Dec 27, 2014 Hijacker Removal

Most of Internet users are still not aware that there are hundreds of search engines that can pose a serious harm for their computers. Is taking over your homepage? Why this webpage keeps popping up during your browsing session? Unlike other reputable search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing, Privatelee Search could put shady websites in the top of their search results. Please follow the guides below to get rid of it completely as quickly as you can. Description: is a deceitful search website associated with browser hijacker that uses shady schemes for getting inside target computers and affecting all Internet browsers that are installed which include Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. It is often installed when users download and install some software they get online. Once downloaded, this redirecting application can modify browser settings without your permission. It sets Privatelee Search as your default homepage and will not let you change back to your desired webpage. In addition, it can install unwanted applications, browser helper objects (add-ons, extensions, toolbars), and third party programs to your computer without your knowledge. As a result, your Internet speed will become slow and whenever you go online, a seemingly endless barrage of ads may pop up on your screen that keep interrupting your browsing activities.
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Published by on December 27, 2014 4:16 am

Dec 26, 2014

How To Remove SensePlus Manually?

My computer is running slow after my computer got this SensePlus. And every time I open a new tab, I get some wired stuffs instead of the intended websites. As a matter of fact, I have ads popping up everywhere if I click on a webpage. What more harmful activities it would perform in the background? I am quiet uncomfortable with it. My antivirus seemed unable to delete it. Is there any other way to get rid of the virus? Can you help me?

SensePlus Description:

SensePlus is a mulish adware program which is able to distribute numerous third party ads to gain profit for its creator. Once installed, it can bring many issues to your computer like lots of fake pop ups and advertisements cropping up and slow running of the computer. If you carelessly click on SensePlus adware ads, you will be redirected to some commercial websites whose goal is to increase their site ranking as well as sales. In order to manipulate the target computer, it can change system settings and web browser setting. You will encounter traffic when you go online since the annoying ads, banners and many other strange things are showing on your screen. Those pop-ups offer you many unwanted links related to malicious websites which provide you numerous unwanted products. Actually you will find strange application and toolbar in your computer after its installation.
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Published by on December 26, 2014 1:13 pm and last modified on December 26, 2014 1:41 pm.

Dec 26, 2014 Removal Guide

Hey, there. I am getting into a big trouble at the moment. I have on my computer. Do you know how to remove this virus from the computer? I am so pesky about this virus. It keeps popping up when I turn on my computer. It is such annoying infection which should be removed as soon as possible when you detected it on your computer. However, I am not good at computer skill. How do I do this by myself? Can anyone help me get rid of this virus? Thank you very much!

Learn More Information About is a potentially unwanted program which is classified to be the browser hijacker family that is designed by cyber criminals. These criminals produce this infection to affect computer users’ system with their evils purposes. You may get this infection from many ways. This virus will act as an appendage to free software, shareware or others like video recording/streaming, download-managers or PDF creators. From these ways, it can sneak into your computer without your permission and knowledge. So you should notice when you are browsing online or downloading free programs from the Internet. You should read the terms and agreements carefully before the installation. You’d better make an advanced option during the installation process.

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Published by on December 26, 2014 6:26 am

Dec 25, 2014

Remove FBI Online Agent Virus On Tablet, Android Phone

can someone hack my android tablet/phone with porno? FBI says i need to pay $500 for watching porn on my android tablet and android phone, Waiting payment virus, this FBI online agent virus on my LG phone and it won’t leave the pop up FBI shit without me paying 500$ or putting money into their account of 500$ and i don’t know how to clear it, i tried everything except restoring device to factory settings cause i don’t wanna lose my pictures and i will if i do that and i don’t wanna lose my convos either. I have this popup on my iPad that I am being told is fake from the us marshals service that is not allowing me to access the internet. How do I get rid of the virus? I was using my Samsung galaxy S5 for web searching today and suddenly I got a warning saying it is downloading an app called “porndroid”. It didn’t give me any option to cancel the download, and suddenly my phone was immediately locked by some “FBI Online Agent Virus”  that says my phone is locked due to suspicious criminal activity on my phone. It says if I don’t pay $500 within three days I will go jail and all of my contacts will be informed of my criminal activity. I have no idea what is going on. And every time I take the battery out of my phone to restart it the same FBI screen comes up and says the same thing. It won’t allow me to leave the screen. It wants me to pay by something called moneypak so I am pretty sure this is just a scam. How do I get rid of the virus and unlock my phone?

