Mar 30, 2015

Happy2Save Pop-up Ads Removal

I accidentally downloaded a video player and then it installed Happy2Save adware/pop-up together without asking my permission. This nasty thing is playing havoc with my internet. It is very slow and causes constant crashes, because it’s trying to list all the crazy pop-up ads. The software won’t show up in Add/Remove Programs, so I can’t uninstall it there. I ran a 9-hour full scan using Windows Defender and Malwarebytes, but the ads are still there and won’t go away. That is really annoying! What do I do to get rid of the pop-up ads completely?

Happy2Save Pop-up Ads Description:

If tons of ads that titled with “ads by Happy2Save”, “Powered by Happy2Save” or “Brought by Happy2Save” keep showing up on your web browser and harass you, your system must have been infected with adware or some kind of browser hijacking malware. Adware is the abbreviation for advertising-supported software which may seem as a regular program, but in reality it performs suspicious operations and tries to promote various commercial websites once it is installed. This unpleasant program can be downloaded from its official website. However, most of the users complain that they see Happy2Save ads everywhere although they have never downloaded this program. Generally speaking, this application can enter the system along with other free programs the user has previously installed. Therefore, users who are active in downloading and installing freeware need to pay close attention to what else they install into their computers, in addition to the main applications of their choice.
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Published by on March 30, 2015 1:34 am

Mar 29, 2015

How to Remove

Hello, there. I always saw pop-ups or ads floating on my computer influencing me from doing anything normally on the computer. Even though I can end it up this minute, next moment it will pop up again. is the one where all these pop-ups and ads be sent from. It is so pesky. I have gotten lots of troubles on my computer now. I don’t know what I should to remove this virus. I tried all my best to get rid of this virus. But I failed. It would be so appreciated if there is anyone who can help me remove this virus.

More Information About is classified to be a member of malicious browser hijacker or may be called redirect virus in other way. Once this virus gets into your system, in generally, it may hijack your homepage and browser settings to its own page. So that every time when you open your browser or start a new tab, you may be readdressed to its domain repeatedly. It is said that this browser infection has the ability to bargain your confidential web browsers files so that it can compromise your whole Internet browsers completely. As this virus can sneak into your computer secretly, so you need to pay more attention on your online behaviors. Once you get this infected, please take immediate action to get rid of this infection as early as you can.

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Published by on March 29, 2015 1:28 pm

Mar 28, 2015

How to Remove Trojan.Kryptik.CWXG

Hi, there. This morning I was editing my English document on my computer after I downloaded games application online. Computer worked fine after the beginning of installation. However, now the computer becomes stuck so frequently while I am doing things on it. So, I do a full scanning on the whole system of my computer. Trojan.Kryptik.CWXG is detected on the computer from the scanning report. But the security tool can’t remove this virus. What should I do now? Please help! It would be so appreciated if there is anyone can help you remove this virus. Thank you!

Learn More Information About Trojan.Kryptik.CWXG

Trojan.Kryptik.CWXG is a malicious computer infection which belongs to the family of Trojan virus. This virus is made by vicious cyber criminals in order to ruin Windows computer users system once it gets into the compromised computer. This Trojan can dive into your computer secretly without your approval. This Trojan can get into your computer by bundling itself with spam emails attachments and freeware downloads, as well suspicious websites and so on. So if you want to avoid this virus entering your computer, you need to pay more attention to what you do online.

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Published by on March 28, 2015 6:12 am

Mar 27, 2015

Defender Pro 2015 Virus Removal

Hi I was watching a TV show online last night and all of a sudden I started getting pop ups for this Defender Pro 2015 firewall alert saying that my computer was at risk. And then a scanner appeared without my permission, pretending as a useful tool to search malware from my hard disk. It won’t let me stop the scan, nor close those annoying pop-up windows. The program keeps forcing me to purchase its full version in order to remove those ‘detected’ malware. I know it is a fake scanner but I cannot run my real antivirus program or even open my internet browser to search a solution. I am using my phone right now. How to get rid of this virus from my computer?

“Defender Pro 2015” Virus Description:

Defender Pro 2015 is categorized as a fake anti-spyware belongs to a well-known family of rogues called Braviax and this program is mainly used for swindling away people’s money. Just like Protective Antivirus 2015 Virus and Antivirus PRO 2015 Virus, this program also has no features like any good antivirus programs and it won’t help detect or remove malware. Currently rogue programs are constantly on the rise, and they are being updated with enhanced destructive ability by hackers across the world. Mostly the virus can disable your current antivirus and then sneak into a computer through visiting pornographic sites, downloading spam email attachment or potentially unwanted program, even clicking malicious pop-up ads. Defender Pro 2015 simply imitates the traits of security software, but in reality this is a typical scam that doesn’t render the promised level of antivirus protection. You should get rid of it from the computer once upon detection.
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Published by on March 27, 2015 8:41 am

Mar 26, 2015

How to Remove Defragmentertrojan Completely

Hey, there. Is unbelievable how Defragmentertrojan gets into my computer since I installed Norton and AVG on my computer? This morning both of these two antivirus programs told me that a Trojan is on my computer. I was shocked by this news. How did this thing happen? What should I do now? My antivirus tools can’t remove this virus. Please help me out of this situation! Please help me remove this Trojan out off my computer completely. Thank you!

A Brief Instruction of Defragmentertrojan

Defragmentertrojan is classified as a perilous Trojan which is created by cyber criminals to ruin your system totally after its installation. This Trojan is a malicious computer infection which can install itself on your system once it gets the chance. It can take control of your computer at once if it gets into your computer. This virus is attached to spam emails, freeware downloads, suspicious websites and so on. If you get this virus on your computer, it means that your computer is set in a great risk situation. So, you should remove this virus as soon as you can.

