May 12, 2017

How to Access Instagram in China in 2024?

Do you know if Instagram works in China? If not, how to access Instagram in China without any problems? Everyone who lives in China or just landed in China must learn that Instagram has been banned in China and if you want to use it you need to find an effective way to access it. If you want to know how to access Instagram in China while you’re traveling in that eastern country, you are recommended to read content in this article first. This will help you understand what to need and what will you do before landing there. Chinese government has blocked Instagram for so called security problems, so Instagram is not allowed in mainland China. It is the fact that Instagram has been blocked by the Great firewall of China, you have to prepare for how to access Instagram in China successfully. Here you can get what you need and enjoy your time. Read the rest of this post »

Published by YooCare Editor on May 12, 2017 6:22 pm and last modified on May 28, 2024 7:33 am.

May 11, 2017

How to Remove Exploit:SWF/Meadgive Completely?

Need help to get rid of Exploit:SWF/Meadgive. I have the problem with my computer and i need help to fix it. Windows Defender keeps finding that virus and states is removing it, but after rebooting the virus is still there. How do I remove what is causing this to keep recurring? I have counted over many times that Defender has been removing this malware. Please help, this is going to cause me a heart attack. I have run all my scans and no stopping this malware. What is the best way to remove it completely?

More Description of the Exploit:SWF/Meadgive Trojan Virus

The Exploit:SWF/Meadgive has been confirmed to be a really nasty Trojan virus to target and attack all kinds of computers. A Trojan virus like the SWF/Meadgive thing can cause major harms to the users whose computers have been infected. As soon as the system has been conquered by the virus, it often starts a few vicious tasks in the background of the system. The performance of the infected device will thus be greatly corrupted and reduced to a significant degree. After infection, the victims will find their computers can’t work as fast as before. It becomes really slow to get run many normal programs. The system will become very sluggish. Sometimes it is just frozen at a point and the user can’t do anything but reboot the computer. Therefore, when the virus is found on your system, you should take measures as fast as you can to get it off your device completely without any delay.

To avoid being detected and killed, a typical Trojan virus will try its best to prevent the victims from taking any measure to delet itself, for example, using certain antivirus programs.So your antivirus may just fail to get the Exploit:SWF/Meadgive removed completely even when you are clearly told the virus is on your system. And your firewall program can be blocked from running properly by the virus, so that it can further serve its wicked purpose more conveniently and successfully. The Trojan virus is reported to be typically exploited to install other malware or unwanted programs without your knowledge to furtherly devastate your computer. You may notice that, when your computer is infected with a virus, no matter how many times you start or reboot your computer, the virus will show up all the time on the system. That is because, in order to get itself started automatically at system startup, the virus has managed to make some alternations to your registry and any other settings of similar fuction. It is sure that the best way to stop the virus in this case is to turn to an expert for help to get rid of it manually and totally.

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Published by on May 11, 2017 6:56 pm and last modified on May 12, 2017 2:27 am.

May 8, 2017

How to Use VPN to Evade Carrier Data Collection after Congress Repeals the FCC’s Privacy Protections?

Hi. I would like to know what kind of data that the Carrier can collect and sell to the third parties after the privacy rules were turned down. To be honest, I don’t feel good about that. How can I evade Carrier data collection after Congress repeals the FCC’s privacy protections?

What Data Carrier can Collect & What can Carrier Do after Congress Repeals the FCC’s Privacy Protections?

Should we be worrying after the Congress repealed the FCC’s privacy rules? How does that affect your life? What data can the Carrier collect? And, what they can do with your data? The Carrier can collect information that you used in some apps. In fact, a number of carriers admitted to installing software on customers’ phones that tracked data, including browser history and app usage. Some collect device you’re using, and the apps you have installed. With your permission, it’ll also monitor their location and their contacts. In those days, people have no choice but are forced to grant permission to some apps to access Contacts, view & send text message, connect device to Wifi and so on. In the past, people were able to choose not to allow them to do those things without your permission when installing apps. Now, no options can be selected. Granting permission is the default and only option. It is really creepy that people develop apps in this way. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 8, 2017 4:10 pm and last modified on May 8, 2017 4:23 pm.

