Sep 25, 2013

How to Remove Contenko Redirect

Contenko makes me so crazy! It messes up my computer greatly. Every time I launch my web browser, I notice my homepage is replaced and specified websites are casually redirected to malicious web pages. How can I get rid of the pesky redirect entirely? The following removal instructions will enable you to deal with the harmful browser hijacker effectively.

Description of Contenko Redirect:

Contenko, also known as, is a malicious browser redirect that keeps redirecting your web search results to other hazardous web pages which are related to the notorious browser hijacker. Usually, this redirect comes from network and installs itself automatically when you gain access to harmful content like opening spam email attachments and downloading risky software. It is capable to attack web browsers including Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and opera, etc. To illustrate, the browser hijacker changes your favorite homepage, default search engine and other vital settings to interrupt your web browsing activities greatly. When you click on familiar web links, you will be typically redirected to unwanted web pages related to Also, you will get numerous pesky pop-up ads on your screen, luring you into install some risky ads-on or purchase unwanted things. Contenko hijacker is quite similar to another hijacker infection that makes chaos to your computer terribly. Actually, this browser redirect is distributed by cyber hackers to record your system data and browser history on purpose of stealing your sensitive information without any notice. Urgent as the situation is, you had better take measures to delete the risky browser hijacker from your computer completely soon.
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Published by on September 25, 2013 5:28 am

Sep 24, 2013 Redirect Removal

Help! I got a browser hijack redirect named when I open an unknown E-mail. This hijacker has infected my Internet Explorer and Firefox at the same time. I try to remove it by myself but no luck, this browser hijack redirect still takes over my browser. How can I get rid of it completely? How about changing another browser like Google Chrome? Any help will be appreciated. Redirect Instruction : is a browser hijack redirect that can be installed to your PC when you install the infected program and open infected E-mail attachment. This virus will change the settings of the Internet and even the whole system, that is why many victims find that their homepages, default browser and even the desktop image can be changed without their permission. can pass through the security program to damage the infected PC and even stop the anti-virus program from protecting the infected PC. Not only can it mess up your system files but also can let your PC stay in a high-risk of being attacked. So it is suggested that you should remove this browser hijack redirect as soon as possible.

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Published by on September 24, 2013 10:18 am and last modified on September 29, 2013 10:11 am.

Sep 24, 2013 Redirect Removal

My computer keeps redirecting to and I cannot get rid of it. I uninstalled firefox, then reinstalled, didn’t help. Scanned with malwarebytes, nothing showed, uninstalled, same thing, I installed google chrome, same thing. I searched on internet, found lots and lots and lots of others with same problem, how do I get rid of this hijacker completely? I don’t want to rebuilt my computer. Please help!!!! Redirect Issue Description: is a harmful website that pretends to be a useful search engine to cheat innocent computer users. This website is affiliated with browser hijackers that can hijack your browser such as Internet Explorer, Google chrome, or Firefox to its domain. This fake search engine site grabs traffic from other search engines by using variants of the Google Redirect Virus. It can perform the same action like, and redirect do by changing various browser settings, such as your proxy server usage and your designated homepage against your will.

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Published by on September 24, 2013 9:03 am and last modified on September 24, 2013 11:25 am.

Sep 24, 2013 Redirect – How to Remove

I got redirect when I clicked on a link accidentally. Each time when I want to go online, I will be redirected to this webpage constantly. It hijacks my homepage and doesn’t allow me to change it back to Google which I used before. I try to remove it by myself but after scanning for several hours, my antivirus still detects nothing. And my computer is even worse than before. How do I get rid of Any help will be appreciated. Redirect Introduction: hijack redirect is new virus that attacks the victims by infected link, process and spam E-mail attachment. Once the victims open these infected processes or files, this browser hijack redirect will be activated soon and the infected PC will be under the attack.  It has the ability to change all the Internet settings on the infected machine like homepage and add-on, that is why most of the victims will notice that their browsers are different from before. This virus has ability to infect all the browsers installed on your computer which include Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. Basically, this threat comes together with freeware applications that you download from the Internet by yourself. It also can install itself when you visit illegal or malicious websites. Generally speaking, if the virus comes from freeware applications you downloaded on the Internet, it must inform the user about the oncoming installation beforehand. However, most users are not careful enough and they forget or never notice to un-check the box during the installation, then Search Gol virus find a best way to invade your PC and then mess up your computer.

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Published by on September 24, 2013 8:20 am and last modified on October 6, 2013 4:27 am.

Sep 24, 2013 Redirect Removal

I have been having the redirect problems. It keeps redirecting me to I uninstalled firefox, then reinstalled, didn’t help. IE also did the same thing. I’ve run every scan downloaded on the web but nothing detected. Cannot get rid of this hijacker? Don’t want this website become your default homepage? Please follow the manual guide here to get rid of this browser redirect virus now. Redirect Issue Description: is a browser hijacker that can change web browser’s default home page to a particular web site without your permission. It affects Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome and brings more inconvenience to computer users. Usually this threat can be added together with a variety of free software, like PDF creators, video players and similar applications. Careless users will not notice its infiltration until they find something abnormal showing on the browser. Every time you open your browser, comes up as a new tab automatically. Another possibility is when go to Google to search up something, it lags and then when you click a certain link, it redirects you to which belongs to a suspect website full of ads. It is really annoying if your browser is hijacked because it interrupts your normal work with computer, slows down your PC performance and increases a risk of getting infected while visiting these unknown websites.

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Published by on September 24, 2013 7:14 am and last modified on September 24, 2013 11:24 am.