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Published by on March 26, 2015 11:37 pm

Mar 26, 2015

Remove – Complete Removal

Have you ever met this kind of situation: no matter what web page you want to open, you are redirected to It is always there although you reset the browser? A lot of annoying ads show up forcedly? To be sure, your computer has been infected with the browser hijacker which should be removed from your computer as soon as possible.

More Details about is a browser hijacker that targets many computer users around the world. This browser hijacker is a rascal. It changes the homepage as well as search engine in your web browser and redirects your web pages to unknown places without your approval. Pretending to be a “real” search engine with a “professional” appearance, it makes many computer users think that it is able to offer rich interesting contents online. In fact, the purpose of the hijacker is to help developers to collect as much vulnerable information as possible from computer users. Similar to the and, it needs to be removed timely.
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Published by on March 26, 2015 7:48 am

Mar 26, 2015

Antivirus PRO 2015 Virus Removal

Hi there. I’m getting really frustrated now. I have got Antivirus PRO 2015 virus on my computer that keeps telling me that my computer is being attacked. This little bugger looks just like a legitimate antivirus but I know it is fake because it prevents the use of taskbar, IE, or any virus scans. I’ve tried both Norton and Malewarbytes from safe mode, but neither of them got rid of the darn thing! They didn’t even detect it. Also I cannot find it from control panel. I have no idea what to do. It makes me so mad. How do I get rid of it completely?

Antivirus PRO 2015 Description:

Antivirus PRO 2015 is nothing but a bogus anti-spyware program that displays fake alerts, blocks your Task Manager or other applications, and finally lures you into taking part in fraudulent transactions. This program may seem to be legitimate, but in reality it has no ability to protect a computer against any malware. Usually this rogue program is promoted via spam e-mails, malicious or hacked Web pages, peer-to-peer networks. That is to say, it can be downloaded when a user opened an unknown email, downloaded a malicious program or even visited pornographic website. Once installed, it creates a certain registry entry so that it could run every time you start your machine. You will be forced to run a bogus scan automatically that keeps reporting your computer is seriously infected and a registered version is needed if you want to clean up your PC. Of course the registered version is not for free. You have to pay a large amount of money to get it. But it is unnecessary to do that because Antivirus PRO 2015 is a scam and its final goal is to trick gullible computers users into thinking their PCs are infected with various malware infections and then pay for its product. Therefore, the hackers can rip off user’s hard-earned money easily by using this scare tactic.
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Published by on March 26, 2015 1:17 am and last modified on March 26, 2015 1:18 am.

Mar 25, 2015 Removal

Hello! I am so confusing now. Why do I keep receiving an alert on the detection from Norton which is stating about a on your computer? What is this Trojan? How does it access my computer? Having no idea about how to remove this infection as soon as possible? Be nervous when I see the alarm? Help is needed immediately! I will be so appreciated if anyone can help. Thanks a million!

More Information About This Trojan is classified as a vicious Trojan horse virus which is invented by the cyber hacker to attack Window computers’ system. Once this Trojan infects your system, it may do lots of evil actions on your computer. After the installation of this malicious Trojan, it may run itself automatically at the background of your system. It may destroy your security system as well. Furthermore, this Trojan can acts as a platform for other infection to get access to your system more easily. Otherwise, it will modify your operating system and your registry files. What’s more, it will slow down your computer’s performance severely that covers booting, shutting down, playing computer games and browsing the Internet, etc. Such malicious Trojan should be removed from your computer as soon as you detect it on your system.

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Published by on March 25, 2015 1:23 pm and last modified on March 26, 2015 11:36 pm.

Mar 25, 2015

Effectively Remove Suspicious_gen.f47v0316 Virus

With the help of the antivirus program, you can see a pop-up warning saying Suspicious_gen.f47v0316see is on your computer, but the antivirus program cannot remove it? What should you do when your computer is infected? What is the best way to get rid of the virus?

Details of Suspicious_gen.f47v0316:

Suspicious_gen.f47v0316 is a Trojan horse virus. Unlike malware and browser hijackers, it has the capacity to be hidden in the infected system. You cannot see this Trojan virus without the warning from the antivirus program, because it does not show like other infections on the computer screen. It is able to collect your personal data in the infected computer and send back to the virus writers.
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Published by on March 25, 2015 3:12 am

Mar 24, 2015

Win32:Adware-CLU [PUP] Virus Removal

Hello, my antivirus found a virus called Win32:Adware-CLU [PUP] and I had problem deleting it permanently. The virus reappeared every time I restarted the computer. I also ran Malwarebytes multiple times and other cleaners, but it continues to pop up with the virus warning. I am not good at computers and don’t know what to do now. Any assistance would be appreciated! Thank you.

Learn More About Win32:Adware-CLU [PUP] Virus:

Win32:Adware-CLU [PUP] is a virus that refers to a PUP (potentially unwanted program) which is a program that may be unwanted, despite the possibility that users consented to download it. Although technically speaking PUP is not a virus, it acts as a malicious threat or virus into your Windows computer system. This threat is very annoying. It can change your browser settings without any approval and display all different kind of advertisements in your browser. Disturbing advertisements are often shown as boxes containing large blocks, video or sound advertising, coupons and additional pop-ups that appear on web browsers including IE, Firefox and Chrome. You will not be able to get rid of the pop-up windows and all your online activities will be interrupted as a result.
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Published by on March 24, 2015 7:34 am and last modified on August 5, 2015 12:42 am.

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