Nov 17, 2014

Remove Browser Hijacker

My only web browser Internet Explorer does not work regularly. Everything has gone wrong since my default homepage was changed to an unknown site called Now the whole computer works slow like a snail. I cannot access to many web sites. And my network connection is cut off every once in a while. How to eliminate this annoying site and make my computer back to normal?

More Details about is a web site which seems no difference with other normal web sites providing Internet search service. There is a simple search bar on its site page. Inexperienced computer users may think that it is able to provide a lot of online resources as well as useful information and improve your surfing experience. However, it is actually a browser hijacker that can take over your browser completely and collect your valuable data for its developers. By recording your online activities, it also shows you some unreliable ads that just meet your interests. Therefore, we should be careful when we are surfing the web so as to avoid this hijacker and any other computer threats.
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Published by on November 17, 2014 3:09 am

Nov 17, 2014

Trojan.powerliks!gm Virus Removal

Over the past week my computer has been sluggish significantly. I opened task manager and saw that CPU usage has been up to 90% and sometimes it went to 100%. Memory usage has been taken over by multiple *32 processes which started with dllhost.exe *32. Anyway, I ran Norton 360 and it found Trojan.powerliks!gm on my computer and then fixed it. However, after rebooting my system, the virus comes right back. How do I fix the problem and make my system run faster as usual?

Learn More About Trojan.powerliks!gm:

Trojan.powerliks!gm is a Trojan infection known to attack Windows computers including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or even Windows 8 (8.1). It can be detected by Norton antivirus. However, many victims are still having problem in successfully removing this Trojan since it always comes back after reboot even if Norton 360 reports it is cleaned last time. This virus infects your computer through vulnerability or security program exploits and it is able to make the computer system crash down. Once infected, it may create 30 or even more instances of dllhost.exe *32 – COM Surrogate processes in the background, making your CPU usage to 100%. Therefore, your operating system will become sluggish and your computer may keep crashing all the time.
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Published by on November 17, 2014 2:24 am

Nov 16, 2014

Vjhpvnoalonv.exe *32 Removal Guide

Hey, there! I found there was something weird on my computer. I don’t know why. This problem started from last night after I clicked on a pop-up then downloaded something from it. After that my antivirus tool continues to inform me that my computer is infected by a Trojan named Vjhpvnoalonv.exe *32. I ignored it when I saw the notification as I checked my computer there was nothing wrong and strange at that time. Till this morning, everything was changed and strange for me when I started my computer. Then I began to think of that notification. But it is too late now for my computer is infected and damaged badly now. What should I do now?

Infected by Vjhpvnoalonv.exe *32—How to Remove

Vjhpvnoalonv.exe *32 is a vicious virus which belongs to the Trojan virus family. It is a pesky infection which is created by cyber criminals so as to attack windows computer users. Most of victims around the world have complained about this Trojan infection. This infection can sneak into your computer secretly. It has the ability to install and run itself on your computer without your permission. Once this Trojan installed successfully, it will make a series of severe problems on your computer. It may destroy your registry files. You may find that some data can’t find on your computer any more. Besides, you can’t run your software as well as antivirus programs fluently as usually. Moreover, your computer may become frozen and stuck constantly. You maybe try to uninstall this stubborn virus through some antivirus software. Unfortunately, this obstinate infection can’t be removed by any of them. Thus, it is said that only manual removal can delete this malicious virus out of your computer completely and permanently. Therefore, once you found it on your computer you should remove it within the shortest time as you can.

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Published by on November 16, 2014 12:16 pm

Nov 15, 2014

How to Remove BrowserProtector?

I am annoyed by this BrowserProtector. It keeps popping up ads on my computer. And it is useless to try to stop those nasty pop-up ads by just closing them. Actually when I close one, another one will pop up at once. What damage my computer would suffer from if it is not eliminated promptly? It is so disturbing to let it linger in my computer. Unfortunately, I am not good at computer and have no idea how to deal with it. ! How do I get rid of it completely? Please help!

