Metropolitan Police Virus – Your Personal Computer has been blocked Scam Removal

I am just wondering how I get rid of the Metropolitan Police Virus warning method from my Macbook, it was on my Mac screen on the Internet and it came up with my location which was wrong and saying I was sharing indecent photos of children and saying I had to pay £100 I screenshot the message and then it came up with another one asking me to put a code it so I canceled it. My computer was blocked by Metropolitan Police virus and it said that i was copyrighting something, or on pornographic websites that I have never done before. The Met Police virus asked me to pay £100 within 48 hours via Ukash to get the computer unlocked. It totally frozen my computer and I cannot do anything on it. I didn’t do anything illegal, I just wondered how would this thing happen? Is it real? Will the metropolitan police really block my computer and come to my house to put me in jail? How do I get rid of it?

Metropolitan Police Virus – Your Personal Computer has been blocked Scam Ransomware Description:

Metropolitan Police Virus (also called Your Personal Computer has been blocked Virus ) is another variant of infamous Ukash virus that blocks targeted computer systems and tries to get money from their users. Don’t be fooled by this virus. It is a scam that uses the name of Metropolitan Police and blames you for breaking the law by watching and distributing pornographic content files. Just like other ransomware, it tries its best to scare innocent users and extort money from them. Once installed, it changes your Windows registry and adds its malicious files to run at start-up, thus whenever you try to log on into your Windows operating system or even in safe mode, you will get a virus page instead of your desktop icons saying that “Your Personal Computer has been blocked” and “THE WORK OF YOUR COMPUTER HAS BEEN SUSPENDED ON THE GROUNDS OF Unauthorized Cyberactivity.” It also shows some screenshots from the webcam on the virus page and makes users into thinking their actions can be recorded and transferred to the Police database. However, please don’t believe in that because it is a hoax and none of official institutions will use such methods as blocking computer’s screen remotely.

Nowadays, the remote hackers use various tricks to swindle people‘s money away. Such as this nasty Metropolitan Police Virus Ransomware, it blocks an infected computer‘s screen and demands for a fine to be paid. It can also display infected computer‘s IP address, host name and even turn the webcam on automatically without your permission. Metropolitan Police Ransomware comes inside computers secretly with a help of Trojan viruses so it is impossible to track them. When it is running, it can escape from the tracking of the most anti-virus program. This tricky virus is programmed with a single goal – swindle the person who trusts this fake alert. It asks users to pay a fine of £100 within 48 hours via Ukash or Paysafecard payment system. However, users should know these systems are based on payments using pre-paid cards, and police would never use such method to collect fines. As mentioned above, we can know that Metropolitan Police is just a virus that displays bogus notification and it has nothing to do with police or other law authorities. You are strongly recommended to remove Metropolitan Police virus form your computer once it is found.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to get rid of Metropolitan Police – Your Personal Computer has been blocked Virus Virus, please live chat with YooCare experts now.

Screen-shots of This Fake Metropolitan Police Virus (Your Personal Computer has been blocked) Message

1. To threaten innocent users, Metropolitan Police virus can display your computer‘s IP address, host name and even turn your webcam on automatically without your permission.


2. Metropolitan Police Virus blocks infected computer and displays a bogus message on the screen accusing the user of using and distributing copyrighted files (music, video, software).


3. Metropolitan Police virus will ask users to pay a fine of £100 within 48 hours via Ukash or Paysafecard to cover the violations. However, even if you have paid the fine, computer will still be locked and this virus will still be there making chaos as well. You will find no code is available to unlock your computer because the real law institutions would never contact you to make any payments like this way.



The Main Characteristics of This Ransomware Include:

It will take control of your computer rapidly once it is downloaded.
It will pretend itself as a legit warning and then ask for a ransom.
It can disable your task manager and even pop up in safe mode.
It can connect to a remote IRC server and forward the data to cybercriminals without a computer user’s awareness.
It can’t be simply uninstalled or removed in control panel.

I haven’t done anything illegal. How do I still get this thing installed?

This is a tricky Ransomware that can escape from all kinds of security tools. It may come to your system through the following ways:

Open the unknown email and click the strange link attached in it or download the attachment contains a virus
Open the unknown website and click the malicious link on it
Download free applications and movies from the Internet

How To Unlock Computer From Metropolitan Police Virus?

Since the virus can block your antivirus programs to stop them from running even lock your PC entirely, under such circumstance, manual removal is required to handle with the virus. This manual removal guide is for advanced computer users to follow. If you are not 100% confident of what you will have to do, it’s suggested to get help from experts.

Please do a system backup before you start to delete Metropolitan Police virus manually.

1. Restart your PC before windows launches, tap “F8” constantly. Choose“Safe Mode with Networking” option, and then press Enter key.

2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together and stop the Ransomware processes in the Windows Task Manager.

Random.exe (The name of the virus process may be different all the time)

(If you can’t figure out the process of the virus, you can end the process called explorer.exe first so that virus won’t come up)

3. Delete associated files from your PC completely as follows:

C:\Documents and Settings\<Current User>
C:\Users\<Current User>\AppData\

4. Search for all related registry entries infected by this dangerous virus and wipe them out:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableTaskMgr” = 0

5. Reboot the computer to normal mode when the above steps are done.

Metropolitan Police Virus Removal Is As Same As ICE Cyber Crimes Center Moneypak Ransomware

Here Is The Manual Removal Video:

In conclusion:

In many cases, careless users may get Metropolitan Police virus installed by clicking some malicious ads or visiting the pornographic website, as well as opening any unknown downloaded files. When it is on board, it locks your computer immediately and claims that you have violated the law. It refuses to let you access your system until you pay a fine of 100 pounds through Ukash or Paysafecard. However, don’t spend your money on this hoax. This is not a real message that comes from the government but a big virus created by the virus makers. In fact, no official institution will ask someone to pay any fines by using pre-paid cards. Metropolitan Police virus can greatly affect your system and programs to make them perform poorly, and this makes PC victims shock at their terrible computer situations. In a word, Metropolitan Police viru may represent security risk for the compromised system and its network environment. Do not hesitate to remove it before a precious mess to your computer.

Note: Manual removal is a skillful and risky job, if any mistakes are made in the process, you may damage your computer immediately. If you are not sure how to do, please contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help right now.

Published by on April 7, 2013 2:05 am, last updated on February 26, 2018 6:31 am

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