Sep 23, 2013

How to Remove Adware:Win32/Vonteera

Have you ever heard about Adware:Win32/Vonteera virus? Don’t know why the computer is working slowly? You think your computer won’t get infected with any virus because there is an antivirus program in the computer but later you are surprised to see the antivirus program scan report showing that your computer is infected with Adware:Win32/Vonteera? Worse still, the antivirus program cannot remove Adware:Win32/Vonteera? What can you do?

Adware:Win32/Vonteera Instruction :

Adware:Win32/Vonteera is a malicious computer virus containing remote control tools that allow the cyber criminals to gain remote access to and control of the infected computer. The computer user is unaware of all the things the virus is doing to the infected computer because the virus is lurking so deep. It is implanted by the cyber criminals in a variety of vectors. You may get some emails with attachments from unknown senders which probably contain dangerous virus including Adware:Win32/Vonteera. You need to avoid clicking links that are sent by strangers from MSN, Yahoo Messager or other communication tools. In addition, the virus is small which enables it to hide in a program without worrying about being detected. So please be cautious when you are downloading things.
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Published by on September 23, 2013 1:06 pm

Sep 23, 2013

Crypt_s.DEK Trojan Virus Removal Guide

Hi I’ve got a Trojan named Crypt_s.DEK Trojan in program files yesterday. My AVG found it, but can’t remove it. I have tried some tools to stop it and fix the problem, but unfortunately it could not kill it. Then I tried to use antivirus to erase it, still no luck. This virus came back. Have no way to remove it completely and I’ve been tired on trying everything to kill this nasty virus!!! How can I remove this virus completely without using tools?

Crypt_s.DEK Trojan Virus Instruction :

Crypt_s.DEK Trojan Virus, like its name implies, is belong to the kind of Trojan horse virus. The way this stubborn virus gets in is usually bundling with some free software. These free software contains some deceptive files in its installation folder and many Trojan viruses have capacity of replacing its original icon to a very seductive file name and a similar double suffix such as TXT.EXE, JPG.EXE so as to achieve the aim of cheat users to run a Trojan. The name of the virus is using the characteristics of Windows operating system to mess up its real file attributes with the fake one. People would mistakenly judge it as a picture or a document and click the files. People are hard to detect its trait with the naked eye. If a hacker wants to control a computer, he must take the way of deception to trick victim users running the Trojan program. The hacker would take all kinds of action to accomplish camouflage process to make sure the Trojan virus has successfully implanted to the target system. The common way is to use anti-virus to do a system full scan. Anti-virus detection is rely on the feature code in Trojan virus, therefore, hackers often adopt the method of embedding legal code into the Trojan program to deceive anti-virus software, evade anti-virus software scan to guarantee Trojans are not killing by security programs.

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Published by on September 23, 2013 12:52 pm

Sep 23, 2013

Remove Exploit:Java/CVE-2013-2465 Virus

Exploit:Java/CVE-2013-2465 virus has been on many of my recent MSE scans and they never seem to get rid of it. My computer is running with Win 7 64x btw. It appeared within about a month or so. Is there any way I can remove this virus completely without coming back?

Exploit:Java/CVE-2013-2465 Virus Description:

Exploit:Java/CVE-2013-2465 virus, as similar as Exploit.Java.CVE-2013-1493, is a typical detection for a JavaScript Trojan which can be found by Microsoft Security Essentials. It proliferates via a hacked website that hosts and advertises a malevolent Java applet exploiting the CVE-2013-2465 vulnerability. Generally speaking, this threat attacks PCs using a vulnerable version of Java. It can be used to download and install other malware infections onto the affected computer system.

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Published by on September 23, 2013 1:07 am

Sep 22, 2013

TrojanDownloader:Win32/Kuluoz.A Removal

Don’t know how to remove TrojanDownloader:Win32/Kuluoz.A Virus when you know that it is in your computer? The installed antivirus program is able to detect out some parts of the virus and claims that it has been removed, but it always pops up again and again? Is there an effective way to remove it if the removal function of the antivirus program does not work? Please read the post for more information.

TrojanDownloader:Win32/Kuluoz.A Instruction :

TrojanDownloader:Win32/Kuluoz.A is a dangerous Trojan virus which is able to corrupt your computer seriously and record your personal information in the backdoor without your awareness. It can get into the computer furtively via making full use of system vulnerability and security exploits. Usually, it comes into your system through spam email attachments, unknown “Free” software or malicious websites. You don’t know it has been in your computer until you see the warning popping up from the antivirus programs.
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Published by on September 22, 2013 6:12 am and last modified on September 23, 2013 3:32 am.

Sep 22, 2013

PUP.Optional.TopArcadeHits.A Virus Removal Guide

PUP.Optional.TopArcadeHits.A infects my other computer which runs Window 8. I try to remove this virus by 2 different anti-virus program bu fail. My infected PC runs very very slowly, I can not even view a video online normally. How can I remove this virus from the machine? Will another anti-virus or firewall kill it? Please assist!

Description of PUP.Optional.TopArcadeHits.A Virus:

PUP.Optional.TopArcadeHits.A virus is a high-risk process that attacks the careless victims by infected programs, links and E-mail attachment. Once the victims run these infected files on a Windows system machine, this virus can be activated in a quick time. All the windows systems can be the target of this nasty Trojan horse. This PUP.Optional.TopArcadeHits.A virus belongs to the PUP Trojan horse family which can cause a terrible situation on the infected PC, that is why it can be one of the most dangerous viruses on the Internet. It will do the malicious things without your permission, the stubborn PUP.Optional.TopArcadeHits.A virus needs to be removed completely before this Trojan horse makes the big problems on your PC.

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Published by on September 22, 2013 5:12 am and last modified on September 29, 2013 10:21 am.

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