BrowserProtector Description:

BrowserProtector is classified as a harmful adware malware which pretends to be a legitimate search engine and claims that it can enhance your browser experience. It keeps displaying nasty ads and sponsored links on your browsers to make web traffic by redirecting you to commercial websites constantly. It can install browser add-on, extension and so on to allow the ads to show up automatically. Just keep in mind that the only purpose of this adware is to gain benefits from users by luring them to browse various coupons which are available as underlined keywords or advertising banners. Therefore when you surf the internet, you will not get the desired websites, instead you will receive some malicious websites and advertisements. It would change your home page without your permission and alter registry entry with executable files. What is more, This virus provides a platform for other infections to get into your Windows PC by making use of vulnerabilities of the system.
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Published by on November 15, 2014 8:36 pm and last modified on November 15, 2014 8:38 pm.

Nov 15, 2014 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

Hey, there. My computer is being hacked by a vicious browser hijacker which is named I am always being redirected by this pesky virus to some unwanted websites. I feel so boring about this browser. I can’t go online normally either. I want to remove this virus from my computer now. But when I follow the removal guide, I have no idea about where I should start first. Now the virus is still making chaos on my computer. How should I do now? Any help?

What is is sorted as an unwanted adware program which is created by cyber criminals to trick computer user around the world. This adware is spreading on the Internet through being bundled with the third party software. Once it sneaked into your computer, it may display pop-up ads or advertisements on websites that you visit. These ads will be showing in various boxes across your screen, or as underlined key phrases, or potentially as advertising banners and pop-ups. You will be interrupted frequently when you are browsing the Internet. You will not use your computer normally as before. How to get your computer back as before is a big problem which you should not neglect. So you should remove it immediately when you notice it that your computer is infected by this malicious browser hijacker.

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Published by on November 15, 2014 7:07 am

Nov 14, 2014

Remove Browser Hijacker

You feel sick to see this strange site again and again when you surf the Internet? You do not know what it is, but you can be sure that it is not a good thing. It has the ability to set itself as the default homepage and search engine without notifying you. It also redirects you to some strange web sites when you are using the browser. How to get rid of this annoying hijacker completely from your computer?

More Details about is classified as a malicious browser hijacker which can tamper with the system settings including default browser settings and DNS settings to interfere computer user’s web browsing activities. Those modifications are done furtively without permission. Although the hijacker has a professional appearance which looks similar to some other famous search engines like Bing, Google and Yahoo, it cannot provide good search service. The hijacker loads some unnecessary web sites in the browser rather than going to accurate web sites according to your commands. In general, this hateful browser hijacker enters into the computer together with some free items online. If you accidentally download and install them from the Internet, you will see it on the computer.
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Published by on November 14, 2014 5:16 pm and last modified on November 14, 2014 6:50 pm.

Nov 14, 2014 Pop-up Removal

Hi there. My laptop has been infected with the ‘virus’ and I have been spending several hours searching the solution but it still didn’t help. I have tried uninstalling all the associated programs and extensions manually and get my pop-up blocker on. But it still pops up when I go to the Internet. When I go to control panel, I don’t see it there. How do I get rid of these annoying pop-up ads? Pop-up Ads Description: pop up is usually displayed by adware or potentially unwanted programs which secretly install on your computer without your knowledge. The pop up is annoying and aggressive that has an ability to take control of your web browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome against your will. Most people may have no idea how this disturbing pop-up could happen because they have already installed antivirus programs to protect their machine. However, adware doesn’t belong to a virus and it can escape the detection of all kinds of antivirus software. To avoid this kind of pop up ads, users should pay more attention on all downloads. Plenty of unwanted pop up ads are from free downloads or free software like TV shows, video or music programs etc and adware could be bundled with these freebies to find its way to get into your computer.
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Published by on November 14, 2014 3:42 pm and last modified on November 14, 2014 3:44 pm.

