Unlock PC or Mobile Device From FBI Block Virus Screen

I was watching Youtube earlier from Facebook and the FBI Block Virus screen on my android locked up and said FBI have to pay $500 to unlock phone and I know this is a virus. Went through all the steps to remove the app that installed itself on my phone causing this virus. when I am in safe mode and try to uninstall the app the uninstall button is grey I cant click it, when I go to security and try to remove administrative rights for that app its not listed. I don’t know what else to do to get my phone back to normal, i need to get rid of it and need the guide? Holy shit, ok first of all i’m 15 so this shit is already scary. I was browsing the internet looking for movies to watch and outta nowhere my phone started doing shit by itself. It opened tabs and search engines writing things involving pornography and images, after a while it clicked on various images and downloaded a file, a so called pornhub file. After this i tried to delete it but it locked down with the FBI block virus advice thing. Please answer as soon as possible, want to get this over with without my mom finding out please, help! Message came up on phone Internet saying I would be charged for watching banned material for $250, what do you do when your phone has been blocked for porn, can porn sites ask for a code to pay? Got the FBI virus on my android phone, cannot find the app to remove, so is the FBI locked my phone from watching porn? So about an hour ago I had a gray android window on my phone pop up accusing me of illegal internet activity. Tried to extort money from me. I didn’t even read all of it I just restated my phone immediately. What should I do now? Is your computer fully taken over by FBI Block Virus scam which asks you to pay from $100 to $500 to get computer unblocked? Is your mobile device such as tablet or android phone has been locked out by the fake FBI internet police thing? One of the victims states:”So a FBI pop popped up on my computer last night and it wont go away it says something like i have been charged with child porn and i have to pay a 300 dollar fine within 48 hrs. Sometimes i got this thing on my android phone. Whats up with this?” Well, if your computer or your mobile device is locked with copyright infringement virus from lock.police-agent.com or message.police-guardagent.com, don’t fall into paying this FBI virus scam. Why? Because it is a ransomware. Someone did say:”Well, my brother’s computer has been infected with the FBI Block Virus ransomware and he paid with 300$ but nothing help. We have been following steps online but it doesn’t seem to be working. Do you know any FBI moneypak code to get laptop unlocked as it is an infamous ransomware that should be removed as soon as possible. What about if your mobile device has been locked with the FBI police warning? If you suddenly cannot access Internet on your cell phone and there is a message that appears on your Android phone screen saying that your phone has been blocked by the FBI or any law enforcement agency due to security issues, then your phone has fallen to a Trojan. I clicked on a link my friend sent me and it went on porn and now my phone is blocked and I can’t go on it at all and it says I have to buy a I tune card, when i got the FBI block virus Pop up on my iPhone six and I was wondering how to make sure the virus was off of my phone as the safari on iPhone got message saying i visited porn site and wants a pay pal payment. This is a virus and scam attack designed to extract money from you. Learn more below.

Overview of FBI Block Virus – FBI Virus Scam Blocked PC or Mobile Device Until Pay Fine by Moneypak Code

FBI Block Virus, with a tricky appearance and brilliant means, has been doing more and more harm to people in USA. What is it? It’s throughout a scam malware which tries its best to threaten computer users into paying 100 dollars through Moneypak to its master. When computer gets FBI Moneypak scam malware infection, victims receive a pop-up message from a national authority such as the FBI warning that their PC has a virus and is sending out child pornography. FBI Block Virus will tell you that your online activities are violation of the federal laws of the United States of America! You may be stigmatized that your IP address was used to visit websites containing pornography, child pornography, zoophilia and child abuse. Your computer also contains video files with pornographic content, elements of violence and child pornography! Spam-messages with terrorist motives were also sent from your computer. Even the logo on the GUI (interface) is the same as real FBI department. In fact FBI Moneypak has many other versions according to different countries or areas, for example, PCEU virus from United Kingdom, Gema and GVU from Germany, Sacem from France, RCMP from Canada and Buma Stemra from the Netherlands. FBI scam virus also called FBI block virus. I was watching a movie and FBI page came up saying I owe money now I’m locked out of my phone, when i got the FBI scam and i did everything to get ride of it but will it send that stuff to my other contacts the phone it off because i haven’t paid the bill so will it still send?

