How to Uninstall/Remove Browser Hijacker (Virus Manual Removal Guide)

Have you been annoyed a lot by numerous redirections with your online activities? Is your Internet Explorer or Google Chrome not working appropriately? Do you always get the unwanted webpage on your browser? If you want to get rid of this nasty redirect virus as soon as possible, please go on reading the passage to find out more information.

Description of Redirect Virus is defined as a browser hijacker that many computer users will come across when surfing the Internet. It is believed that this redirect virus is created by cyber criminals to collect as much money as possible from vulnerable computer users. By providing them a lot of hacked links and malicious search results websites instead of the actual queries, it brings constant pain to torture its victims and damage their computers. This is known as a financial fraud of the Internet.

If you are not sure what it is as shows up as a normal search engine, you are suggested to use it for your online searching. Generally, a browser redirect virus connects to thousands of fake links and websites with tremendous viruses, malware and spyware. If you use it to do your online activities, you will be facing more troubles and lots of pop-up windows including advertisements, fake survey and fake security messages. Once it’s in your computer, it will turn into an evil spring which gives birth to other problems. It will change the default settings of your browser and registry entries so that it can show up every time you delete it and reboot the computer. When you have detected in your computer, you should try to get rid of it quickly before it causes you a loss of property.

Dangerous Risks of Virus:

1. Annoying pop-up alerts and advertisements often trick users into believing their computers have gone badly and encourage or force them to download and install malware;
2. Other spywares and viruses will be installed without your permission under the help of Trojans;
3. Personal privacy is in high risk of exposure to the open. For instance, it displays a fake website for you to register or enter your email address and passwords;
4. Useless files will be dropped into your system as legitimate ones so that antivirus software cannot detect them;
5. Icons on the desktop may be hidden by the virus so that you cannot run any program or a scan.

A Webpage of Domtrotcom:

Step-by-step Guide to Manually Remove It:

Since redirect virus can pass the detection and removal from antivirus tools, you need to delete it with some manual steps. Besides, you could do a system backup beforehand if you don’t want to lose any important files or data. Following are some steps for your consideration:

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del on your keyboard or right click on the bottom Task-bar (Windows 7 OS) to open the Windows Task Manager;

2. Click on the Processes on the top and find to end the process;
3. Find out and delete all these associating files:
%AppData%\Protector-[Domtrot com].exe
%AllUsersProfile%\{Domtrot com}\
%AllUsersProfile%\{Domtrot com}\*.lnk
4. Find out and remove all these associating registry entries:
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Regedit32
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\{Domtrot com}
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current\Winlogon\”Shell” = “{Domtrot com}.exe”

Similar Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:

Note: If you don’t have much computer background knowledge and have failed to remove redirect virus, please contact YooCare a fast and overall help.

Published by on June 10, 2012 6:22 am, last updated on June 10, 2012 6:55 am

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