Jul 16, 2014

How to Remove TicTacCoupon

TicTacCoupon is an unnecessary advertising software (adware) attached to the web browser that provides a wealth of unreliable online coupon resources. It installs itself without the consent from the owner of the computer. This adware is not very friendly to your browser and disturbs your online activities. Thus, TicTacCoupon should be uninstalled.

More Details about TicTacCoupon:

TicTacCoupon is a browser plug-in that claims saving more money for computer users on online shopping. You can see it as an extension on the browser. You may have experienced other similar plug-ins and installed some to help you benefit from a wide variety of coupons, free trial products and discount. It seems that the TicTacCoupon can really help you save money when you shop online. However, this browser plug-in is not a friendly browsing application which is able to compromise the Internet environment of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. More importantly, TicTacCoupon can be installed without permission from the computer user.
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Published by on July 16, 2014 9:09 am and last modified on July 17, 2014 12:27 am.

Jul 15, 2014

Websearch.flyandsearch.info Redirect Removal

Hi there, my web browser Chrome starts going crazy and I need some help. Every time I open the browser, Websearch.flyandsearch.info pops up and takes over my homepage. My homepage was Yahoo before and now this Web Search thing will not allow me to reset my homepage. Also whenever I was online, I am starting to get a lot of pop ups on a daily basis. I never had this situation before. So how do I change my homepage and get rid of all these annoying pop-up ads?

Websearch.flyandsearch.info Description:

Websearch.flyandsearch.info is a browser hijacker which masquerades itself as a legitimate and trustworthy search engine and forces users to set it as the default homepage or search provider. Although this page looks convincing, you should not be taken in for it is a spam search engine that does nothing but deliver ads. Actually browser hijackers are not malicious, however they are annoying, and they can leave your computer to be more vulnerable attacked by different types of malicious software. Even though it doesn’t belong to a virus, this hijacker still has a number of undesirable and irritating features that antivirus cannot stop. Once installed, it will change your browser homepage to Websearch.flyandsearch.info and set the default search engine to Web Search. If you really enter a key word to perform a search, you will see various advertisements and sponsored links in your search results. Also this useless Web Search may collect search terms from your search queries. It is a risk for your privacy and computer security.
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Published by on July 15, 2014 8:27 am and last modified on July 15, 2014 8:27 am.

Jul 14, 2014

How to Remove GorillaPrice?

Hi there, I have been suffering from a bad thing called GorillaPrice which I cannot find a way to get rid of it. 2 days ago, when I went to one certain website a popup came up wanting me to download an Adobe Flash Updater. I have not clicked to download this because I knew it could be a virus/adware that will be placed on my computer. However, it still put GorillaPrice to my computer without my approval, giving me crazy ads while I was online. I tried to uninstall it, then a window popped up in my browser asking to download the uninstaller manager, and I’m obviously not taking any risks with that. Is there other way to remove GorillaPrice?

GorillaPrice Description:

GorillaPrice is a browser plugin that can be installed on a target machine by bundling with other freeware or music programs downloaded from the Internet. It is used for distributing third-party products and can be very annoying because it can keep displaying pop-up ads and advertisements on web pages that you visit. Although it claims it can save money whilst shopping online, there is no doubt that soon enough you will get tired of this program and decide to remove it for the only thing this program does is to generate various pop-up ads to interrupt your browsing activities. Those pop-up ads will be shown as boxes containing various coupons that are available, as underlined keywords, pop-up ads or advertising banners. If you click any of them, you may get other PUPs (also called Potentially Unwanted Programs) or malware installed on your machine.

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Published by on July 14, 2014 2:48 am

Jul 13, 2014

Remove Exploit.CVE-2014-1761.Gen

Does your computer suffer from Exploit.CVE-2014-1761.Gen virus? You have tried a lot of methods but still cannot get rid of it? And even your antivirus software fails to catch up with this annoying infection? In fact, it should be removed manually rather than wasting valuable time searching for free but useless antivirus software.

Details of Exploit.CVE-2014-1761.Gen:

Exploit.CVE-2014-1761.Gen is classified as a very complex computer virus, because it can bypass the protection of the antivirus to get into the computer secretly without letting you know and bring you constant pain. This hateful virus designed by hackers who have good computer skills is able to damage your computer as well as collect valuable information for illegal interests. Therefore, it should be removed as soon as possible. You will suffer more if you let it stay in the computer for a long time.
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Published by on July 13, 2014 6:09 am and last modified on July 13, 2014 6:11 am.

Jul 12, 2014

1startpage.com Browser Hijacker Removal

My Internet Explorer does not work well. This began after my homepage was changed to an unknown site called 1startpage.com. Everything is out of order now in the computer. I am prevented from visiting many web sites. And my Internet connection is cut off every once in a while. How to eliminate this annoying thing?

More Details about 1startpage.com:

1startpage.com is a website that appears to have no difference with other normal web sites. There is a simple search engine on its site that seems to be able to offer you a lot of online resources as well as useful information and improve your surfing experience. However, it is indeed a browser hijacker that can take over your browser and collect your valuable data for its developers. By recording your online activities, 1startpage.com also shows you some unreliable ads that meet your interests. Therefore, we should be careful when surfing online so as to avoid any computer threats.
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Published by on July 12, 2014 4:10 am and last modified on July 12, 2014 4:13 am.

Jul 11, 2014

How to Remove ZeuS.Zbot.aoaq?

