Remove ISoft Online Search (Removal Guide)

Has your default home page replaced automatically to ISoft Online Search? Why is this site so stubborn and hard to be replaced once it’s there? And there will be many pop-ups coming up for one to click on. How does one stop this kind of online redirection?

Details of ISoft Online Search

ISoft Online Search  is defined as a malicious browser hijacker that pretends to perform as licensed search engine for web users do web browsing tasks. Actually, this is a bogus search engine and misleading website distributed by cyber criminals to corrupt the targeted computer terribly. This redirect infection may bring other computer threats to your computer such as and malware in an effort to invade your computer deeply. Another redirect is also a fraudulent website that fools PC users to perform browsing tasks via such a fake search engine. While being targeted, you will find it difficult to reach specified content that you want to search for. As the browser hijacker will redirect your specified search results to unwanted contents and display many pop-up ads on your screen during surfing the web, trying to persuade unknown PC users to browse the pop-up content and even spend money on some supposed reliable ads products. Never hesitate to delete the redirect entirely and timely, or you will come across great loss of the targeted computer unexpectedly.

Usually, it may affect your system and normal programs to make them perform badly. While being corrupted, the targeted computer will perform slowly and get stuck easily during startup, shutdown and surfing the web. Computer users may be surprised that their anti-virus programs become functionless to delete the browser hijacker entirely, because the hijacker may block the security protection to function normally. In this case, manual removal is considered to be the most effective way to handle with the tricky redirect completely.

Don’t know much about virus removal? Can’t stand PC stays in dangers all the time because of this ISoft Online Search? Please contact YooCare Online Expert for further assistance and to save your computer. Or you can follow the given instructions in the following to manually remove it on your own. (For PC advanced users)

Screen Shot

Isoft online search

Step-by-step Manual Removal Guide

It requires expertise if you are about to remove this ISoft Online Search manually. Any mistake during the process could lead to unpredictable problems. A backup of important stuff is also suggested beforehand if you don’t want to lose any data. Then please start removing this unwanted browser redirect from the following basic steps:

Step 1. Open Windows Task Manager to end suspicious processes related to ISoft Online Search. To do that, hit Ctrl+Alt+Del keys at the same time to pull up Window Task Manager.

Step 2. Open Control Panel from Start menu and search for Folder Options. Go to Folder Options window, under View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then click OK.

Step 3. Press Windows+R keys to pull up Run box and type in regedit to open Registry Editor; Delete all these associating files and registry entries in Registry Editor as below:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableRegedit” = “”.exe.dll

Step 4. Check extensions and remove unfamiliar add-ons or plugins; then change home page back to favorite from Tools tab on browser.
Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox

Similar video on how to remove browser redirect virus


ISoft Online Search, like other hijackers, modifies browser settings and sets itself as hoomepage once it’s settled down in your computer. From now on, it is trying to redirect search result to its search engine instead of the one that users want to use before. Later, it disables your previous homepage and redirects your webpage to itself if you type the wrong url. It bundles with lots of annoying pop-ups which contains adware or other free software to disturb PC working.

Notice: Have finished all the above steps but redirect still comes out every time after restarting computer? Contact YooCare Online Expert for help. Any remaining items or incomplete removal will bring it back right away.

Published by on April 13, 2013 5:51 am, last updated on April 13, 2013 7:20 am

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