May 23, 2015

How to Remove Shop Smart Pop-up Ads

Hi there. Thank you for taking the time to help me. My trouble all started when I tried to download a flash player. Now I have “Ads by Shop Smart” Pop-up that keeps appearing on my web browser (Mozilla Firefox) and never goes away. I have problem watching videos online. When I click to watch it a box always pops up saying I have to do a quick survey beforehand. I don’t want to give my personal details out to people so I exit out. Is there a virus in your computer? I have spent a few hours scanning my computer with AVG, it says my computer is clean. When I open Task Manager, I don’t see any suspicious process. What should I do?

“Ads by Shop Smart” Pop-up Ads Description:

Shop Smart is classified as adware that is prone to attack web browsers including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome as soon as it is installed. At first sight, this application seems like good software which will help computer users to save both time and money when shopping online because it claims it provides various deals, coupons and commercial offers for users. However, most people who installed this application only found it annoying and useless. The adware can display crazy coupons and deals ads at every corner of the compromised web browser, in all kinds of forms such as pop-up, pop-under, in-text, banner or contextual advertisements without your permission. Therefore, if you see pop-ups labeled as “Ads by Shop Smart”, “Brought by Shop Smart” or “Powered by Shop Smart”, you should know that an adware is installed on your PC and making chaos, you need to take care of that immediately, or you’ll face some severe cyber security damages.
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Published by on May 23, 2015 1:15 am and last modified on May 23, 2015 1:17 am.

May 22, 2015

QuickSearch 0.0.4 Removal Guide

During recent days, no matter when I started to browse the Internet from Safari on my mac, I always got to a page which is called QuickSearch 0.0.4. I had no idea why. I also found that I could not get the result link I needed while I was searching on it. It was so weird. Thousands of ads and pop-ups are displaying on my screen as well. Google told that this is a browser hijacker. Oh, my god. Do I need to worry about my mac? Will this virus mess up the system of my mac? What should I do now? How can I remove this virus from my mac?

Learn More Information About QuickSearch 0.0.4

QuickSearch 0.0.4 is an annoying adware program which is defined as a kind of browser hijacker virus. This virus may be installed on your system as a browser add-on. This infection not only infects Windows computer systems but also attacks mac computer. This application differs from a legit search engines like Google and Bing. Usually, this adware pretends to be a good search engine which may claim that it can help you search the thing you need in the shortest time and save your time during the search. However, the reality is different from what it states before you install this adware on your system. The fact is that the search result this adware provided is fake information. If you click on the link it provides, you may be redirected to some unwanted websites.

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Published by on May 22, 2015 12:33 pm

May 22, 2015 Browser Hijacker Removal Guide

What is Is it a legitimate and useful search engine? Your browser’s home page is locked by the domain and cannot be changed back? You are redirected to strange websites when you use the browser? You can’t get rid of it even though you have tried several antivirus programs? How to remove the nuisance?

More Details about is classified as a nasty browser hijacker that is masked as a legitimate search engine. It can redirect you to its own website or some other malicious domains. It can be downloaded into the computer with the assistance of unsafe free software, unknown E-mail attachments or pornographic video players. It makes full use of the computer system security vulnerabilities caused by computer users’ careless online actions.
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Published by on May 22, 2015 7:51 am

May 22, 2015

Liam.x Virus Removal Help

Hi there. I have a Dell laptop and it is infected with Liam. x virus which takes over my browser and displays tons of ads whenever I try to get online. It gives Microsoft’s phone number to ring and get support. Earlier today I called the number and the woman on the other end said she could remove it for £150, at which point it became obvious it was a scam. No way. Has anyone else had this problem – or heard of it? I really need this virus gone. Please help. Thanks in advance

Infected With Liam.x Virus – How to Remove?

Liam.x Virus comes bundled with adware or Trojan that can appear on random computers without user’s assent. It aims at attacking both Apple computers and Windows computers. The virus hijacks all kinds of web browser including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari and displays fraudulent ads to trick innocent computer users and then extort their money through phone scam. Pop-ups from Liam.x are not safe as they often claim to be from Microsoft telling users that their computers are infected and urging them to call a toll free number for assistance. In fact, the pop up has nothing to do with Microsoft. This is just one of the tech support scams. If you really call the number, you will find out that the ‘tech’ on the other end is with a heavy foreign accent claiming to be a Microsoft representative and ask he will need you to pay a large amount of money in order to get your computer fixed.
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Published by on May 22, 2015 1:41 am and last modified on May 22, 2015 1:42 am.

May 21, 2015

Remove Browser Hijacker

Recently, I have been redirected to unfamiliar sites when I am surfing the Internet on Mozilla Firefox. And my original home page is changed to without my permission. I did some online research and found that it is actually a browser hijacker. How can I remove it from my computer?

More Details about is defined as a brower hijacker, also known as browser redirect. It mainly affects your browser in the infected computer. Different from other legitimate search service providers, it is not a real web page. How do we know there is a browser hijacker on our computer? If you know about the characteristics of browser hijackers, you are able to immediately judge and prevent your computer from being messed up.
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Published by on May 21, 2015 1:54 am

May 20, 2015

How to Remove SAPE.Heur.685 Virus Step By Step?

