Jan 20, 2017

Why You Need VPNs for Gaming?

Hello. My name is Gary. I am trying to install a game which has been developed by the South Korean, but it tells me that my server doesn’t support this game. Most of my friends play this game and they recommended it to me. I asked them why this happened to me. They told me that I needed a VPN service for this. They are using a free VPN and find that it is not stable. It fails to work continually. Hence, I prefer to purchase one to make sure that I can play this game freely at any time. Would you please provide me some suggestions about VPN for gaming? Thanks.

Why You Need a VPN for Gaming?

As gamers know, certain games are blocked in some countries and regions. It is just likes Netflix, Hulu, BBC iPlayer, HBO, Pandora, Amazon Video and other streaming services. They only are available for users in certain places. The games are very popular while some of its fans can’t play them. For example, Pokemon Go and Battlefield 3 are also unavailable in Iran. At the same time, Red Dead Redemption, people are not allowed to play Heavy Rain, and L.A. Noire in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Besides, there are limitations when playing games at school, in library, or coffee house etc. You can’t enjoy the games freely with the Internet port limitations. A reliable VPN service will save you from those upset problems. Connect your device to a VPN for gaming, you can play all games on the Internet at any time no matter where you are. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 20, 2017 6:32 am and last modified on January 20, 2017 1:30 pm.

Jan 18, 2017

How to Remove Pr.comet.yahoo.com Virus?

Can you imagine that as soon as you start your computer and then you will be redirected to pr.comet.yahoo.com? You can’t get away from it if you don’t remove it. What? That malicious website is classified as pr.comet.yahoo.com virus? Are you getting changes into your browser default settings? Are you unable to navigate your own webpage? Are you getting slow Internet speed? Need help? Well. The following post is on manual removal guide for Pr.comet.yahoo.com virus. Read it! You can save your PC now!

Description of Pr.comet.yahoo.com Virus:

Pr.comet.yahoo.com Virus is reported by the Internet researchers and known as another kind of browser hijacker virus. This virus recently gets detected by antivirus programs like Norton on numbers of computer victims. This virus is so hard to be removed by antivirus tools even though can be detected. It can sneak into the target computer quietly. As soon as it is there on your computer, it will make kinds of computer troubles on your computer. At the early beginning, you may not find much difference, except get redirected to its domain again and again. However, when you found much difference on your computer, it indicates that this virus has made huge damage on your PC since it hacked into your PC.

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Published by on January 18, 2017 5:57 am

Jan 17, 2017

How to Use Instagram from China?

Why you can not use Instagram in China? Can we use Instagram with a way? Hey, there. Here is the case. I am now on my business travel in the beautiful historical place: China. I want to share my beautiful scenery picture with my families and friends by using Instagram. But my Instagram is blocked by the GFW (Great Firewall of China). I can’t find a way to use it since this is my first time in visiting China and the first time that I can’t use my Instagram. What should I do? How to use Instagram from China? Anyone knows anything about that? Saying VPN services can help on Google, really? How to unblock Instagram via VPN services? Please help me! Thank you!

What Is Instagram?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing site that enables its users to take pictures and share them either publicly or privately on the app, as well as through a variety of other social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr. It allows you sharing things with your followers on your Instagram. It can be used on the device running with IOS, Windows phone, Android systems. This program is a very useful and practical social networking service.

How to Use Instagram from China via the Help of VPN service?

Nowadays, more and more people would like to use Instagram to share their interesting things with their families and friends. You can also know what your friends are doing through the video posted on Instagram. Instagram now is very popular to the majority of people around the world. But Instagram can’t always be used at some place, especially China. Many websites and services are blocked in China the Mainland. So, how to use Instagram from China would be a big problem for people who come from the other countries around the world.

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Published by on January 17, 2017 7:07 am and last modified on March 23, 2018 2:42 am.

Jan 16, 2017

LuckyStarting.com  Browser Hijacker Manual Removal Guide

What is LuckyStarting.com? It’s on my Internet Explore and changes everything! I have no idea when I installed it. I found it launched strange activities without my permission lately. I don’t have my favorite homepage anymore. Many strange things appear on my toolbar. I use this computer to work every day. However, it seems that it’s a bit out of control. Something frequently redirects me to LuckyStarting.com and many other weird websites that I hadn’t seen before. It takes much more time to gather related information for my work. Besides, numberless ads pop up which is so annoying. I can’t concentrate on my work. Is there anyone who can help me fix those problems? I need my computer work normally as soon as possible. Please answer me soon. Any assistance will be appreciated.

Brief Description of LuckyStarting.com Browser Hijacker

LuckyStarting.com is an unwanted browser hijacker program which changes your homepage and browser settings without your approval. It helps its developer generate revenue by performing various activities on your computer. To better control your browser, it alters your settings to support its goal. It forces you to visit LuckyStarting.com and other suspicious websites to promote its affiliated websites. No one knows whether those websites are safe or not. After all, virus and other malware can hide anywhere online. As an ad-supported program, it delivers millions of ads to you. However, it is pretty difficult to block those annoying ads via changing your default settings. Suffering for those annoying things, you may try to uninstall LuckyStarting.com. Unfortunately, no uninstall option is provided. In addition, LuckyStarting.com browser hijacker is installed by yourself without your knowledge. It has your permission to get into your system in a way. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 16, 2017 3:32 pm and last modified on January 17, 2017 6:04 am.