All of these scam malware is designed as was issued from local government department just like FBI Block Virus. FBI Moneypak ransomware’s been doing the rounds for some months. There’s been a big increase in the number of cases in the America country. Some people indeed will do something illegal online such as visiting some porn sites. So when they get such warning message, they will believe it deeply. A person in America was so frightened when he received this warning that he paid 100 dollars right away. In his words, he really didn’t want to be jailed. FBI Block Virus just takes advantage of this to swindle money from users. After you pay for it, you will just receive a message telling you that please wait for reply. But your computer won’t be unlocked even if 24 hours later. This virus will require you must pay via Moneypak. Don’t believe all the fake message or pay for the fine, you are not watching a movie. You won’t be prosecuted by FBI. What you have to do is to remove it from your computer before it can bring you more harm.

The following instructions require certain levels of computer skills like editing Windows Registry and other related operations. If you’re not computer literacy or need instant solutions to resolve this FBI Block Virus, please live chat with YooCare experts now

Screenshot of FBI Block Virus:

[email protected] lock screen just popped onto your computer for illegal use – Latest version of FBI Block Virus/ Malware/ Scam asking for $200 and you must pay the fine through MoneyPak.

Here is the more detailed warning information:

Federal Bureau Of Investigation United States Department of Justice Attention!

This operating system is locked due to the violation of the federal laws of the United States of America! Following violations were detected:
Your IP address is “xx.xx.xx.xx“. This IP address was used to visit websites containing pornography, child pornography, zoophilia and child abuse. Your computer also contains video files with pornographic content, elements of violence and child pornography! Spam-messages with terrorist motives were also sent from your computer.
This computer lock is aimed to stop your illegal activity.

To unlock the computer you are obliged to pay a fine of $ 100 or $200.
You must pay the forfeit through Moneypak:
To do this, you should enter the 16 digits resulting code (if necessary with a password) in the payment form and press OK (if you have several codes, enter them one after the other and press OK).
If an error occurs, send the codes to address [email protected].

What is the FBI malware/virus freezing screen

New version of FBI Block Virus

Have received a FBI warning virus? Got FBI warning moneypak message on my computer screen saying the FBI locked it?

Your computer has been locked FBI Moneypak malware like this one?

Malware FBI warning moneypak – Get FBI warning and blocked pc when watching porn asking for $100.00

New version of FBI Virus Your computer has been locked asking for 100 euros to pay the fine

Federal Bureau of Investigation International Police Association Moneypak Virus – Your computer has been locked by the FBI. Enter 200$ Moneypak Code to Unlock Your PC.

Your computer has been locked by FBI virus warning $200 by Greendot Moneypak

Your computer has been locked by FBI Block Virus Scam $200 Code

FBI Virus Scam $300. My computer has been blocked saying attention federal bureau of investigation – on November 5, 2012

FBI Computer Locked Scam Pay $400 Fine

FBI Online Agent Virus Locked Computer Asking For $200 Greendot Moneypak

IC3 FBI Block Virus Demands $500

Your computer has been locked by FBI Scam


Your computer has been locked! FBI Scam Pay a fine of $400 or $350 via Moneypak


System failure – FBI Block Virus Ransomware

System Failure FBI Virus

FBI Block Virus Ransomware $200


FBI Block Virus Ransomware $300


New Version of FBI Block Virus Pay a fine of 300$ to unlock your computer


New Version of FBI Block Virus Browser Locked On Mac – The $450 scam states Fine has been paid. Your case has been closed.


The routes of FBI Block Virus transmission

FBI Block Virus may lurk in anywhere on the internet. In most cases, It hides in some unsafe websites or links waiting for your visiting. The chance for its spreading may be one of your unconscious click of some place when you want to download something or open some pages. Most of people even don’t know how they get caught by such virus since they don’t know that any activity they do may has a risk in bringing such virus. The virus may be bounded together with other legal programs or files, as long as you get them, you also get the virus at the same time. So you’d better never visit informal websites. Before you click some links or download something, look before you leap!

My computer says it is locked by the FBI due to pornography viewing, is moneypak fine real?

What do i do when an FBI thing that come up on my computer about watching child pornography?

I have a virus on my computer that’s says its the FBI and i have to pay threw money pack  for $200, how do i get rid of it?

If i throw my computer out of my window will i be hunted down for FBI federal crimes?

It seems that my antivirus is useless to remove FBI Ransomware?

