How to Unlock PC From Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus Manually?

Is your computer locked by the Federal Department of Justice virus which asks you to pay a fine of 150 CHF in order to get your computer unlocked? It is a Ransomware targeting to attack PC users from Switzerland. Victims should not spend your money on this hoax. Instead, it is suggested users to get rid of this nasty virus as soon as possible by using the manual guide below.

Federal Department of Justice and Police Ransomware Description:

Federal Department of Justice and Police virus is another variant of the infamous United States Cyber Security Moneypak virus or FBI Moneypak Virus which is designed to deceive PC users from Switzerland. It infiltrates the victims’ computers without their permission and then blocks access to Windows by showing a fake message which states computer users have been downloading copyrighted content or watching pornography and thus has to pay a fine of 150 CHF to unlock their PCs within 24 hours. Otherwise, the government will prosecute you and you will be sent to jail. Even worse, it threatens users if they don’t pay the fine, data in their computers will be deleted. In reality, Federal Department of Justice and Police warning is fake. Don’t follow the warning and spend your money to purchase the useless code. There is no code available to unlock your computer at all.

Cyber criminals who are responsible for developing and distributing this ransomware are hoping that computer users will fall for the deceptive message and will pay the non existent fine. In many cases, careless users get this virus installed by clicking some malicious ads or visiting the pornographic website, as well as opening any unknown downloaded files. Once infected, the virus will disable access to the infected computer desktop, Task Manager, command line, Registry Editor and other services and applications. It works as if a real warning from the government of Switzerland by even detecting your IP address or turning your webcam on automatically. You should not trust it. There are several families of Ransomware infection which use various deceptive methods to make their fake messages appear like legitimate. Notice that statements about video and sound recording are fake and are implemented with a sole purpose of further scaring PC users into paying this fake fine. Therefore, take measure to delete Federal Department of Justice and Police virus and unlock your computer quickly.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to delete Cybercrime Investigation Department Virus, please live chat with YooCare experts now.

Screenshot of Federal Department of Justice and Police Ransomware:

Once this malware resides on your computer, it blocks users from accessing to the infected computer and users can’t open any files and applications. Instead, it displays a large message that fills up the victim’s screen as the following picture shows.

Fake message will take over your computer once the virus is downloaded:

Achtung! Ein Vorgang illegaler Aktivitaten wurde erkannt. Das Betriebssystem wurde im Zusammenhang mit Verstell en gegen die Gesetze der Schweiz gesperrt! Es wurde folgender Verstell festgestellt: Ihre IP Adresse lautet mit dieser IP wurden Seiten mit pornographischen Inhalten, Kinderpornographie, Sodomie und Gewalt gegen Kinder aufgerufen Auf Ihrem Computer wurden ebenfalls Videodateien mit pornographischen Inhalten, Elementen von Gewalt und Kinderpornografie festgekeilt! Es wurden auch Emails in Form von Spam, mit terroristischen Hintergrunden, verschickt. Diese Sperre des Computers dient dazu, Aktivitaten zu unterbinden. Um die Sperre des Computers aufzuheben, sind Sie dazu verdichtet eine Strafe von CHF 150 zu zahlen. Die Zahlung ist innerhalb von 24 Stunden zu leisten. Suite der Eingang der Zahlung in der vorgegebenen Zeit nicht erfolgen, so wird Ihre Festplatte unwiderruflich formatiert (gelöscht). Die Zahlung per Paysafecard begleichen: Dazu geben Sie bitte den erworbenen Code in das Zahlungsfeld ein und drücken Sie anschliessend auf OK (haben Sie mehrere Codes, so geben Sie Diese einfach nacheinander ein und drücken Sie anschiessend auf OK) Paysafecard via SMS auf dein Handy! Mit der neuen SMS Funktion Kannst du sehne], Spontan und bequem Deine paysafecard kaufen! Egal welcher Tarif – Egal welches Angebot -ob Prepaid Handy oder Handy mit Abo -Vertrag-paysafecard funktioniert Auf alen Mobilfunkgeraten, De SMS empfangen oder versenden können.

Never Become The Victims of This Malicious Virus.

Although this virus page seems to be legitimate, it is 100% fake. It even uses web cam control to make users panic and makes them to pay for the ransom wrongly. If your computer is infected, you will detect your webcam will be on without your permission as if it is recording you. If you do not have a web cam connected, the video screen on the page will appear to be blank. As mentioned above, we can see how this scam works to deceive innocent users. It is good at using scare tactic to extract money from victims. Hence, users must remove this virus manually as soon as possible.

How To Unlock Computer From Federal Department of Justice and Police Warning?

1. Restart your PC before windows launches, tap “F8” constantly. Choose“Safe Mode with Networking” option, and then press Enter key.

2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together and stop the Ransomware processes in the Windows Task Manager.

Random.exe (The name of the virus process may be different all the time)

(If you can’t figure out the process of the virus, you can end the process called explorer.exe first so that virus won’t come up)

3. Delete associated files from your PC completely as follows:

%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\~r
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.dll

4. Search for all related registry entries infected by this dangerous virus and wipe them out:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableRegistryTools” = 0
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System “DisableTaskMgr” = 0

5. Reboot the computer to normal mode when the above steps are done.

Federal Department of Justice and Police Removal is As Similar As FBI Moneypak Virus/Ransomware

In conclusion:

Warning from Federal Department of Justice and Police is written in German. And it can appear every time you turn your PC on so that you can’t do anything on your PC any more. This fake message claims your IP address is detected using to do some illegal activities. These activities include visiting malicious websites that contain pornographic content or using or distributing some copyrighted contents. In order to unlock your computer, you have to pay a fine for getting a code which needs to be entered on the target computer and get it unlocked. However, this is not what you should do. This is only a computer virus aiming to rip you off. First of all, you should understand no legal institution would ever send you warning through your computer system. Meanwhile, it is recommended users to remove Federal Department of Justice and Police Virus manually as soon as it is detected on your computer.

Note: Manual removal is a skillful and risky job, if any mistakes are made in the process, you may damage your computer immediately. If you are not sure how to do, you can contact YooCare PC experts 24/7 online for help right now.

Published by on December 1, 2012 9:56 am, last updated on June 3, 2013 5:51 am

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