Jan 15, 2017

Fake Microsoft Tech Support Number Scam Pop-up – How to Clean It?

Fake Microsoft Tech Support Number Scam Pop-up – How to Clean It? When the day really came, it shocked me a lot. My computer got hacked a malicious pop-up. It was stating that I got my personal information and I had to call for tech support to deal with my problem. What should I do? That pop-up wouldn’t go away. Each time I booted my computer, I got this vicious warning showing on my screen to remind of the problem. Should I call that number for tech support? But when I made the call, the people who answered the phone call asked me to pay for the tech support. Should I pay? I hanged up the phone immediately. Help!

Computer Gets Hacked by Fake Microsoft Tech Support Number Scam Pop-up—What to Do?

“I was online and a window popped up saying that Microsoft window has my credit card info and stuff. Immediately, I shut down computer. I am not sure if it’s a virus or not? It wanted me to call some 800 number. Shall I call? Please advise!

If your computer gets hacked by Fake Microsoft Tech Support Number Scam Pop-up, what will you do? Will you call the provided number for tech support, even though that number is a free toll? Actually, Fake Microsoft Tech Support Number Scam Pop-up is a scam virus. It is a fake tech support toll which is set to trick people to make the call to earn money. Some victims reported that their phone charges were missing without any reason even though the phone number provider company couldn’t find out why, after they made the phone call. Some found that they got crank calls continually. Some was asked to pay for the tech support to remove this malicious scam pop-up virus. When one did make the payment, nothing was changed on the compromised computer. Virus was remained there on your infected computer.

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Published by on January 15, 2017 4:46 pm and last modified on January 15, 2017 4:49 pm.

Jan 14, 2017

TrojanDropper:JS/Exjaysee.A Removal Guide

Yesterday, my younger brother used my computer to play LOL for a while. Then he browsed the Internet and searched for something. Everything went well until he downloaded a video player from a porn site. After that player installed, my computer continually got problem, like stuck, lag on typing, white screen… I did a full scanning with Norton. TrojanDropper:JS/Exjaysee.A and other threats had been detected. When I saw the report, I just noticed that my computer got infected by the Trojan virus. What should I do? None of my antivirus tools could get rid of this malicious virus from the infected computer. Please help!

What Is TrojanDropper:JS/Exjaysee.A?

TrojanDropper:JS/Exjaysee.A is a malicious computer infection which has been classified as Trojan horse virus family. This malicious virus may do lots of vicious activities on your computer after its attack. This virus used to attack all Windows computer users around the world, including Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows XP, Windows, Vista, and Windows 7 and so on. Although antivirus application is installed on the computer, the virus can skip and hide itself from the scanning of your antivirus tools generally. From some aspects, this stubborn Trojan virus can get into your computer with the help of third party application. This virus used to be attached to spam emails attachments, freeware downloads, junk emails etc. People used to browse the Internet without any consideration about the safety of the website. In most cases, people may get the virus steak into the computer due their careless online activities, such as browsing bad and unsafe websites, reading junk emails as well as its attachments, downloading freeware application from unauthorized computer and install it onto the computer.

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Published by on January 14, 2017 11:48 am

Jan 13, 2017

Tips for VPNs on Public WiFi Hotspots

Hello. Can I ask for some suggestions about VPN? I am a freelancer. Hence, I always work from home, coffee house and even hotels, connecting my device to the public WiFi hotspots. I need to transfer document, videos and other important files to my partners due to business reasons at any time. I must make sure that my communication is safe. I decide to purchase a VPN, but I have no idea which one I should choose. Need your tips for for VPNs on Public WiFi Hotspots. Thanks.

Why You Need VPNs on Public WiFi Hotspots?

VPN is a useful service for Internet users. It protects your online activities and hides your real identity from on certain websites. With VPN service, you can use your company’s resource and have remote meeting with your staff freely and safely when you are on a business trip. When you are in a coffee house with your friend, you have to check an important email and deal with an emergency case. At that time, you have to connect your device to the public WiFi hotspots and start your work immediately. Be careful with public WiFi hotspots. Though they are free and convenient, you ought to note that the public WiFi hotspots have not been secured. Usually, free public hotspots do not encrypt your data and session online. Once you connect your device to those hotspots, the cyber criminals can snoop and steal your precious information. For example, they will steal your credit card or other bank card information while you do shopping online via the free public hotspots. When you share the confidential files with your boss at the airport, they will intercept the confidential information and sell it to the third party for illegal money. It really is a huge risk to use public WiFi hotspots. If you are always on a trip and need to handle case at any time, we suggest you use VPN service to encrypt network connection and protect your data. Not only for businessmen, you also need a VPN if you always do shopping online and use public WiFi hotspots frequently. The hackers can steal your money secretly without a network protection. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 13, 2017 1:40 pm and last modified on January 18, 2017 1:34 pm.