In fact, when you get infected FBI Block Virus ransomware, anti-virus is not just useless, but entirely paralyzed. The reason is that, when the virus accesses into your computer, it will do whatever to capture the computer and after it gets the control authority, it will disable all the legit programs in its way. So the anti-virus will be blocked to militate. Actually, you almost can’t do anything you want if your computer has been attacked by such virus unless you remove it completely.

Symptoms or Harmfulness of FBI Moneypak Scam

? Continually pops up fake alert to threaten you into paying ransom which is really annoying.
? Bring in much more other Trojans or malwares for vicious purpose. These viruses can gradually destroy your computer operating system.
? It can lock your computer and you can’t run normal applications.
? It will steal your personal information for illegal usage, which may bring you great harm both from finance and psychology aspacts.
? When you suffer from economic losses, you makes the cyber cribbers have tasted the sweetness of illegal activities.

Best Way to Remove FBI 100 dollars virus Efficiently

Since your computer is locked by FBI Block Virus, you have to delete the virus manually with professional computer knowledge.

Step A: Restart your computer in safe mode. To do this, please press F8 key before the system is started like this:

Step B: Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys to open the Task manager to stop the progress of this scam malware virus. Because the name will be changed fast, it will be show with different name.
Step C: Delete all the files related to this scam ransomware virus

Step D: Delete the ransomware Virus register entries created in computer system.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download “RunInvalidSignatures” = “1?

Step E: Remove malicious files
%Documents and Settings%\All Users\Application Data\[random]\
%Documents and Settings%\All Users\Application Data\[random]\[random].exe
%Documents and Settings%\All Users\Application Data\[random]\[random].mof

By the way: Manually remove FBI Block Virus is a rather difficult work, if you are not a professional computer expert. We recommend you to get YooCare online service 24/7 in time. This is the real fastest and safe way to remove it.

New Version of FBI Block Virus – FBI Your browser has been locked $300 scam alert from lock.police-agent.com


A Step-by-step Manual Removal Guide On Android Phone

1. Restart your phone to safe mode.

Note: “Safe Mode” on Phone starts up without loading any third-party add-ons and different devices have different ways to access safe mode.

For Samsung Galaxy S5 S4 or Samsung Note: 1. Power down. 2. Turn on and repeatedly tap the soft-button for “Menu.”

For Samsung Galaxy S3 and others: 1. Power down. 2. Turn on, then press and hold Volume Down (Galaxy S3 and others), Volume Up (HTC One and others), or Volume Down and Volume Up together (various Motorola devices) when the vendor’s logo appears.

If you have managed to select Safe Mode, you will see the text “Safe Mode” at the bottom left corner of the screen.

2. Once you have put your phone in safe mode, to save all things on your mobile device, you are suggested to contact an expert for tech support.

Video Guide to Remove FBI Notice Moneypak Porn Virus


Can’t get the scam to get off your screen on android phone, tablet or computer? So i was looking up celebritys on my smart phone porn wise when i got a video that popped up so i thought it was a video of the celeb i was searching. So i hit play then it takes me to a screen that says i need to download porn hub mobile to watch it so i did. When i finally clicked it it took me to a page that said i was in violation of child porn? I have never been in trouble in my life to note, but it said i needed to pay 500 in three calendar days not to damage or remove anything off of the device or i could be subjected to criminal charges that pictures of my face was sent to the FBI… I don’t know what to do? Is it FBI block virus only? I’m scared i may go to jail for something i didn’t do on purpose. Plus it froze my phone. Please help me i am terrified! Up to now you realized the FBI porn thing is not real but a scam. The FBI Block Virus locked computer or mobile device asking for moneypak from $100 to $300 dollars to get the blocked screen unlocked, many victims fell into this scam as the virus claiming to be from the FBI or department of homeland security, they scared the police come to kick the door then put them in the jail, so they paid the fine. Even if users paid the fine their computers still be locked, what is more the money won’t be able to get back. What you need to do is completely remove the ransomware from your computer or mobile device once found. If you are not computer savvy, it is better to get it off with assistance from experts to ensure your PC or mobile device safe.

Special tips: Have spent a lot of time removing FBI Block Virus ransomware but with no success? To rescue your computer or mobile device (android tablet or android phone), please consult with YooCare experts 24/7 online in time to unlock your computer or mobile device and remove the virus safely and completely.

Published by on June 14, 2012 7:37 pm, last updated on June 10, 2019 8:58 am

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