Brower Hijacked by Manually Delete Virus in 5 Minutes

Have you ever encountered an absolute redirection no matter what you are doing with the browser? All the searching results are redirected to a particular webpage and even your homepage has been forcibly changed to this site? This is known to be a browser hijacker virus which must be removed immediately.

What’s Redirect Virus? is a particular hacked webpage that appears every time when you are using the browser to do online searching. It is called a browser hijacker as it hijacks and changes all the settings of your browser and the homepage so that it can show up forcibly with thousands of malicious websites for you to click on and then infect your computer. This redirect virus serial includes, and ect. You may not notice in the beginning as doesn’t show its evil on the appearance but instead it looks like a common search engine. But you should be aware of the difference between a real search engine and a fake one, which is the fake search engine will do whatever it wants without your approval. It is when you don’t pay much attention and make a click on it or one of the search results, thousands of malicious websites are waiting ahead with tremendous viruses, Trojans, bugs, worms and malwares. And then your computer will be suffer from more troubles. The fact is, this unwanted redirect website is controlled by cyber criminals in backstage instead of the actual queries of computer users. So they can remotely capture everything you do on this computer and make a good profit out of it. When you open one of the links, lots of pop-ups and advertisements will show all over your screen making you impossible to close all of them. Thus, it is better to delete it before more unexpected consequences happen.

A Webpage of Hijacker

Potential Threats:

1. Annoying pop-up alerts and advertisements often trick users into believing their computers have gone badly and encourage them to download and install fake malwares;
2. Other spywares and viruses will be installed without your permission under the help of Trojans;
3. Personal privacy is in high risk of loss as virus can create a fake website for you to register and enter important information and passwords;
4. Significant files will be relocated or hidden which may pose a sudden death of computer.

Guide to Remove Browser Virus

Cyber criminals are somehow qualified with lots of computer skills so that they can create many smart viruses to make innocent computer users become their victims. And that’s why your antivirus program such as Kaspersky cannot deal with it successfully. You will need to manually delete it by following these steps given as below:

1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del on your keyboard or right click of the mouse to open Task Manager first;
2. End the process [random].exe
3. Find out and delete all these associating files :
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\{random}
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Regedit32
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current\Winlogon\”Shell” = “{random}.exe”

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:

Note: If you have failed to delete virus, please contact YooCare experts for a fast and professional help.



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Published by on May 22, 2012 8:57 pm, last updated on November 13, 2012 6:24 pm

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