Remove Browser Hijacker – Redirect Virus Removal

Has your computer been suffering from lately? Cannot get to any websites you are supposed to get? Annoyed by lots of pop-ups and advertisements? Do not ignore what’s happening. This websites redirect virus should be removed out of your computer as soon as possible.

Description of Asktofriends Redirect Virus browser hijacker is one of the nasty browser hijackers that will redirect all the searching results without your approval. It is specially known as the Google Redirect virus associating with hundreds of malicious links to hacked webpages. is a false search engine.  Once you click on one of the links when you believe it’s a normal result you searched, the open website will bring you lots of trojans, bugs, spywares and other troubles which have been taken advantages of by cyber criminals to steal your personal information and properties. You may not notice this hijacker at first as it has a normal same look as other legitimate websites so as to trick you easily. It even has company information on this webpage to make it as real as authentic websites.
This rogue is an unwanted website that would be installed without permission. You can easily encounter this infection when you surf the Internet with little cautions. Visiting illegal porno sites, playing online gambling or opening spam emails from a seem-to-be-normal contact user are all going to put you and your computer in troubles. The search results are usually websites sponsored by criminals instead of actual queries of computer users once your computer has been taken over by browser hijacker. When opening those hacked links, lots of pop-ups and advertisements will show all over your screen making you impossible to close all of them. You might become victims to a lot more computer problems. Thus, it is better to delete it before your computer suffers from more damages.
A Webpage of

Risks After Being Infected With virus

1. Personal privacy is in high risk of exposure to the open. For instance, it displays a fake website for you to register or enter your email address and passwords;
2. Annoying pop-up alerts and advertisements often trick users into believing their computers have gone badly and encourage them to download and install fake malware;
3. Other spywares and viruses will be installed without your permission under the help of trojans;
4. Significant files, folders, system data, pictures, musics, etc. will be hidden from you to find.

Guide to Remove Redirect Virus

Normally this kind of virus needs to be removed manually as it cannot be 100% removed by antivirus programs. Following are some steps for your consideration when doing this on your own:
1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del on your keyboard or right click on the Task Bar to open the Windows Task Manager;

2. Find and end the process:;
3. Find out and delete all these associating files :



4. Find out and remove all these associating registry entries of virus:
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\{random}


HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Regedit32

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current\Winlogon\”Shell” = “{random}.exe”

Video Shows You How to Safely Modify Windows Registry Editor:

Note: If you don’t have much computer background knowledge and in case that any mistake might occur and cause unexpectable results, please contact YooCare professionals in taking care of users’ computers for a fast and overall help.

Published by on May 12, 2012 6:36 pm, last updated on November 13, 2012 6:08 pm

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