FBI Online Agent Virus Holds Your Phone/Tablet For Ransom?

FBI Online Agent Virus is categorized as ‘ransomware’ designed by cyber hackers in order to scare innocent Smartphone users and computer users and then steal their hard-earned money with an illegal way. You must have heard of adware and malware before but ‘ransomware’ is slightly different from them. This is nothing but a fake warning produced by virus makers who are trying to coax you into ‘ransoming’ the freedom of your phone by paying them this ‘extortion’. If unfortunately you are the victim of FBI virus scam, you will find your device (including Windows computer, Mac computer, tablet or even cell phone) taken over by a warning that says it’s from the FBI for no reasons. But don’t be panic and rush to pay the ransom because this kind of FBI message is far from real. In fact, FBI Online Agent Virus is a big scam that has cheated thousands of innocent users since 2013. It has nothing to do with the real law enforcement agencies, local authorities, agency or the police.
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Published by on December 25, 2014 4:17 pm and last modified on June 1, 2016 3:51 am.

Dec 25, 2014

Remove Win32/SweetIM Virus

MSE found Win32/SweetIM virus in a few hours ago in my computer. I have tried for 2 hours, but still cannot get rid of it. I tried some other antivirus programs including Norton and AVG, but they all failed. My computer is worse than before. Random restarts happen automatically every few minutes. My network connection often cuts off. How to remove this nasty virus and save my computer?

Details of Win32/SweetIM:

Win32/SweetIM is classified as a malicious Trojan virus that has plagued many computer users in a very long period of time. Malicious software, browser hijacker, ransomware, spyware and Trojan virus have become major computer problems. Usually, antivirus programs can prevent Trojan viruses from attacking computers. However, some of them are specially designed by computer hackers to bypass most antivirus programs so as to stay in the target computers firmly and steal as much private information as possible from the computer users. In addition, Win32/SweetIM differs markedly from malicious software, browser hijacker, ransomware and spyware, it won’t show up for you to see it on the computer screen. Computer users know that it is in the computer only through the pop-up alerts from antivirus programs after its successful penetration.
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Published by on December 25, 2014 2:14 am

Dec 24, 2014

Trojan Downloader.Generic10.BDJ Removal Guide

Hey, there. Are you confusing about why your computer is working so slowly during recent days? Are you always receiving the alert on the detection of Trojan Downloader.Generic10.BDJ from Norton on your computer? You tried to use the antivirus tool to uninstall it. However, this Trojan can’t be removed completely from your computer with the using of antivirus program. What is this Trojan? How does it access your computer? Having no idea about how to remove this infection as soon as possible? Be nervous when you see the alarm? Take it easy. Here is the step by step manual removal guide for the removing of this malicious Trojan.

More Information About This Trojan

Trojan Downloader.Generic10.BDJ is classified as a vicious Trojan horse virus which is invented by the cyber hacker to attack Window computers’ system. Once this Trojan infects your system, it may do lots of evil actions on your computer. After the installation of this malicious Trojan, it may run itself automatically at the background of your system. It may destroy your security system as well. Furthermore, this Trojan can acts as a platform for other infection to get access to your system more easily. Otherwise, it will modify your operating system and your registry files. What’s more, it will slow down your computer’s performance severely that covers booting, shutting down, playing computer games and browsing the Internet, etc. Such malicious Trojan should be removed from your computer as soon as you detect it on your system.

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Published by on December 24, 2014 1:30 pm and last modified on December 26, 2014 12:39 am.