May 7, 2017

How to Access Blocked Websites Like Facebook and Twitter in China?

Case 1:

Hi, I have a problem of using Facebook. It always says “The page isn’t working ….” This is annoying. I am in China for tourism I have taken a lot of good pictures and want to share them with my friends. Can you help? Thanks.

Case 2:

Please help me with my Twitter. I can’t access it. It is as error page all the time. My internet and computer are working well, I am sure about it. I am now in China on business. I want to use Twitter to contact my friends. Many thanks.

More Websites or Services Are Not Accessible in China.

There are many websites or internet services being blocked from accessing in China by the Chinese government with the well-known security tool named the Great Firewall of China. Such popular services as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dropbox, Gmail, Google search engine etc. are all blocked in different periods of time. It is reported more than 3000 websites or services are not accessible by users in China no matter you are a Chinese resident or just a visitor from other countries. China is one of the most important economies in the world; many people are heading for China either for business or leisure or both. Think about that you use Twitter much in USA to keep in touch with your friends, families, colleagues and any other acquaintances every day; but one day you are dispatched to China as a representative of the company to collaborate with your Chinese partner, and you have to stay for about 3 months before the project is finished without being able to accessing Twitter since it is blocked in China. Yes, life will continue, but there is no doubt that it is not an easy thing to live without the service for 3 months. So, is there an effective and efficient way to solve this problem? How to access blocked websites like Facebook and Twitter in China?

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Published by on May 7, 2017 5:34 am and last modified on May 7, 2017 5:35 am.

May 5, 2017

How to Protect Your Online Privacy Data from ISP?

Hey. I would like to know how to protect online privacy data from ISP. To be honest, I am disappointed when the Congress revoked FCC’s privacy rules. I don’t feel safe when using the Internet now. Would you please help me protect my privacy?

ISPs can Invade Users’ Online Privacy Data?

As we know, the Congress shot down FCC’s privacy rules. That means that the ISPs are able to sell users’ online privacy data to the third parties without users’ permission. Some users may be shock when hearing this news, wondering how they can do that. In fact, the ISPs can do many things without your notice.
In the first place, they can obtain your cellphone record and collect all URLs you visited. You may note that some apps are already installed when you first buy the phone. They can insert tracking headers into all our customers’ traffic.The apps are installed not only to deliver advertisements, but also can track you when browsing. Though you may delete the cookies, those apps can resurrect them. In the second place, they can inject ads into your browser when snooping through your traffic. Those ads mainly are customized according to your browsing habits. It hijacks your search queries and redirects you to the third parties’ websites that users never intend to visit. Last but not least, the ISPs are able to sell users’ online privacy data to the third parties without asking for users’ permission. We all know that the ISPs are sitting on a gold mine of users data. They can sell your location, demographics, and browsing history to marketers. The ISPs do all those things for revenue. They make lots of money from their users. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 5, 2017 5:31 pm and last modified on September 28, 2017 5:55 am.

May 4, 2017

How to Prevent Being Monitored when Using BitTorrent?

Hey. I would like to know if I am monitored when using BitTorrent. Can the ISP and hacker see what I am downloading? Is there a way to protect being monitored when using BitTorrent? Can you tell me how?

Are You being Monitored When Using BitTorrent?

In this Internet age, people more attention to their online privacy. However, it turns out that protecting privacy is a easy job. Especially after the US Senate voted to do away with broadband privacy rules that prevent ISPs from selling subscribers’ internet browsing histories to third parties, users concern about their privacy so much and are looking for a proper way to protect themselves.
Internet brings us great convenience. People can communicate and transfer files to theirs partners on the other side of the earth by simply click on a button on computer. Lots of people use BitTorrent to share files with other staff. They would like to transfer important files of their business via the Internet instead of delivering them in pack. We suggest you be cautious when using BitTorrent because your ISP is able to monitor you. Besides, the hackers can make use of bugs to intercept and steal precious information. You need to note organizations that track BitTorrent users rely on information they obtain from BitTorrent trackers. This is an easy and convenient technique to gather info, but also one that can be circumvented. Your careless action can cause seriously information leak. You need to prevent being monitored when using BitTorrent. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 4, 2017 5:27 pm

May 4, 2017

The Best Way to Access Netflix in China.

