Trojan Horse Agent3.PXB – How To Remove

Got infected with Trojan Horse Agent3.PXB and do not know how to remove it completely? Does your anti-virus software perform normally to delete the virus entirely? If not, how to delete this virus successfully and completely? Learn from this post and follow removal guide below to remove it safely.

Learn Details of Trojan Horse Agent3.PXB

Trojan Horse Agent3.PXB is classified as a destructive Trojan horse infection which is able to sneak into target computers without consciousness. It is known as a stubborn virus that would modify critical system files. The way it usually modifies the infected system is to patch your legitimate user32.dll Windows file, and then changes the registry key to another key. After that, it will start up on boot and evades security software scanning. Even though sometimes it can be detect by some anti-virus and you select remove option, when you re-scan after a while, it comes up again. Because it takes over the entire system very soon then starts to implement all kinds of harmful activities on the background without your consent.

Another negative result it brings to your computer is slowing down your computer performance by loading large amount of process to eat up all the memories. This includes opening programs, shutting down your computer, and slowing down Internet speed by loading lots of processes on the infected computer. It conceals key loggers that use to record every key stroke you have pressed and released. It contains lots of ad-wares. Those kind of ad-wares is not only annoying but also hides hijackers behind its link. Once clicked, hijackers will download itself to the infected computer. Later, you will found your browsers are directing to unsafe website over and over.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to delete this harmful Trojan, you can start a live chat with YooCare experts now.

Infected symptoms of Trojan Horse Agent3.PXB:

※ It will allow cyber-criminals to break into the infected computer without noticed

※ It disables executable program and cause system crash

※ It will change your registry settings and key value which makes it hard to be removed

※ It will display numerous fake infections of exaggerated security threats

※ It violates your privacy and records your data in the infected computer.

Instructions on removing this virus completely:

Manual removal is a complicated and risky process, so please back up all important data before making any changes on your computer. Here are some instructions to handle with the Trojan horse manually, and be cautious when going through the following steps.
1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together and stop processes of this virus in the Windows Task Manager.


2. Go to Folder Options from Control Panel. Under View tab, select Show hidden files and folders and uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended), and then click OK. Remember to back up beforehand.


3. Press Windows+ R keys and search for regedit in Run. Delete associated files and registry entries related to Trojan Horse Agent3.PXB from your PC completely as follows:

%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\runctf.lnk
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings “CertificateRevocation” = ’0′
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Attachments “SaveZoneInformation” = ’1′
4. Reboot the computer normally to take effective, when the above steps are done.

This Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:


Trojan Horse Agent3.PXB must be removed immediately once it infect your computer since it does tremendous harm to the victim computer and corrupt your system and files. It usually come in packed with other threats, such as fake Anti-Virus, redirecting virus or spyware, to aggravate the infections and better control your PC.The best way to handle with this nasty virus is to remove it manually.

Friendly Reminder: If you still find it hard to follow the removal guide above smoothly, please contact YooCare: PC experts 24/7 online will offer you the most effective tech support to remove infection completely.

Published by on April 21, 2013 5:51 am, last updated on April 21, 2013 5:51 am

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