Yesterday Norton Internet security detected a threat on my PC but was unable to remove it. The threat is called SAPE.Heur.685. Every time I try to remove it, it says ‘Access Denied’. Why Norton can’t delete the virus for good? How do I get the virus in the first place? I’ve spent 3 hours searching for a solution and I’ve already downloaded a few software but still nothing helped. What should I do now?

Learn More About SAPE.Heur.685 Virus:

SAPE.Heur.685 is a generic detection used by Norton Internet security or other antivirus products for a file that appears to have trojan-like features or behavior. It can sneak into a vulnerable system by visiting malicious websites, downloading free software from unsafe sources or opening spam email attachments. Once it is installed, the Trojan virus can corrupt the target machine by all means. Typically,you will find that your computer takes significantly more time than usual to start. Whatever you try to launch, they are not responding. In addition, when you open Task Manager, you can see CPU usage is high even you only have few things opened. Generally speaking, if your antivirus reports the virus and take action to remove it, your computer is still good and not compromised. But this virus can disable firewall and block your current security tool in order to hide itself deeply inside the system. Even though it could be reported by Norton, it can’t be removed permanently. The malicious files associated with the Trojan are hidden in every corner of system so you have to find out and manually remove them.
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Published by on May 20, 2015 5:43 pm

May 19, 2015 Removal Guide

Urgent problem! There are so many pop-ups displaying on my computer. I don’t know where these pop-ups come from. Each time I started my browsing, I always be readdressed to a web page which is named The search result it provided doesn’t contain the things I need. I googled about this web site, the result was telling me that it is a browser hijacker. Now so many pesky things are continuing to mess up my computer. What should I do? How can I get my computer back to normal? Can anyone help me out of this hard situation? Thank you very much!

Learn More Information About belongs to the malicious browser hijacker which is spread through the widely used Internet. This kind of computer infection is created by cyber criminals with the purpose of messing up the compromised computer system so as to do lots of malicious things on your system. How does this virus get into your computer without your permission and knowledge? This virus can sneak into your computer secretly as it can get help with the third party application. Commonly, this virus may be associated with risky websites, free downloads and spam email attachments and so on. Due to this hijacker can dive into your computer by many channels, so you have to pay more attention on your online activities. Once you detect this virus on your computer, please remove it without any hesitation.

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Published by on May 19, 2015 10:33 pm

May 19, 2015

Trojan.Yahamam Removal Guide

You feel helpless as the Trojan.Yahamam virus infects your computer? Warnings from the anti-virus program always pop up to tell you the computer is in danger, but the antivirus program is unable to take the Trojan.Yahamam away from your computer? If you do not know how to remove it, you can read this post which can guide you to get rid of the virus completely from your computer.

Details of Trojan.Yahamam:

Trojan.Yahamam is a shameless Trojan virus which is very dangerous and active in attacking computers from all over the world. It is able to make infected computers be accessed by cybercriminals. In that case, they take over the computer to do anything they want. The virus also sends e-mails containing dangerous infectious to your contacts, puts more malware you’re your computer, corrupts the network connection, gathers your confidential data and finally crashes the computer system. If you are always free to download unknown programs, it is very easy to attack your computer. You also should avoid opening attachments in junk e-mails.
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Published by on May 19, 2015 3:58 pm

May 19, 2015 Hijacker Removal

I downloaded a music player before and then my homepage was hijacked by It won’t let me change the homepage so I can’t get Google anymore. Every time I try to get online, I can see various pop-up ads. I have tried every single piece of software but until now I have found nothing. How do I stop being redirected to Description:

If you find your current homepage or search engine suddenly changed to and your web browser starts displaying crazy pop-up ads, it is a clear sign that your PC has been infected by adware or browser hijacker virus. Normally browser hijackers or adware are installed as a bundle. That is to say, they are packaged with other programs that you downloaded such as video player, flash player, adobe update or mp3 music player. Now many freeware tends to change your homepage or search provider without disclosing this information clearly. Careless users who didn’t read the Terms and Agreements while downloading a free software will easily become the target of this annoying threat. This hijacker can be added to Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browsers without any knowledge and consent. Although it seems like a good site and with the same function like Google or Bing, in reality it is a low-quality search engine that displays more advertisements than legitimate results so you had better remove it as soon as it is detected.
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Published by on May 19, 2015 10:29 am

May 18, 2015 Removal Guide

I was surfing the internet this morning and searching for some house renting information. Just with a sudden, a pop-up displayed on my screen stating about the discount for rent a house. Then I clicked on it. Later after a while, I found that all of my browsers were changed. No mater I reopen the browser or start a new tab, I kept redirecting to a web page named I thought it was normal. I neglected it. Thing went wrong so badly. It was turned out to be a malicious browser hijacker. I didn’t know how to make my computer back to normal. What should I do now? Please help me out of this problem. Thanks a million!

More Information About is classified as a lethal computer infection which is a member of browser hijacker family. This hijacker infects your computer with an aim of tricking computer users to install this virus on your system so as to gain profit from the victims. You may be so confused how this nasty hijacker virus invaded your system since you have installed Norton to protect your computer security. Actually, this infection is usually bundled within some free applications and malicious torrents which may help the virus escape from the detection of the Security program. At the time you are downloading and installing something unfamiliar stuff onto your system, this virus may get the chance to permeate your computer. With the help you of third party program, this virus may get into your system more easily. This is why you may not have any notice and knowledge of the coming of this infection.

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Published by on May 18, 2015 8:06 am

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