Netflix, a worldwide provider of on-demand Web streaming media has been becoming more and more popular in the last few years. Presently it’s available to users in many nations and places, including Australia, New Zealand, South America, Canada, United States and a number of nations in Europe. But if you go to China or stay in China, you cannot watch Netflix straight as you do in your home nation. How to Access Netflix in China? Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 4, 2017 11:47 am and last modified on January 17, 2020 4:48 am.

May 1, 2017

Phone is Locked by FBI for Illegal Pornography?-How to Fix?

I need your help. The FBI locked My HTC phone for illegal pornography. This morning, I was checking my business emails. Suddenly, a message popped up and called itself the FBI police attention message. I had been accused of keeping child pornography-which of course I do not have). It asked for $500 fine via iTune gift card. I was scared and about to pay the fine, but I calmed down and checked it on Google. It turned out to be a virus. I tried everything to remove it, but no luck. Can you help?

Why is Your Phone Locked by FBI?

The FBI threat on your mobile device is a nasty virus released by the cyber criminals for illegal purpose. Your device is locked due to the virus infection but not like as the warning describes. This virus is identified as the ransomware as it holds your device hostage asking for a large amount of money. It is a member of the Urausy vrius family. To make you pay the money flatly, it pretends to the FBI, cyber police, NSA or other law enforcement and claims that your online activities have violated related laws. It demands $500 fine via gift card, Moneypak, vanilla card or other prepaid card to unlock the device screen. You may be scared by this FBI police threat as it looks “real” in a way. But, do not worry. This message is not from the police or any other law enforcement. You may ask why your device is blocked if it is not the police. It is because your device is infected with a piece of serious virus. You can remove the fake FBI threat virus to unlock your device. And, there is one thing you should keep in mind. Never send any money to the cyber criminals behind this virus. It will not help your infected device. In fact, this virus have been rampant through out the world. If your device is infected, kick it off your device completely. If you are not one of the victims, protect your device well. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 1, 2017 2:31 pm and last modified on September 26, 2017 5:56 pm.

Apr 29, 2017

How to Use Telegram in China in 2020?

Do you know how to use Telegram in China normally? It seemed you could not use the app in mainland China, I searched information about using Telegram in China but got some unwanted results telling Telegram has been blocked by the great firewall of China? Is it real? I have a problem in using Telegram. I can’t load it on both my phone and computer. I thought it was my Network issue, but it turned out not. I tried to access Telegram on my friend’s device and found out that it didn’t work either. I could use it in my country, but it just failed to work here in China. Please tell me how to use Telegram in China. Thanks. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 29, 2017 2:51 pm and last modified on January 15, 2020 7:47 am.

Apr 28, 2017

How to Protect Your Browsing Histories from ISP?

Is it true that the ISPs are able to access users’ browsing histories? Are the ISPs able to collect other Internet privacy? Will they share your information to the third parties? Is there any law to protect users’ Internet privacy? If no, how to protect browsing histories for the ISP?

Are the ISPs able to Collect Your Browsing Histories?

The ISPs are able to access and collect your browsing histories. The Federal Communications Commission adopted broadband privacy rules to protect users’ Internet privacy last years. However, those rules have been repealed after the Senate voted to revoke and President Donald Trump signed it. The FCC rules required ISPs to obtain users’ consent before selling their data for advertising or marketing purposes. Now, they can sell your browsing histories and other similar data to the third parties without your permission. That makes it almost impossible to make related rules to protect Internet privacy. It is really upsetting for users who focus on privacy. The good news is that you can use a VPN to protect your browsing histories from ISP. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on April 28, 2017 5:46 am

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