How to remove Oficina Virtual de Denuncias step by step?

What is Oficina Virtual de Denuncias Scam? One day when you turn on your computer, there is a pop-up saying that you have performed some illegal actions and computer is locked and you can’t use it anymore once if you pay a fine. Is it real? How to remove this annoying virus as soon as possible? From this article you will know how to delete it manually by using the following steps.

Definition of Oficina Virtual de Denuncias Scam:

Oficina Virtual de Denuncias Scam is a bogus message that pretends to represent official police forces-Ministerio del Interior. Once attacked by this virus, a computer is blocked due to supposedly real charges that involve illegal using and sharing of copyrighted software, movies, music or other files. Some of the crimes listed are as serious as viewing or distributing child pornography.

This malicious ransomware program locks the users computer system as well as modifies your registry key entries on your Windows PC. It enters on your computer without your knowledge or consent. When it comes to the target computer, it brings additional malware infection on the system. Meanwhile, It prevents you from performing anything on the corrupted computer and keeps degrading system performance and other normal functions on the affected computer. It is similar to other known ransomware infection such as FBI Moneypak malware/ virus, Stop Online Piracy Automatic Protection System virus and so on. These threats come in many forms. It spreads through network and encounters victims’ computers during their visits to dangerous websites, spam emails or harmful attachments. Bear in mind that it is just a scam that targets computers located in Spain. Hackers who created it wants to trick PC users out of money. It reveals your personal or financial information and then send them to hackers for malicious purpose. It is suggested users remove it as early as possible from your system to avoid any further damages.

Oficina Virtual de Denuncias Scam

What are the dangerous symptoms of this Ransomware?

1.It will change the registry settings and other important files automatically. Any delay in removal may even lead to system crash;

2.It will also slow down the computer speed. Also it may change the home pages and redirect the searching results;

3.Since Trojans may come along with this Ransomware, private information like credit card numbers and passwords could be stolen;

4.It is hidden deep in the system files so that the removal is rather complex;

5.Other viruses and malicious malware could be installed in the computer without permission.

How to get rid of the nasty virus manually and effectively?

Step1: Restart Computer In Safe Mode With Networking

1. Tap the F8 constantly in 1 second intervals immediately after the computer is restarted (usually after you hear your computer beep).If you begin tapping the F8 key too early, it is possible that some computers display the message “Keyboard Error”. To resolve this problem, restart the computer and try again.

2. The Advanced Boot Options menu will appear after your computer shows the hardware information and runs the memory test.

3. Using the arrow keys, select “Safe Mode with Networking” and press ENTER.

Step 2: Open Task Manager and end the malicious processes related to this virus

1. Use the following key combination:press CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to open the Windows Task Manager.

2. Select “Processes” tab on the Windows Task Manager in order to view active processes. Find a malicious process by its name, select it and click the “End process” button terminate it.

Step3. Show all the hidden filesand then clear infected files creating by XX virus:

To show hidden files, just click on the Organize button in any folder, and then select “Folder and Search Options” from the menu.

Click the View tab, and then you should select “Show hidden files and folders” in the list.

Just select that, and click OK.

Step4. Delete all the malicious registry entries in Registry Editor

1.Click the Start menu

2.Click Run

3.Type “regedit” and click OK

Once the Registry Editor is opened, find out the following registry entries and then delete them:

Step5. Enter all the data and files mentioned below in the Run Box and then delete them all:

%system%\[random characters].dll
%Documents and Settings%\[user name]\desktop\[ Royal Canadian Mounted Police Virus (RCMP)].exe
C:\users\stuart\appData\Local\Temp\[random names].exe

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\[random numbers]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\”Shell”=”[SET OF RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MsConfig\startupfolder\[random names]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MsCongif\startupreg\[random names]

Similar Video guide on how to kill processes and modify registry entry

Oficina Virtual de Denuncias Scam message usually asks for large amounts of money to supposedly unlock a computer. Unfortunately, paying up the fine does not end the nightmare of Oficina Virtual de Denuncias Scam . Most times Oficina Virtual de Denuncias Scam will even lock your computer as well. What’s worse, the ransomware can disable your antivirus and your other applications. Once the virus finish its infection, your computer will face a hard situation. First of all, it will lock your computer immediately. Then it will download the virus and Trojans from the unsafe website to steal your system information, and it can mess up your system data, steal your personal information such as account number and password to send to the virus maker. Through this way the hijacker can get your personal information without your allowance. Please do not trust the message it displays, the real government will not publish this kind of message online. Actually you did nothing against the law, this virus is created to cheat and scare you. What you need to do is to remove this virus completely from your computer before it does further damage to your computer.

Special Tips: It is strongly recommended to remove this virus manually with expertise, because any mistake due to lacking of computer knowledge could lead to more damages till system goes crash down. And if you still cannot successfully get rid of this virus by the above instructions, please contact YooCare 24/7 Online Expert now for a fast and professional help.

Published by on January 4, 2013 3:04 am, last updated on June 11, 2013 7:46 am

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