May 8, 2014

How to Remove Trojan:Win32/Beaugrit

When you double click to run a program, the computer needs a long time to process the task? You install an antivirus program to scan the entire computer system, finally you understand why the computer runs slowly – the scan report shows a Trojan horse virus called Trojan:Win32/Beaugrit is in the computer. You try to delete it by the antivirus program but still see it after restarting the computer? How to get rid of it?

Details of Trojan:Win32/Beaugrit:

Trojan:Win32/Beaugrit is a very malicious Trojan virus designed by cyber criminals to destroy computers around the world. In general, if you open spam email attachments, visit some hacked websites or download videos or free software from unknown sources, your computer will be infected with the Trojan easily and maintain in a dangerous state. Also, if you click on unknown links (including some links in some famous social networking sites) released by cyber criminals, you will activate the virus download.
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Published by on May 8, 2014 1:57 am

May 7, 2014

Remove TrojanDropper:O97M/Poshkod.gen!A

After the installation of a free program, antivirus program in the computer sends you a warning that your computer is infected by a virus named TrojanDropper:O97M/Poshkod.gen!A? You feel confused because you do not know why it can bypass the intercept of the antivirus program to get in the computer? Where does it come from? How to get rid of it completely

Details of TrojanDropper:O97M/Poshkod.gen!A:

TrojanDropper:O97M/Poshkod.gen!A is a Trojan virus spread in the Internet world by cyber criminals. It has the ability to help cyber criminals monitor the computer user’s online activities in the infected computer. You will get the virus if you download or install some unauthorized free programs, visit hacked websites or accidentally open spam email attachments. It can also take the initiative to attack computers whose security level is relatively low. Please be careful to avoid the malicious online resources on the Internet.
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Published by on May 7, 2014 12:39 pm

May 7, 2014

Not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Agent.aknu Removal Guide

My computer is having a nasty problem. I haven’t downloaded file recently. Today when I made a full scan on my computer and kaspersky showed that my computer is infected with Not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Agent.aknu. I found it in 2 programs. However, I cannot delete it. When I tried to delete it, it showed that I don’t have administrator right to remove it which I am in administrator account.

AdWare.Win32.Agent.aknu Description :

Not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.Agent.aknu is a nasty adware program which is categorized as a stubborn browser hijacker that can hijack target browser to executive several malicious actions. It is an annoying browser adware that can seriously interfere with your online surfing experience on the victim browser. First detected by kaspersky, this adware program is able to change browser settings so that you cannot use tool to remove it. After scanning, you will be able to see its infection, but when trying to click remove button, it shows you that no administrator rights to remove specified file even if you are using the administrator account indeed. This product is compatible with existing browse products. This means that it can infect many different versions of browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox.
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Published by on May 7, 2014 12:34 pm

May 7, 2014

Adware Generic5.ARIH Virus Removal

Adware Generic5.ARIH virus infection warning from anti-virus program. But it keeps telling me to remove this virus manually. How can I remove this threat completely from my PC? What is my way out? Any help will be appreciated.

Description of Adware Generic5.ARIH Virus:

Adware Generic5.ARIH is a nasty virus process which attacks PC users via many ways. Usually infected program and process will be installed to the infected computer without PC users permission, and that is the reason most of the PC users have no idea how can they get this virus. Once it has been installed to the infected computer, it will start to modify system settings and other items to damage the system files. Adware Generic5.ARIH can be one of the top virus on the Internet, it is suggested that PC users should remove it completely and manually to keep the infected PC safe.

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Published by on May 7, 2014 9:04 am and last modified on May 7, 2014 12:27 pm.

May 6, 2014 Pop-Up Hijacker Removal

Hi, I’m looking for support to remove a virus from my net browser. Every time I go online, pop-up appears on my computer suddenly without my permission, along with other pop-up advertisements which keep asking me to download a flash player or get a coupon and save my money etc. This problem is really annoying and unfortunately I can’t find a way to get rid of it. AVG indicates my computer is clean and can’t detect this threat. Any advice? Pop-Up Ads Description:

If keeps popping up on your browser when you surf online, then it is a clear sign that your browser has been hijacked by a virus. This site is likely associated with a sophisticated browser redirecting malware. It can change your default homepage and modify your browser settings without your permission, as well as display different advertisements while you are working on your computer. Usually browser hijacker virus like this one called Delivery67 can be bundled with various music players, video recorders and download managers. Once installed, it targets on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome, thus your default search provider and homepage can be replaced to its own page or other commercial websites that promote PUP (potentially unwanted program). The cyber criminals who create such annoying hijacker want to get money from your browser usage so that you will be forced to corrupted pages from third parties again and again after your computer is compromised.

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Published by on May 6, 2014 2:54 pm and last modified on May 6, 2014 2:55 pm.

