Instructions on How to Get Rid of Trojan Horse Generic28.UDX Virus Successfully

Has one of your antivirus programs reported to you that your computer has been infected by Trojan Horse Generic28.UDX virus? Can you delete it by any antivirus software? Will system restore work? As computer has already become a part of our life, we don’t suggest system restore because the duration of computer will be shorter. Besides, this Trojan infection can be manually removed from your computer without restoring.


Trojan Horse Generic28.UDX is defined as a nasty Trojan infection created to bring troubles to innocent computer users from all over the world. Since it can be widely spread via social networks, so no matter where you are, you will still have the opportunity to be infected if you don’t pay enough attention when surfing the Internet. Hackers create it to access into your computer, bring more problems constantly and mostly to collect illegal money. This cyber crime cannot be stopped by police, so you will need to minimize the personal damage as possible as you can.

When the infection has been done, you cannot notice it in the beginning. Luckily, if you have installed several antivirus tools in your computer, one of them may be able to detect this Trojan Horse Generic28.UDX infection after a reboot. But you will be failed to delete it by your antivirus programs as it will show up again after another reboot of computer. It is believed that this Trojan virus has the ability to change some default settings of computer so that it can steadily stay in your computer. If you are not able to remove it out in time, it can introduce more Trojans, bugs and spyware through a created system flaw to broaden the infection. What’s worse, it can inject malicious codes in your computer to allow then entry of remote hackers. You will then be spied on. Whatever you do on this infected computer, your activities will be viewed and you may even give out important information without notice. After realizing the great damage of this Trojan virus, you should definitely get rid of it as quickly as possible so you won’t be suffered from any other pains.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills. If you’re not sure how to delete Trojan Generic28.UDX Infection, please live chat with YooCare experts now

Potential Threats of Generic28.UDX Trojan Infection:

A. It may shut down your antivirus software and slow down the overall speed of the computer till it’s stuck;
B. Other viruses and malware will be installed in your computer without approval via the help of Trojan in system backdoor activities;
C. It can redirect all your searching results to malicious links and websites where contain more bugs, worms and ransomware for further damages;
D. Infected files will be dropped into your computer acting like legitimate ones to avoid from antivirus programs;
E. Remote hackers will be allowed to enter your computer and follow all your activities in order to collect personal valuable information out of them.

Manual Removal Instructions of Trojan Horse Generic28.UDX:

This Trojan Generic28.UDX virus needs to be removed manually because it can unable the operation of legitimate virus protectors. And in case that any mistake might occur and cause unpredictable damages, please spend some time on making a backup beforehand. Then follow these steps given as below:

1. Restart the infected computer and keep pressing F8 key to log in with Safe Mode with Networking;

2. Open Control Panel from Start menu and go to File Options;

3. Under View tab to tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended);

4. Press Windows+R keys to open the Run window and type in regedit to open Registry Editor;

5. Find out and delete all these associating files as below:
%Windows%\system32\[Trojan Horse Generic28 UDX].exe
%Documents and Settings%\[UserName]\Application Data\[random]
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.dll
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\.exe(Trojan Horse Generic28.UDX)

6. Find out and remove all these associating registry entries:
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Regedit32
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “Inspector”
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Settings “net
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “[random].exe”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\”Shell” = “[Trojan Horse Generic28 UDX].exe”

7. Restart the computer to normal mode when the above steps are done.

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:

Note: If you don’t have much computer background knowledge and have failed to remove the Trojan Horse Generic28.UDX virus by the above instructions, please contact YooCare Expert for a fast and professional removal.

Published by on July 1, 2012 4:44 pm, last updated on July 1, 2012 4:44 pm

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