Oct 8, 2013

Remove Gnoosi.net Redirect

Have you heard of Gnoosi.net? What exactly is it? Is Gnoosi.net bad for your computer? The homepage of your browser becomes Gnoosi.net? Many pop-up windows keep showing up to interrupt your work? What shall you do to remove Gnoosi.net from your computer? Do you want to know why the antivirus software does not work? In order to find the answers, you can read this post.

Details of Gnoosi.net Redirect:

Gnoosi.net is actually a browser hijacker or redirect that is associated with spam programs. Generally speaking, every one that uses the computer to go online can encounter Gnoosi.net redirect. Its developers typically embed it in some fishing sites. Thus, if you don’t want it to get into your computer, you shall pay special attention to some suspicious websites such as pornographic websites and free programs downloading websites which will prompt you to install plug-ins. In addition, you shall not put some unknown free programs installed on the computer because they will install another program tied with them on your computer. In fact, those computers which have many system loopholes and lack of effective protection are the first choice for Gnoosi.net redirect.
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Published by on October 8, 2013 12:30 pm

Oct 8, 2013

Remove Trojan.OnlineGames Virus

I got this Trojan.OnlineGames virus pop-up warning from my anti-virus software when I was downloading a shareware. I launched my anti-virus software to run full scan, but I still got this Trojan horse alert after reboot the computer. Why does the anti-virus program fail to catch the Trojan horse entirely? What is the best way to get rid of the pesky Trojan attack? This article here will enable you to deal with the Trojan infection completely and manually.

Definition of Trojan.OnlineGames Virus:

Trojan.OnlineGames is a risky Trojan horse that affects the performance of your contaminated system greatly as soon as it invades your computer. The Trojan horse is capable to make your system stuck and frozen up easily when you launch the system, run main programs and play games online, etc. Usually, the Trojan takes advantages of your system leaks to drop malicious codes to your computer aggressively, and these codes can be malware, spyware and adware. After the Trojan horse attacks your computer, it makes changes to your system files and registry entries to add harmful items to your system secretly. This Trojan is similar to another virus Trojan.Delf-FPW that corrupts your executable programs terribly. For instance, it blocks functions of your anti-virus program to make it unable to pick up the Trojan attack properly. To make it worse, the Trojan horse will mess up your computer terribly to trigger system crash, blue screen of death error and corrupted system file error and so forth. Whenever you come across such an urgent situation, you had better take steps to eliminate the nasty Trojan horse completely and promptly.
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Published by on October 8, 2013 8:29 am and last modified on October 8, 2013 1:13 pm.

Oct 7, 2013

Win32:somoto-F [pup] Virus Removal

My computer seems sluggish, and i get popup always so that I ran a scan from Avast yesterday, then it detected Win32:somoto-F [pup] virus on my computer. I tried everything I can to remove it from my computer but it didn’t work. How do I get rid of this virus completely?

Win32:somoto-F [pup] Virus Description:

Win32:somoto-F [pup] is not only a Potentially Unwanted Program but also a Trojan horse virus which endangers the target computers terribly once it is downloaded. Malicious web sites, illegal software downloads and unsecured file-sharing networks are the main distribution channel for this Trojan. Being as a Trojan virus, it is capable of allowing a remote attacker to access the infected computer and gain control of it. It can even access the computer directly by taking advantage of weakness in Internet browser and security. Once downloaded, it changes all your settings on the computer, including system or browser settings, thus, your computer will act weirdly. You may receive a lot of pop-ups and advertisements while you are searching information on internet. And your browser keeps redirecting to other pages that you don’t want at all. More than that, this virus creates numerous junk files into the legitimate folder without users’ awareness so that it is hard for antivirus to detect all its contents.
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Published by on October 7, 2013 11:42 am and last modified on November 6, 2013 4:38 am.

Oct 7, 2013

How to Remove Trojan.Delf-FPW

What is Trojan.Delf-FPW? How do I get infected cause I don’t invite it getting into my computer and I don’t authorize its installation. Does it able to get into my computer secretly and install without authorization? How do I get rid of Trojan viruses?