Dec 24, 2014 Pop-up Ads Removal

Hi there. So, I found out yesterday that my laptop has been infected with the pop-up ‘virus’ and I’ve been spending my morning searching all around to get answers of how to get rid of it. I’ve tried scanning the computer with Malwarebytes and AVG but the pop up is still there after I removed some threats detected. I searched the web and it said this hijacker should be removed manually. So, I tried going into Task Manager to delete it from there. But strangely I cannot find anything related to this program. Is there another way I can do myself? I really need this annoying thing gone. Please help. Pop-up Ads Description: pop up is usually displayed by adware or potentially unwanted programs that get on your computer as an extension/ add-on and then attach onto the target browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer without your knowledge. If you keep getting a new tab or a new window from this page opened itself whenever you are browsing online, it is likely that your computer is already infected. People will find it annoying and disturbing because this unwanted pop-up can come in all kinds of forms such as pop-up, pop-under, in-text, banner and contextual advertisements. Moreover, new tab and window can be opened on your web browser without your approval as well. The pop up offers fake messages and completely interrupts your browsing activities that should be deleted as soon as possible.
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Published by on December 24, 2014 8:20 am

Dec 23, 2014

Win32/Virus.WebToolbar.2ea Removal

Computer is infected by the Win32/Virus.WebToolbar.2ea virus? Why is the antivirus program unable to prevent it from attacking the computer? What can it do in the computer system? Will you lose all the data and valuable personal info due to this Trojan horse virus? What is the best way to get rid of it from the computer?

Details of Win32/Virus.WebToolbar.2ea:

Win32/Virus.WebToolbar.2ea is a newly released Trojan virus. This Trojan virus is quite malicious. Once being infected, your computer is facing a lot of risks. Because the virus is designed by hackers to steal valuable info from computer users, it is able to bypass most antivirus programs to achieve that goal.
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Published by on December 23, 2014 3:50 pm

Dec 23, 2014

Freedealsapp Ads Removal Guide

I have a Dell laptop running with Windows 7. Over the past couple of days my internet browsing has been interrupted quite frequently by numerous types of pop up ads titled with ‘Ads by Freedealsapp.’ Is it a virus or something malicious? How do I get rid of it? My computer became extremely slow, and overheats after 2 hours of use and lags a lot. I spent 5 hours doing a full scan with AVG but it didn’t help at all. It found some threats and removed it but I still get the same ads on Internet Explorer. I’d really appreciate a solution now. Thanks.

Freedealsapp Pop-up Ads Description:

If you keep receiving pop-up ads titled with ‘Ads by Freedealsapp,’ that indicates that there must be some kind of adware or potentially unwanted programs downloaded on your computer without your knowledge. Fortunately they don’t belong to computer viruses, however ads generated by adware or PUP can be very annoying because they can pop up everytime whenever you go online, in different kinds of forms such as pop-up, pop-under, in-text, contextual or banner advertisement. It aims to interrupt your browsing activities and cause further damages on your machine. Besides, a PUP can help modify your browser settings and even take control of your web browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome so you should not let it stay on your computer any longer.
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Published by on December 23, 2014 9:23 am and last modified on December 23, 2014 9:36 am.

Dec 23, 2014 popup Removal Guide

My computer is being hacked by this vicious popup. Every time I begin to browse, it pops up ugly in front of me. It is so annoying! As a matter of fact, my AVG is unable to get rid of it. And when I follow the manual removal guide, I have no idea where to start. Now the virus is still bringing many problems to my computer. Who can help me? Any suggestion will be highly appreciated! popup Description: popup is classified as a risky browser hijacker which is able to bring many troubles to millions of computers. Once it enters in your computer, it can easily redirect you to some questionable websites by adding many malicious extensions to the browser. Its goal is to gain money by promoting commercial activities like posting loads of pop-ups ads, flash picture or videos unstoppably to increase sales by attracting you to click on them. After that, you will suffer from constant redirection during your web browsing activities. For instance, you would get some unsafe websites and commercial ads instead of the intended websites. You will be flooded with some precise ads when you are browsing shopping websites. It really makes users feel frustrated as it constantly causes an annoying distraction. Thus it can really be a headache infection for many computer users.
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Published by on December 23, 2014 6:02 am

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