FBI Cybercrime Division International Cyber Security Protection Alliance Virus

Today I got a message said that FBI Cybercrime Division International Cyber Security Protection Alliance has block my computer. Is that FBI Cybercrime Division – ISCPA real or a scam? How can this happen since I haven’t done any illegal things at all? Will I be arrested by the police? Is there way that I can get rid of this ransomware without paying a fine to them?

Is This FBI Cybercrime Division – ISCPA Blocking Message legit or a scam?

FBI Cybercrime Division International Cyber Security Protection Alliance (FBI Cybercrime Division – ISCPA Virus) is a ransomware that acts as the real government department to cheat you. It is a different version of the FBI virus. This kind of the virus will use the name and logo of the police or local government, many victims are afraid of being arrested by the police when they firstly face this kind of situation. Nevertheless, you should remember that the FBI will not lock your computer and publish that kind of messages on your computer. What you can see on the computer about blocking is totally a virus that you can not believe, it is a ransomware that you need to remove it completely from the infected computer.

FBI Cybercrime Division International Cyber Security Protection Alliance Virus can be installed to your computer when you click on some unsafe links accidentally, when it finishes its infection, your computer can be locked immediately, that is why this ransomware can make people scared. When it blocks your computer, you will get a message on your computer by this virus, which claims that the FBI Cybercrime Division has blocked your computer for safety due to your illegal actions online, you may download or view some videos, music or programs that have been protected by the Copyright. Your computer will be blocked completely, you can unlock it by paying a fine by Safe card. If you refuse to pay the fine, all the data on the blocked computer can be erased. What is more, you may need to go to jail if there is a terrible situation. It uses the name and logo of the FBI so that a lot of victims will be cheated by this tricky virus, another important reason is that some of them did watch some porn and download some free programs. That is why this ransomware can collect money from the victims easily, this virus seize the feeling of the victims successfully.

Being fooled by this ransomware, some victims decide to pay a fine to the virus, however, their computers are still locked even they finish payment. At that time they finally realize that it is just a scam but they can not get the money back from the virus maker. It has different versions to cheat people, such as its European version PCEU virus, Australian version AFP virus and so on. Wake up, this is not the legit message that comes from the police. FBI Cybercrime Division International Cyber Security Protection Alliance is just a big scam that you should remove it completely. This virus can be very dangerous once it is installed to your computer, not only can it forbid all your security program but also damage your system and registry files. The virus maker will be able to get into to your computer to steal your important information like account’s number and password. Do not let this virus stay in your computer, or it will cause terrible problems to your infected machine.

Note: Don’t have enough skills or don’t know how to get rid of FBI Cybercrime Division – ISCPA virus? Please welcome to contact YooCare 24/7 Online Expert now to save your computer immediately!

The Screen Shot of the FBI Cybercrime Division International Cyber Security Protection Alliance Virus

FBI Cybercrime Division International Cyber Security Protection Alliance Virus

FBI CyberCrime Division ICSPA MoneyGram or MoneyPak Scam


Steps to Manually Remove FBI Cybercrime Division International Cyber Security Protection Alliance Virus

1. Reboot your infected computer and keep pressing F8 key on your keyboard and next use the arrow keys to select “Safe Mode with Networking” and press E/Enter;

2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del at the same time or right click on the Task Bar to open the Windows Task Manager; then scroll down to End processes related to [Random].exe;

3. Open Control Panel from Start menu; then find Folder Options and under View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) then click OK;

4. Open Registry Editor by pressing Windows+R keys and typing in regedit;

5. Find out and delete all these associating files of FBI Cybercrime Division – ISCPA as below:


6. Find out and remove all these associating registry entries:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableRegedit” = 0

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableRegistryTools” = 0

7. Reboot again and get into normal mode when the above steps are done.

Video Guide On How to Remove FBI Cybercrime Division – ISCPA Scam From Registry:

FBI Cybercrime Division International Cyber Security Protection Alliance is totally a big virus that you should not trust it at all. This ransomware can be a great danger for computer users. It is designed to lock up the affected computer, and it can corrupt the computer terribly by slowing down its system performance and triggering other serious computer problems unexpectedly. Facing such an urgent situation, many victims try to use the anti-software to deal with the virus, but they find it useless at last. The virus can block the anti-virus software to take effective as usual. Therefore, you’d better take actions to remove the virus manually and completely with the help of advanced computer experts online as early as possible. Next time when you get this message on your computer, do not confuse what illegal thing you did online, you should realize that your computer is infected by this big virus and you need to remove it from your infected computer before it causes further damage to your operating system.

Special Tips: It is strongly recommended to remove FBI Cybercrime Division International Cyber Security Protection Alliance malware with expertise, if you still cannot successfully get rid of this locking screen by the above instructions, please contact YooCare 24/7 Online Expert now for a fast and professional help.

Published by on April 11, 2013 2:25 am, last updated on May 9, 2013 6:14 am

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