Details of Trojan.Delf-FPW:

Recently a vicious virus, Trojan.Delf-FPW, has spread widely through networked world. This virus belongs to a currently popular virus- Trojan virus. Unlike the other kinds of virus, this virus will not reproduce itself or intentionally infect the files saved in documents. It camouflages itself to attract people downloading, then open the portal of the infected computer and provide it to its creators to let them arbitrarily destroy, steal the data saved in the victim PC or even remotely control it. Task manager are prohibited; antivirus program are inactivated; the executable program in USB thumb drive is deleted once you have inserted it to the infected PC; registry entries has been changed to allow remotely control from unknown domain and the entire computer has been dropped into a dangerous situation. This is what Trojan horse Delf-FPW will do to the infected computer.
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Published by on October 7, 2013 11:24 am

Oct 7, 2013

Trojan:Win32/Sefnit.AS – How to Remove

I keep getting a message from Windows Defender saying my computer is infected with Trojan:Win32/Sefnit.AS virus. Every time I remove it from the computer, it appears again after I restart my computer. It seems that Microsoft is not able to catch this virus  now. So how do I get rid of this virus from my computer?

Cannot Remove Trojan:Win32/Sefnit.AS Virus?

Trojan:Win32/Sefnit.AS is another variant from Sefnit Trojan Family used to attack vulnerable computers running with 32 bits. This tricky Trojan is able to exploit certain security flaw in Java and then sneak into the target computer without any notice. Also it has the capability to get inside the computer without being caught by installed anti-virus software. Mostly, this Trojan comes by clicking malicious code or distribute unsafe advertising pop-ups, visiting pornographic website or downloading attachment from spam emails. Once inside, it can mess up your system settings, infect the services of your computer or corrupt other legitimate processes. And it is also capable of opening backdoor vulnerabilities and downloading new threats on your computer. If your computer is already infected by Trojan:Win32/Sefnit.AS virus, an immediate removal is needed.

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Published by on October 7, 2013 8:07 am and last modified on October 7, 2013 11:41 am.

Oct 7, 2013

Onlinewebsearch.com Redirect – How to Remove

If Onlinewebsearch.com suddenly appears in front of you to prevent you from using the browser normally, then your computer has been thoroughly infected by Onlinewebsearch.com. You cannot surf the Internet because of Onlinewebsearch.com? Even if you have advanced antivirus software but still cannot put it out of your computer? This article will help you understand the basic knowledge about Onlinewebsearch.com.

Details of Onlinewebsearch.com Redirect:

Onlinewebsearch.com is a very serious browser hijacker or redirect whose purpose is to disturb the user’s online activities and increase its visiting traffics. In general, it is implanted into some free programs that are modified by cyber criminals on the Internet. If the user downloads or installs the programs, it is also able to enter the target computer. It may also be hided in a link on some malicious websites such as pornography sites and some social sites. In addition, the user will receive spam emails with attachments that contain the hijacker.
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Published by on October 7, 2013 6:19 am and last modified on October 8, 2013 6:01 am.

Oct 7, 2013

Trojan Horse Small.FHT Virus Removal

My computer runs very slowly after getting this Trojan Horse Small.FHT virus pop-up warning. Though I own quite advanced anti-virus software, you still find that it can’t seem to get rid of the pesky browser hijacker entirely. What to do with such a browser redirect problem? Benefit yourself from this post and follow removal steps below to remove the redirect infection effectively.

