Nov 3, 2014

How to Remove

My homepage is changed to Is it a normal website? Actually my computer can’t work as usual after it is in my computer. When I go online or run a program, many ads pop up crazily. I tried to use my Norton to delete it but failed. Is there any effective way to completely deal with the annoying infection? Any suggestion will be highly appreciated! Description: is a new browser hijacker created by cyber criminals to invade target computers and perform many malicious activities. Once executed on targeted computer, it can change default settings of all the browsers like Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. And then your browser can’t perform well as usual since it can add relevant extension, plugin and etc to your browser to disable some functions of the browser. At first glance, you may think it is a friendly search provider, but actually it will redirect you to some malicious websites frequently by modifying the internet DNS setting. If you try to make a search using the, you will receive numerous sponsored websites and many annoying things will pop up whether you want them to or not. What is more, the virus is able to track your online record to collect vital personal data like your search queries, recently browser history, etc and transfer them to the cyber criminals sitting remotely.
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Published by on November 3, 2014 5:31 am and last modified on November 4, 2014 6:01 am.

Nov 1, 2014

Remove Trojan:Win32/Autoac

Help! A malware is infected my computer, which is called Trojan:Win32/Autoac. I don’t know how this Trojan gets into my computer. I just got to know it as I was doing a scan on my computer. My security program informs me about this malicious virus. I have tried to get rid of it by my antivirus program. I am not lucky enough. The virus can’t be removed completely from my computer. This is the reason why I am here for searching a solution to delete this virus from my computer.

Learn More Information about This Trojan

Trojan:Win32/Autoac is regarded as an potential unwanted program which is designed by cyber criminals for supplying non-beneficial and misleading information to the user. It may attack most Windows computer users who do not have a strong protection on the computer safety. This virus owns a bad online reputation for utilizing rogue information to mislead users. This malicious virus may trick you to believe that it is a good program as it said to provide you a useful service like uninstallation, music file, movie player, and so on. If you just use it on the basis of its description, then you’ll regret later as he information, redirection and advertising it provides is negative. Thus, it is highly suggested that you remove this fake program from your computer once you detected on your computer.

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Published by on November 1, 2014 11:45 am and last modified on November 10, 2014 10:11 am.

Oct 31, 2014

How to Remove PUP.ICForge Virus

You get a pop-up from the antivirus program showing PUP.ICForge is in your computer? Where does this computer virus come from and why can’t it be removed by your antivirus program? Various removal tools are not good enough to get rid of it? How to prevent it from performing malicious tasks in the computer?

Details of PUP.ICForge:

PUP.ICForge is classified as a computer virus that is able to bypass most of antivirus programs to sneak into the computer system. It is so malicious that it has the ability to disable antivirus software and dive into the fragile system without the permission from computer users. If you happen to see the virus warning in your computer, you should be careful. It will make your computer become worse and worse with the passage of time. We believe that PUP.ICForge is hidden in some malicious network resources including junk email attachments, phishing websites and unknown free programs, which helps it attack many computers from around the world successfully.
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Published by on October 31, 2014 10:14 am

Oct 31, 2014

SnapMyScreen Removal Guide

Hi, there! How are you? Could you please help me? I am being redirected by a program named SnapMyScreen. I don’t know about it. After I searched for it, I got to know that it is unwanted program which is not good to be installed on the computer. I want get rid of it from my computer. But I don’t know how? Any suggestion would be so helpful. Millions of thanks!

More Information about This Malicious Adware

SnapMyScreen has been classified as a member of the risky adware that would like to attack millions of computer users. It is a free application which states that it is capable to help people to screenshots when browsing on the Internet. Actually, what it really does for people is contrary to what it states to do. Many people who use this application have complained about that a lot of ads are automatically added on their system after installing this program. Besides, this adware is usually bundled with other freeware without asking for permission of computer user and then install itself automatically on their system. So many users add it without intentions. After they found it on their computer, it is too late. The most important is that they ignore it and leave it on their computer for a long time. It is not wise to do the thing like that as it will mess up your computer. Therefore, if you found this virus on your computer, you should take actions to delete it from your computer as soon as possible.

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Published by on October 31, 2014 6:04 am

Oct 31, 2014

How to Remove Trojan Pirrit Uptupdater?

Pirrit Uptupdater attacked my computer, and my antivirus reported it was a harmful Trojan but can’t get rid of it. As a matter of fact, it made my computer encounter poor system performance. Why the virus is so stubborn and what threat my computer will face if I do not remove it promptly? Is there any other way to get rid of the Trojan horse to avoid any loss? Please get your answer from this article.

Pirrit Uptupdater Description:

Pirrit Uptupdater is categorized as a vicious Trojan horse which attacks the targeted machine through the internet and brings many threats to the system. The computer users can easily get the Trojan through multiple ways. For instance, if you visit a hacked website that have Trojan codes hidden in it, click on malicious ads and download some unwanted software without any caution, the Trojan would slip into your computer secretly. Once the Trojan horse installed, it can modify system settings and entries and you will be always annoyed by numerous unwanted pop ups and fake messages while you go online. Due to Pirrit Uptupdater, boot sector gets damage and sometime you find that when you try to open some normal programs but your system is not responding. Actually it can eat up system space greatly as it usually runs as a background program and drops many rubbish files to the system.
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Published by on October 31, 2014 5:22 am and last modified on October 31, 2014 5:26 am.

Oct 30, 2014

CouponEx Ads Removal Guide

Hi there. I accidentally downloaded CouponEx on my laptop yesterday and I have already uninstalled it from control panel. But today I found my profile has been receiving constant pop-up ads. They blocked portions of the screen making it difficult to use. I have tried the ad scan program and did a virus check but nothing worked. How do I stop them? Help please.