May 6, 2014 Redirect Removal

My computer is infected by the browser hijack redirect virus named when I try to install some processes on the USB stick, whatever when I try to go online from any browser, this site will replace my homepage immediately. I can not go online normally since this virus has changed the settings on the browsers. How can I remove this redirect virus completely? What is the best way to get rid of this nasty redirect virus? Should I try manual removal guide? Please help.

What is Redirect Virus : site can be classified as a browser hijack redirect virus which will infect all the Windows OS computer including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Usually PC users may get virus infection on the different browsers such as IE, Firefox and Chrome, once PC users download and install these infected programs or processes from the unsafe site, the redirect will be able to infect the whole system and browser completely even the infected PC is under the protection of the security tools, and that is the reason most of the PC users will face this virus infection but they have no idea about it. redirect virus has the power to cause terrible virus infection on the infected browser, it needs to be removed completely to avoid further damage. Read the rest of this post »

Published by on May 6, 2014 3:00 am and last modified on May 6, 2014 3:52 am.

May 5, 2014

Remove Dropped:Adware.Generic.938376

Because the computer operation speed suddenly becomes slow, you scan the entire system through antivirus software and then you see Dropped:Adware.Generic.938376 in the result? You click the delete button of the antivirus software immediately, but after restarting the computer, the computer performance still does not improve. You scan the computer again and still can see the virus? In this case, what can you do to get rid of it?

Details of Dropped:Adware.Generic.938376:

Dropped:Adware.Generic.938376 is a terrible computer virus. It has the ability to enter the computer secretly when you don’t know and begins its malicious activities immediately. It makes full use of Windows operating systems’ vulnerabilities to attack computers actively. So far, there have been many innocent computer users becoming its victims. In addition, your computer will be occupied if you visit a malicious web site, download a dubious free program and open a spam email attachment. You don’t know that your computer is infected until your antivirus software reminds you.
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Published by on May 5, 2014 6:54 pm

May 5, 2014 Redirect Removal Guide

Is safe to use? It became my default search result yesterday without any notice. I cannot use Google search any more. Is it a good search engine to use? If I want to delete it, how can I do so? Can I use antivirus to get rid of it? If not, how I can find an effective removal instruction? Redirect Description : Redirect (also known as is an annoying search engine which makes you angry when encounter with this redirect and should be avoided in the very beginning. People will consider it as a real search engine which is a kind of newly created product from new company. No, don’t trust it. This is not a real useful search engine. It may not be classified as a computer virus at the moment, but it is malicious file that would damage system and make the confusion of the online activities. It would replace your default homepage and search engine so that every time you open the victim browser you will get nothing but its website. You can only use its search engine to search online. In a word, it may harm your computer.
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Published by on May 5, 2014 12:21 pm

May 5, 2014 Redirect Removal

Today when I go to one certain website a pop-up comes up wanting me to download an Adobe Flash Updater. I have not clicked to download this because I know it is a virus/adware that will be placed on my computer. However, for some reasons my homepage was changed to without my permission, and I can’t change it back to Google anyway. This happens on Internet Explorer, and I don’t know how to get rid of it. Any help will be highly appreciated. Description: is a phony search page that is related to a browser hijacker, adware or PUP(Potentially Unwanted Program). Actually this website itself is not harmful, however, if your browser keeps redirecting you to this page, it will be dangerous because a hijacker is able to offer you other malware and unwanted items. It may also show various pop-up ads, offers, discount coupons, and sponsored links via a pop-up box on shopping-related websites or other websites that are visited by computer users. It is annoying because it can block your antivirus program from running properly and keep leading you to phishing websites and other sites with questionable contents. Now Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and even Safari are the main targets of this hijacker threat. Once detect, an immediate removal is required.

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Published by on May 5, 2014 4:22 am and last modified on May 5, 2014 4:22 am.

May 4, 2014

JS:Downloader-ZY [Trj] Virus Removal

My computer is infected by Trojan Horse JS:Downloader-ZY [Trj]. MSE gives me the virus infection warning when I try to install a music program which is downloaded from the Internet, however, the anti-virus programs don’t have enough power to get rid of it. How can I remove this virus completely? Any help will be appreciated.

Description of JS:Downloader-ZY [Trj] Virus:

JS:Downloader-ZY [Trj] virus process is a dangerous Trojan horse which will target on all the Windows OS computers, usually the cyber criminals will attach the virus process to some infected programs, processes or spam E-mail attachment, once the PC users activate the virus process, JS:Downloader-ZY [Trj] will be installed to the infected PC in a short time. Most of the security tools can detect the virus infection but can not remove the virus completely, and that is the reason many PC users have no idea about removing this threat. It is suggest that PC users should remove this virus in a manual way so that it can be removed completely.

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Published by on May 4, 2014 7:37 pm

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