How to Get Rid of Win7 Total Security 2013 Completely

What is Win7 Total Security 2013? Is it a real anti-virus program that can help you fix your computer problem? Is it real that this program can protect your computer from the viruses and Trojans? How can you remove this fake anti-virus completely from your computer?

What is the Win7 Total Security 2013 Virus?

Win7 Total Security 2013 is a fake anti-virus program that acts as the real anti-virus program to cheat and scare you. If you regard it as the real anti-virus program, you will bring your infected computer to a very dangerous place. This fake anti-virus program can infect some program first, when you download the infected program, it will install itself without your permission. Another fake program like Vista Anti-Spyware 2013 can do the similar damage to your computer just as Win7 Total Security 2013. This fake program can create a lot of nonexistent System vulnerability and Viruses to scare you. And it will claim that it can help you fix your computer before you activate it. If you choose to activate this program. Your infected computer may have a further damage caused by this anti-virus program.

This rogue software may look sophisticated and authentic, however it is just another clone rogue application that pretends to be antivirus software. Once your computer has this threat installed, your computer will experience malfunctioning programs and applications and many fake pop-up alerts that you can’t stop it. It scans your computer just like a real PC cleaner but that’s only what the whole process looks like. In fact, the scan does not reveal any true facts about how your system is functioning for the moment and whether or not it has spyware on board. It just reports the things you don’t actually have. Naive computer users are the main victim of this misleading warning. They often end up purchasing the Win7 Total Security 2013 registration key, believing that it is genuine. At last, they get nothing from this software but lose all the money. This malware is usually installed without the user’s consent or knowledge. It can be surreptitiously hidden in a different program, tricking the user into installing it. Don’t be fooled to install this pest or pay for it. It is a scam indeed. All you should do is to remove it from your PC quickly in case it destroys your computer further.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to delete this nasty virus, please start a live chat with YooCare experts now.

The Screen Shot of the Win7 Total Security 2013


Steps to Manually Win7 Total Security 2013

1. Reboot your infected computer and keep pressing F8 key on your keyboard and next use the arrow keys to select “Safe Mode with Networking” and press E/Enter;

2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del at the same time or right click on the Task Bar to open the Windows Task Manager; then scroll down to End processes related to [Win7 Total Security 2013].exe;

3. Open Control Panel from Start menu; then find Folder Options and under View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) then click OK;

4. Press Windows+R keys to open the Run window and then type in regedit to open Registry Editor.

5: Find out and delete all these associating files and registry entries as below:

Go to %userprofile%\appdata\local\temp

The virus can have names other than “random.exe” but it should look like it doesn’t belong and should have a create date/time the same as a .class file if you sort by file mod/create time you’ll find it.
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.dll

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[rnd].exe”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Settings “net

Similar Removal Video:

In a word, Win7 Total Security 2013 is a fake anti-virus program that you can not trust it at all. It looks like the real anti-virus program, if your computer in infected by this virus, and you choose to make a scan by this fake program. You will find a lot of system error and bugs shown on this fake program. Please do not believe what it says, you should know that these messages are created by this fake program to cheat you so that you will believe it is a real anti-virus program, which can protect your computer from the virus and system vulnerability. In fact these kinds of viruses or Trojans do not exist in your computer at all. If you choose to believe this fake program and activate it, you will become one of the victims like many people choose this fake program. It will start to download viruses and Trojans from the infected website when you activate this program, it even can bring malware to your infected computer. And this virus will track your actions online and steal your personal information such as account number and password then send it to the virus maker. This is a big virus that you can not trust it at all. When your computer is infected by this virus, do not fooled by this fake program. Never activate it, or your computer will face a further damage. Next time when you see it on your computer, do not just let it be, please remove it completely from your infected computer.

This is a tricky virus that you need to remove it completely from your computer. If you’re not sure how to delete this nasty virus, please start a live chat with YooCare experts now.

Published by on January 12, 2013 12:06 pm, last updated on June 8, 2013 9:02 am

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