“CouponEx” Pop-up Ads/Adware Description:

CouponEx pop-up ads are mostly caused by adware, spyware, and other malicious and unwanted software that can appear themselves on most popular web browsers like IE, Firefox and Chrome without any knowledge and consent. This program claims it can offer you various coupons, deals and other commercial offers while you are shopping online on eBay or Amazon to help you save money. But it is just a trick to make inexperienced users download it so that the program designer can earn affiliate marketing money. Once CouponEx adware gets installed, it can modify your browser settings in order to display continuous advertisements on all of your web browsers. Those advertisements could be in all kinds of forms, such as pop-up, pop-under, in-text or banner ads and they will appear whenever you go to Internet and interrupt your browsing activities frequently. Not only are those advertisements annoying, but malicious as well. Even though they seems to be appealing and can help you purchase some particular goods at a better price rate, but it is very risky to click on CouponEx ads because it may redirect you to shady website that contain unknown malware and spyware or even lead to financial loss as a result.
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Published by on October 30, 2014 11:22 am

Oct 30, 2014

DailyHomeGuide Removal

OMG, what is going with my computer now? I am keeping to visiting some unwanted websites frequently. I can’t surf the Internet normally as before now. How can I do to get my computer back as usual? The thing happens after I installed a free program from the Internet. Why? DailyHomeGuide is founded on my computer. How do I get rid of it out off my computer? Please, help!

More Details about This Adware

DailyHomeGuide adware is classified to be a risky browser hijacker which is created by the cyber criminals to trick innocent victims to install this infection on their computer. How does this virus dive into your computer with your permission and knowledge? This malicious adware is usually associated with other third party programs which you can download from the Internet and then install on your computer. This virus is commonly advertised as a program which will display coupons for sites you are visiting and affordable prices when you are viewing product pages at sites like Amazon or Taobao. As a matter of fact, this adware is reported that it is not a good program as it may produce lots of pesky in-text pop-ups or coupon and deals, such as coupons “Ads by SavePass”. So, you should not be tricked by its vicious advertisement. Once you found it on your computer, you should take immediate action to remove it right now.

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Published by on October 30, 2014 5:19 am and last modified on October 30, 2014 5:20 am.

Oct 30, 2014

Remove Trojan:BAT/Micuda.A Virus

The antivirus program reports to you that there is a Trojan:BAT/Micuda.A virus in your computer and claims that it is completely removed, but it comes back again after you restart the computer? What is the best way to get rid of this kind of Trojan virus when the antivirus program does not work effectively? What can it do to the computer if it stays in the computer for a long period of time?

Details of Trojan:BAT/Micuda.A:

Trojan:BAT/Micuda.A is classified as a serious Trojan infection which has harassed many computer users from all over the world recently. It is believed that this Trojan infection is designed by cyber criminals to mess up your computer and collect value information stored in the computer so as to earn illegal profits. It is able to bring other viruses and malicious software to your computer. You will be redirected by browser hijackers to some suspicious pages when surfing the Internet or your computer will be locked by the ransomware requiring you to pay a certain amount of money to unlock the computer, otherwise you will be involved in “legal issues”! All of those problems can be caused by this Trojan horse virus. After getting into your computer, it will change the startup settings, which makes it run automatically whenever you start the computer. You cannot get rid of it easily if you only rely on the rigid antivirus software.
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Published by on October 30, 2014 2:15 am

Oct 29, 2014

How to Remove

My browser is messed up by terribly. The browser’s default homepage is changed to this website. Now when I surf the Internet, I would get a lot of pop-up windows. How to stop the nasty browser hijacker? It makes me feel very uncomfortable. And I have tried many ways to stop it but failed. Is there any effective way to completely get rid of this virus? Please help! Description: is a browser hijacker which can intrude into your computer and change your homepage without your approval. The program is capable to infect most popular browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome by modifying the settings in the background without your knowledge. Once it has completed the installation on the computer, it redirects users to this malicious website which advertises various sponsored links. Not only can it change the default homepage and the search engine, but also destroy the system files and windows registry files of the computer. In addition, it may also install adware or other potentially unwanted programs to your computer, trying to record your online habits and generate revenue for its designer by getting you involved into some commercial projects. This virus usually infiltrates alongside some suspicious free programs downloaded, hacked websites visited and attachments of spam email opened.
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Published by on October 29, 2014 8:40 pm and last modified on November 4, 2014 5:54 am.

Oct 28, 2014

MBR:Cidox-E Removal Guide

Hi, there! My computer speed is decreasing severely now. Everything is working normally after I download something from the Internet. Why? What happened? Did I download something wrong from the Internet? I have no idea about that. MBR:Cidox-E? What it is? How does this thing get into my computer? Does the computer performance become slowly all due to this virus? I am so scared. What should I do now? Please, help!

A Brief Introduction about This Trojan

MBR:Cidox-E is a risky Trojan virus which is designed to attack the innocent Windows computer users. This Trojan will displays users with a series of dangerous actions on your computer once it installed on your computer. This virus is usually distributed from the Internet through malicious links, spam email attachment, games and porn websites. This Trojan can has the ability to utilize few deceptive techniques to sneak into the target computer without the permission and knowledge. Lots of harmful things will be done on your computer. This Trojan should be removed as soon as possible once you detected it on your computer.

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Published by on October 28, 2014 9:47 pm and last modified on November 10, 2014 10:18 am.

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