advisable to remove it from your system immediately after you detect it.

Don’t know how to remove this Redirect from your computer? Being afraid of data being stolen? Please contact YooCare Online Experts now for further assistance with a complete removal. Redirect Screen Shot

Step-by-step Manual Removal Guide

You may not be able to replace it by reset browser settings. Below are some steps on how to do that manually. In case other associated viruses have got through, registry entries are suggested to be checked on as well.

Step 1. Open Windows Task Manager to end suspicious processes related to redirect. To do that, hit Ctrl+Alt+Del keys at the same time to pull up Window Task Manager.

Step 2. Open Control Panel from Start menu and search for Folder Options. Go to Folder Options window, under View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

Step 3. Press Windows+R keys to pull up Run box and type in regedit to open Registry Editor; Delete all these associating files and registry entries with redirect in Registry Editor as below:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableRegedit” = “”.exe.dll

Similar video on how to remove browser redirect virus


To put it simple, Redirect is capable of downloading other malicious programs, creating a backdoor in your PC security and creating advertisements. Once it has controlled of the target browser, it will direct the victim browsers to malicious pages that cheats PC user to give personal information, passwords and financial accounts. It also contains other malicious links that tricks you to click and download spyware into computer . It always packages with  annoying pop-up or adware that occupies the whole screen that you can do nothing on the victim browser.  You need to remove it as soon as it shows up.

Notice: Still can’t get rid of this annoying redirect? More unwanted web sites are popping up constantly? Contact YooCare Online Experts now for help from experts to achieve a complete removal ASAP.

Published by on May 2, 2013 6:15 am, last updated on May 2, 2013 6:15 am

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