Description of Trojan Horse Small.FHT Virus:

Invasive as Trojan Horse Small.FHT Virus is, it is a harmful Trojan horse that mainly spreads through network. It sneaks into your computer when you gain access to malicious content, install risky software and open spam emails unwarily. As soon as the Trojan attacks your computer, it will mess up your system files and registry entries terribly to make changes there. The Trojan slows down your system performance, and it triggers file missing and poor network connection problems. Thus, you may get stuck and troubles when browsing websites, launching programs and shutting down the infected system. Actually, this Trojan horse is the same as Trojan:JS/Quidvetis.A that comes bundled with many other types of computer infections, invading the target computer deeply. The longer the Trojan infection stays in your system, the greater damages will occur. That is, the Trojan is capable to causes system crash, blue screen of death error and corrupted files error and so on. Moreover, it corrupts your normal programs to make them malfunctioning, particularly your anti-virus software. In this situation, you had better remove the redirect infection from your computer completely in a manual removal way.
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Published by on October 7, 2013 5:17 am

Oct 6, 2013

Web.audreyandalan.com Redirect – How to Remove

Help! I got a browser hijack redirect named Web.audreyandalan.com when I opened an unknown E-mail. This hijacker has infected my Internet Explorer and Firefox. I try to remove it by myself but no luck, this browser hijack redirect still takes over my browsers. How can I get rid of it completely? How about changing another browser like Google Chrome? Any help will be appreciated.

What is Web.audreyandalan.com Redirect Virus :

Web.audreyandalan.com is a new version of the browser hijack redirect that can damage your system and browser. This malicious website can change your Internet setting like homepage and default browser once it is installed to your PC. Many victims will be infected accidentally when they open infected E-mail or install unsafe programs. This Web.audreyandalan.com cheats people by acting a useful one. The victims will be redirected to other malicious webpages which contain viruses, Trojans and malware. That is why this browser hijack redirect can be one of the most dangerous webpages online. Web.audreyandalan.com needs to be removed completely before it causes terrible situation on the infected PC.
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Published by on October 6, 2013 10:39 am and last modified on October 7, 2013 11:47 pm.

Oct 6, 2013

PUP.Bomlabio.A Virus Removal Guide

PUP.Bomlabio.A is detected by my firewall! It warns me after I open an unknown .exe from my USB stick. However my anti-virus program can not remove this virus completely, it tells me that I have to remove this Trojan horse manually. How can I do that since I know nothing about computer? Take it easy, this post will show you how to remove this nasty virus manually and completely. Let’s start.

Description of PUP.Bomlabio.A Virus:

PUP.Bomlabio.A virus is a high-risk process that attacks the careless victims, just like other kinds of the PUP viruses, it can be attached to some free programs or.exe processes. Once the victims run these infected processes, this PUP.Bomlabio.A Trojan horse can be activated in a quick time. This Trojan horse will cause a slow performance on the infected machine, the victims need to take more time to open a program or even view an E-mail, they may even get blue death screen frequently whiling use the infected PC. This Trojan horse has been one of the most dangerous PUP virus on the Internet, it is strongly suggested that the victims should remove PUP.Bomlabio.A virus infection as soon as possible.

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Published by on October 6, 2013 7:27 am and last modified on October 6, 2013 8:17 am.

Oct 6, 2013

PUP.FCTPlugin – How To Remove

My Malwarebyte keeps telling me that my computer is infected with PUP.FCTPlugin. As far as I can tell my computer seems to have been getting progressively slower and not exactly sure what I did but it has updated and infected files in my computer. Do you know if it is the reason that adds my ping rate from average 70 to 190? Is it safe for me to delete them without causing any problem in my computer? Can I remove it without corrupting normal programs in my computer that may needed? If you are still not sure of how to deal with this adware, read the post below to learn manual removal.

PUP.FCTPlugin Instruction :

PUP.FCTPlugin is reported as a potentially unwanted adware that quietly installs via different ways, for instance, some are intruded from other malware, attachment from spam mail, free media, social networking sites, some unsafe P2P sharing files, and the most common way to get this adware is by visiting malicious domain on a vulnerable machine. Some JPEG pop-up in unsafe site are being used by hackers to download adware to leaky laptop. Your desktop background, Internet Explorer default settings and other important settings is reluctantly forced to change and apparently most of the credit is attribute to this nasty unwanted software. When you do a complete scan, you will get a host of infected files listed in the scan result and system registries are even being hijacked.

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Published by on October 6, 2013 5:54 am

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