Nov 14, 2014

Sirius Win 7 Antivirus 2014 and Sirius Win 7 Protection 2014 Removal Guide

Yesterday I accidentally opened a spam email, and then I found a program named Sirius Win 7 Antivirus 2014 installed on my computer. The tragedy began after that as I have been getting weird stuff on my computer. It keeps disrupting me from doing anything because it always states whatever I try to run is infected. I do some search and I find it is just a rogue antivirus program which is able to bring many threats to my computer. But I can’t open up any anti malware programs to get rid of it. . And it claims that my security tool needs to be checked. It is making me insane! Can anyone help me to get rid of this annoying thing completely? I would really appreciate that!

Sirius Win 7 Antivirus 2014 and Sirius Win 7 Protection 2014 Description:

Sirius Win 7 Antivirus 2014 and Sirius Win 7 Protection 2014 are rogue antivirus programs which are skilled in using fake scan results, false security warnings to trick innocent users. This family of infections can change their names according to the version of Windows they are installed on in order to get directed attention from users. They scare users into thinking their computers have a security problem and then state that using its product is the best way to protest the computer from any cyber threats. As a matter of fact, they won’t provide any protection to your computer as their creators’ purpose is to gain profit by making users to download this program and then convince them to buy the full versions of them. In most cases, computers users get this rogue program after they visited some websites which have been hacked with malicious scripts and downloaded some unwanted applications from the internet. And another common way for them to enter the target computer is by the help of Trojans which pretend to be legitimate programs in order to install the infection.
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Published by on November 14, 2014 11:49 am and last modified on November 14, 2014 12:39 pm.

Nov 14, 2014

Fake Sirius Win 8 Antivirus 2014 and Sirius Win 8 Protection 2014 Removal Guide

I am getting into a big trouble now. My computer is infected by a fake antivirus program which is named Sirius Win8 Antivirus 2014 or Sirius Win8 Protection 2014. I think it is a good program when I saw it at my first sight. Then I download this program without any thinking. Who knows that it is really a bad program which makes so many troubles on my computer, I want to remove it right now. Who can help me to get rid of this malicious fake program out of my computer? I will be highly appreciated!

More Information About This Rogue Program

Sirius Win8 Antivirus 2014 or Sirius Win8 Protection 2014 is classified as a member of the fake antivirus family. It is designed by cyber criminals to lure innocent computer users to download this rogue program and then install on their computer. This virus disguises to be a good program which claims to help computer users to protect their computer from being attacked by viruses. Many innocent computer users may be tricked by its statement which would convince them to believe this fake program is useful. After they install this fake program on their computer, they begin to complain about it as what it does on their computer is totally different from what it said. Lots of troubles will occur on the computer. So, in order to avoid yourself being tricked, you should be careful if you are unfamiliar with the program. You should not download any unknown and suspicious program on your computer. If you do it by accident, remove it as soon as you can before it makes chaos on your computer.

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Published by on November 14, 2014 6:02 am

Nov 12, 2014

Backdoor.Padpin Manual Removal Guide

At the time I was confusing about why my computer was working so slowly. Later I did a scan on my computer with my security tool. I got a result that my computer was infected by Backdoor.Padpin. I was so frightened. As I was so worried about my computer may be ruined by this virus, I lost my redirection for what to do next. Please help me out of this trouble. Millions of thanks!

A Brief Introduction Of Backdoor.Padpin Trojan

Backdoor.Padpin belongs to the malicious Trojan virus family which would do lots of harmful things on the targeted computer. This virus has been announced recently and annoyed lots of computer victims all around the world. This Trojan is acting a crucial role during some ransomware viruse such as money pack, Ukash and police virus. This Trojan virus may act as a platform for these viruses as soon as it got into your computer. Then your computer may be totally blocked by malicious scam virus like Ukash warning. This infection may get the chance to access your computer with a help of various means of distribution like spam email attachments, freeware, shareware and so on. This is why it is said that this virus is so dangerous and tricky as you may not when this infection dives into your computer until your computer is blocked or it is detected on your computer.

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Published by on November 12, 2014 8:31 pm

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