Jan 12, 2017

Tips about VPN for Mac

Hello. I would like to purchase a VPN for my new Mac. Have no idea which one I should choose. I have viewed too many VPNs and got confused. Can you give me some suggestions? What should I know about VPNs for Mac? Thanks.

What is a VPN and Whether Mac Users Need VPNs or not?

VPN means virtual private network. It creates a secure, encrypted connection over the Internet. People outside that connection will not know its content and speed. On one hand, government, business companies, schools and even banks use VPN service to protect their private network system. On the other hand, people who would like to visit the website as anonymity use VPN service which provides them different IPs. When they visit some websites, their real IP and identify will not be revealed. No one can track your online activities.
Does Mac user need a VPN? You may think that you don’t need a VPN to protect it because you own a stable operating system. This opinion is not completely right. You still need a VPN for Mac. Though it is once considered as the safest operating system, few security vulnerabilities of Mac have been found in recent years. Ransomware, Trojan, Worm, rogue software and other threat have been rampant and aggressive, attacking both Windows and Mac users. Some viruses only target on Mac and steal information. If you always share important information with your business partner via the Internet, a VPN for your Mac is very necessary. It will prevent cyber criminals from hijacking your communication. Besides, users in China and other regions where many websites have been blocked due to national security reasons need VPNs for Mac to view websites that they look forward to. For example, it can help you bypass the Great Firewall of China. It unblocks geographically restricted content on Netflix, Hulu, BBC iPlayer, HBO, Pandora, Amazon Video, CBS, HBO, ABC, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and many more other services. You can enjoy the fast and secure network connection from any corner of the world. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 12, 2017 8:20 am

Jan 11, 2017

Search.moviecorner.com Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

I have the search.moviecorner.com browser hijacker on my computer without any reason! It redirects my homepage to wired websites and displays plenty of pop-ups without my control. The redirection happens not only in Internet Explorer but also my Google chrome. My anti-virus can’t do anything helpful with it. What do I need to do to obliterate this virus? I have already been desperate at the redirection! I need assistance to get it off my computer. In fact, manual removal is the most effective way to remove search.moviecorner.com virus. If your computer gets infected, please read the post to get some instructions.

What is search.moviecorner.com Browser Hijacker?

Similar to other unwanted programs, search.moviecorner.com virus is categorized as risky browser hijacker which is created to attack Internet users’ browser without any approval. Once Internet users pay no attention to those freeware, attachments, and unsafe sites, which are bundled with the browser hijacker, the virus can dive into a targeted computer with any consciousness. When installed on an infected system, search.moviecorner.com virus takes over the targeted browser and then modifies the default settings of the browser. Once installed on a contaminated browser, regress of Internet Explorer, Google chrome, Firefox or other ones, this virus will degrade the browser and redirect your homepage or search results to its related websites without any agreement. Mealtime, the hijacker presents plenty of unwanted commercial ads on the screen and you have no ability to get such annoyance off the computer. The search.moviecorner.com virus will also degrade the performance of the septic system and come across a crash at last. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 11, 2017 1:38 pm and last modified on January 13, 2017 10:36 am.

Jan 11, 2017

Unlock iPhone/iPad From [email protected] Scam Virus Screen

Will the [email protected] lock mobile device? My iPhone is locked and I am accused of illegal pornography. There is a nasty thing keeping sticking on my safari. I am just blocked from using it to access the internet all the time. I can’t search anything with it. It is really aching. Besides, it asks me to send emails to an address of [email protected] to unlock my iPhone. The email seems from the Justice department of the UK. Is it real or just a scam virus? Anyway, I want to remove it from my phone right now. You guys can help, right? Much appreciated.

Description about the Scam Virus Asking to Send emails to [email protected] :

If your iPad or iPhone is hit by the scam virus with the email of [email protected] mentioned, your safari or Chrome browser will be blocked from visiting the internet at all. You will be able to do nothing with it. According to reliable reports, this scam virus usually identify devices of the Apple Company such as iPad and iPhone as its major targets. And as the safari is the most commonly used on iPad and iPhone, this web browser naturally become the most frequently object attacked by the virus. Once infected, the virus will continuously present to the victim a popup message saying that the device has been locked for something like illegal pornography. And to unlock the device, the victim will be asked to send an email to [email protected]. While it is not suggested that you should send and check any email involved with the [email protected] at all, because it may bring you more disasters during the communication with the hackers. For example, to have more control over your device, the hacker may attach a more violent virus with the email. Once you check the hacked email, the virus attached will be able sneak into your device all of a sudden. If your sensitive information is included in the email, situation may become more dangerous. How do we know such a bad hacker will not take advantage of the information to commit more disastrous cyber-crimes? What is more, even you have sent emails to [email protected] completely as per the hacker’s demand, your iPad or iPhone will stay completely locked all the same. So please note that, when you find the [email protected] scam virus on your system, it is suggested to try your best to remove it from your device as soon as possible instead of follow any vicious instructions of the virus. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on January 11, 2017 5:49 am and last modified on January 18, 2017 9:27 pm.

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