I’m having multiple annoying gambling, advertising ads on my computer recently which I cannot get rid of them. Also earlier today I got a security warning saying ‘ Your computer may be infected’ and ZeuS.Zbot.aoaq is a new Trojan virus that steals banking passwords and financial account data. Is it true? It also gave me a number to call and fix the problem but I didn’t do it. I guess it might be a scam.  I am really scared and concern my privacy. How to remove ZeuS.Zbot.aoaq virus and other pop-ups together?

Learn More About ZeuS.Zbot.aoaq Virus:

ZeuS.Zbot.aoaq is categorized as a password-stealing trojan that has been published in 2010, however it still infects thousands of computer users and threatens their privacy nowadays. Just like other Trojan viruses, this one is also created for executing harmful activities on a compromised PC and stealing personal information from the users. Now this malicious Trojan mainly runs on computers running under versions of the Microsoft Windows operating system. That is to say, if you are using a Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 computer, you will be the next target of this Trojan probably. When this virus is running on your computer, it seriously endangers the privacy of computer users because it can steal your personal and financial information or give a malicious hacker access and control of your PC. By doing this, the hackers can easily capture your passwords, account numbers, and other data used to log into online banking accounts and then earn illegal money. Furthermore, it can lower your Internet browser security and turn off your firewall. That is the reason why your antivirus program fails to block it and you get a lot of misleading pop-ups ads on your browser whenever you get online.

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Published by on July 11, 2014 7:55 am and last modified on July 13, 2014 1:43 am.

Jul 10, 2014

Remove Lab.trovi.com Browser Hijacker

Is your homepage on IE changed to an unknown site called Lab.trovi.com? After that, your online search is not working. You can’t login to favorite web sites and continue to be redirected to other web pages. How to maintain a good browser?

More Details about Lab.trovi.com:

Lab.trovi.com is a domain which has shown up on a lot of computer screens recently. You may have seen the site and think that it is a common URL. However, it is a browser hijacker that can make full use of system loopholes to cause many annoying redirect issues. Browse hijackers, also known as browser redirects, target most of famous browsers including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. By automatically changing homepage URL and redirect computer users to some unknown sites, this hijacker the browser helps its developers to benefit.
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Published by on July 10, 2014 7:22 pm

Jul 10, 2014

Istart123.com Hijacker Removal

Every time I try to reset my home page Istart123.com keeps coming back as my default homepage. I need to get rid of it. I have tried to uninstall internet explorer and re-install IE to get rid of it but it didn’t work. I also tried to reset my browser setting, it still did the same thing. Is it a virus? Norton says my computer is clean. I am confused now. How do I remove this hijacker?

Istart123.com Hijacker Description:

Technically speaking, Istart123.com redirect is not a virus, however if you found your homepage or default search engine taken over by this page without your permission, then it is likely a browser hijacker is already running in your computer. Usually a browser hijacker is designed to promote online products and increase artificial website traffic so it can change your default search engine provider, homepage and even track your web searches. Also it can add unwanted browser extensions, toolbars, browser plugins, and other unwanted things to your system, occupying system resource and making your computer work slowly. In most cases, users install this hijacker themselves from some malicious web pages. Of course it won’t claim itself as a “hijacker“, it will pretend as a useful extension and then arrive bundled with freeware applications, such as shareware games or various video players. It is extremely annoying that you cannot go to the website you want and Istart123.com loads up every time you boot up the system.

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Published by on July 10, 2014 2:49 am

Jul 9, 2014

RDN/Generic PUP.x Removal

MSE detects RDN/Generic PUP.x virus in your system? But when MSE tries to remove it, it does not seem to be removed successfully? Besides, other antivirus programs even cannot detect the virus. What to do to eliminate this stubborn infection?

Details of RDN/Generic PUP.x:

RDN/Generic PUP.x is classified as a Trojan virus which has attacked many computers recently and continues to make chaos in the infected computers. Don’t underestimate this Trojan, because it is related to some malicious software or spyware. If you cannot get rid of it, it may take these malicious things into the computer without your permission. Until then, you will have to deal with more troubles rather than removing this virus only. In addition, antivirus programs always fail to catch it. It will be more difficult to remove the Trojan with the passage of time for it is able to change or upgrade.
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Published by on July 9, 2014 1:08 pm

Jul 9, 2014

How to Remove Worm.Win32.AutoRun.gmem?

Kaspersky detects Worm.Win32.AutoRun.gmem on my computer but it doesn’t help to get rid of it. Is it a dangerous virus? I read some posts online saying the virus can corrupt files and programs. Does it mean I am going to lose everything on my computer? Oh my god!!!  I’m not good at computer and I have no idea where I should begin to remove it. Please help!!!! 

Learn More About Worm.Win32.AutoRun.gmem:

Worm.Win32.AutoRun.gmem is classified as a high-risk worm which is commonly spread via email attachments and infected websites nowadays. It will attach the file containing the malware to a mail and then spam hundreds or even thousands of people so unwary people may encounter this virus immediately after opening a spam email or performing some unsafe activities online, such as visiting suspicious web sites or downloading free programs from unknown sources. Once it gains an access, it can prevent the firewall from working properly and then look for opportunities in the background to download other malicious infections into the computer. Now this Worm is known to attack Windows computer like Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 or even crash a server. It is very aggressive and capable of blocking most the security tools. Each time you tried to get rid of the virus, antivirus will become unresponsive or give you an error instead. Sometimes, the virus keeps recurring even though the last scan said your computer was already clean. It is definitely a pain if your computer has been infected by Worm.Win32.AutoRun.gmem virus.

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Published by on July 9, 2014 2:29 am and last modified on August 2, 2014 1:57 am.

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